Step-by-step instructions for spring work


Spring is a hot season for gardeners. In early spring, you need to take care of the health of trees, flowers, the condition of the plot and the future harvest.

It is very important to carry out all agricultural activities on time.

The list of main works in the spring by days and months for 2019

All work must be carried out taking into account the climatic conditions of the region, focusing on the lunar calendar of the gardener.

They should not be carried out, especially those associated with water and spraying, in cloudy, cold weather below +5 ° C.


  • Pruning, top dressing on snow (ash), prevention from diseases and pests of fruit trees and shrubs (3-4), conifers (15-16, if the snow has melted). We update whitewash (13-14, 23-24, in sunny weather).
  • Digging, closing up fertilizers, disinfection of greenhouses and hotbeds (5-16, 21-22, 25-27).
  • We suspend new birdhouses (17-18).
  • In sunny weather, aeration of plants under winter shelter (25-27).
  • Sowing in a greenhouse, with additional cover with lutrasil, early white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, phlox, snapdragon, Chinese cloves (10-12, 15-16), radish, salad carrot varieties, small onions on greens (28-29).
  • Exposure of seed potatoes to light for germination (30-31, the first days of April 1-3).


  • Site cleaning (2-3, 13-15, 29-30).
  • Compost collection from plant residues (1-3, 13-15, 29-30).
  • Fertilizing beds for digging (4-6, 18-19).
  • Getting birch sap (4-6).
  • Tidying up the garden tool, placing barrels of water in the sun (2-3, 9-10, 13-15, 29-30).
  • Preparation of beds (9-10, 18-21).
  • Planting coniferous and fruit seedlings (11-12).
  • Continued pruning of trees, shrubs (11-15), as well as grafting and planting (16-17).
  • Sowing seedlings in a greenhouse with additional cover with lutrasil of marigolds, Chinese asters, early ripe tomatoes, late cabbage, basil, dill, leaf lettuce (7-9), morning glory (11-12), cucumbers, decorative cabbage, zinnia, amaranth, squash , pumpkin, zucchini (16-17).
  • Sowing in open ground leaf parsley (11-12, 16-17), anise, savory, caraway seeds, carvel, watercress, mint, monarda, marjoram, dill, leaf mustard (16-17, 20-21), root parsley black onion (20-21, 24-26).
  • Collection and harvesting of young nettle leaves (19, 27-30).
  • Cleaning winter shelters from heat-loving plants (22-23).
  • Removing the first weeds (in sunny weather).
  • Propagation of shrubs by layering (22-23).
  • In warm regions or in the middle lane for food in open ground, planting carrots, turnips, onion sets (20-21, 24-26), potatoes, beets, radishes, root celery seedlings (24-26), planting onion seedlings , (27-28).
  • Planting dahlias in the southern regions or with shelter (24-26).
  • Putting in order, cultivating and top dressing garden strawberries (24-26).


May 1 works similar to April 30.

  • Prevention from diseases, pests (2-3, 20, 28).
  • Cleaning dry foliage in compost, branches, garden paths, decorating flower beds, uprooting old stumps, painting fences and other garden structures (2-5, 12).
  • Repair and manufacturing of supports for creeping plants (4-5).
  • Continued updating of garden tools (4-5).
  • Collection and harvesting of sorrel (8, 28).
  • Mulching of tree trunks (8).
  • Digging land with old manure and compost (8).
  • Planting and transplanting of herbaceous plants (10).
  • Continuation of care for wild strawberries (10, 28).
  • Open ground - planting cabbage seedlings (cover with balloons from under the water): early, broccoli, colored; sowing dill and other herbs, peas (10, 13, 16). For seedlings - zucchini, squash, pumpkins (13.16). Greenhouse - the location of seedlings of late ripe tomatoes (10, 13, 16), mid-season tomatoes, eggplant, peppers (13, 16). Under the film: seedlings of cucumbers (16).
  • Between the beds with strawberries, onions and garlic planting marigold, marigolds (10).
  • Transplantation and planting of perennials, shrubs and trees (14, 16)
  • Watering and top dressing with organic matter, application of mineral fertilizers (10, 14, 23, 28, 31), between the trees - peat, in flower beds, strawberries - ash and compost with cultivation (18, 23).
  • We clean garden ponds (18, 28).
  • Planting dahlias, beets, potatoes, onion sets for long-term storage, spring garlic. Transplanting perennial onions (23).
  • Thinning seedlings of plants (28), hilling seedlings of cabbage (31).
  • Lawn aeration (31).


Watch the video: Spring Framework Tutorial. Spring Tutorial For Beginners With Examples. Java Framework. Edureka (October 2024).