Cio-Cio-san: a fine variety of small-fruited tomatoes


It is becoming increasingly difficult to choose a tomato variety for planting: their number is truly huge. It is necessary to prepare a salad and spin it for the winter, just eat your fill for the summer ... Fortunately, there are varieties and hybrids of universal purpose, the fruits of which are beautiful in any form. One of them is the not-so-new Chio-Cio-san hybrid.

Description of tomato variety Chio-Cio-san

The F1 hybrid Chio-Cio-san became known almost 20 years ago, and in 1999 was registered with the State Register of the Russian Federation. Its main purpose, according to an official document, is to satisfy the needs of small farms, amateur gardeners, summer residents in all regions of our country, since it is recommended to cultivate a hybrid in protected ground. Of course, in warm regions it will grow well without a greenhouse, but even in simple film shelters it gives a significantly larger crop, which practically does not depend on the weather conditions "overboard".

The authorship of the hybrid belongs to the well-known company "Gavrish", the idea when it was developed, apparently, was in the universality of application and cultivation. In principle, this is how it turned out: this tomato is known throughout our country, as well as in neighboring Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova.

Despite the recommendation to use fresh fruits, they are also successfully harvested for the winter, because the tomatoes are not only tasty and beautiful, but also fit well in standard glass jars, where, provided they are properly preserved, they do not crack and look very appetizing.

Chio-Cio-san is considered a medium-ripening tomato: the first fruits are ready to harvest about 4 months after sowing seeds in boxes for growing seedlings. It is seedling cultivation that is practiced in almost any region, although in the south this tomato can be planted in a greenhouse directly by seeds. This is a typical representative of indeterminate varieties, that is, the growth of the bush is not limited by anything: give it freedom, it will grow without stopping. In reality, if you do not pinch the top, the bush grows to 2.5 meters, therefore, of course, requires the formation and timely tying.

Chio-Cio-san tomato bushes are very tall, they are often tied directly to the ceiling and all unnecessary twigs are removed

The leaves of Chio-Cio-san are of normal size, dark green in color, slightly corrugated. The first flower (and it is also fruit) brush appears above the 9th leaf, and then after each subsequent 3 sheets new ones are formed. The fruits are glossy, egg-shaped, small: their mass is only about 40 g. The main color of the ripe tomato is pink, it contains 2-3 seed nests with a small amount of small seeds, the skin is thick and dense. Since the number of fruits on the bush is huge, the total yield of the variety is high, reaching 8 kg / m2, but cases of obtaining up to 6 kg from each bush are also described. At the same time, the yield of the harvest is quite friendly: most of the fruits ripen almost simultaneously.

The taste of tomatoes is rated as excellent, sweet, and this applies to fresh fruits and canned. Juice made from them is also remarkable, but its yield is relatively small, therefore this tomato cannot be considered the best choice for the preparation of juices, pastes, sauces. The variety is often called a dessert, but the aroma of the fruit is weak. Harvest is characterized by good transportability and shelf life, which, undoubtedly, is in the hands of farmers who produce garden products for commercial purposes.

The variety is considered drought-and disease-resistant, tolerates extreme heat, is not critical to partial shade, but it cannot boast of extreme resistance to severe cold, like most varieties of tomatoes. Do not leave the ripened fruits on the bushes: when overripe, the risk of cracking them is great.

Video: characteristic of tomato Chio-Cio-san

Appearance of Tomatoes

Some tomatoes of Chio-Chio-san look, perhaps, not very impressive: after all, they are small, although they are beautiful in color. But when there are a lot of them, the fruits give the impression of a certain wealth: I would have eaten everything, but I can hardly!

I can’t believe it the first time you hear about 40-50 tomatoes in a brush, but it's true!

The bush covered with tomatoes looks impressive. There are so many of them that it is sometimes difficult to make out among them leaves and stems. In addition, almost all fruits begin to stain at the same time.

It seems that the leaves on this bush are no longer needed: at least the tomatoes leave no room for them

Advantages and disadvantages, differences from other varieties

The virtues of the Chio-Cio-san hybrid stem from its description. The main ones can be reduced to just a few, but shock phrases:

  • high productivity combined with friendly ripening of the crop;
  • great taste;
  • universality of use;
  • good storage and transportability;
  • high immunity to diseases.

Relative disadvantages include the fact that you have to constantly monitor the bushes. This is not to say that the hybrid requires special care: no, it is rather unpretentious, but without the formation of a bush, the yield will noticeably decrease, without a garter, it will lie on the ground, and fruits not picked up in time can crack on the branches.

The features of the hybrid that distinguish it from many others are that the number of small tasty fruits that ripen at the same time on the bushes is truly large. At the same time, their number allows you to eat plenty of fresh tomatoes, and prepare them for the winter. Of course, we can say that there are many similar varieties, and this will be true. After all, breeders have bred more than one hundred varieties and hybrids, and many of them differ little from each other.

So, the fruits of the famous tomato De Barao pink are somewhat similar to Cio-Cio-san, but they ripen later and are slightly larger. Pink Flamingo is beautiful, but its fruits are twice as large. There are many varieties of pink tomatoes for salad purposes (Pink Honey, Pink Giant, etc.), but you can’t put them in a jar ... Each variety has its own purpose and its admirers.

Pink flamingos also grow in clusters, but this is a larger tomato

Features of planting and growing

There are not many varieties of tomatoes whose agricultural technology is very different from others. So with the hybrid Cio-Cio-san under consideration: nothing unusual in its planting and caring for the bushes is noted. This is a usual indeterminate hybrid of medium maturity: in these words one must look for all the features of its growing.


Growing tomato Chio-Cio-san begins with sowing seeds for seedlings. Since this hybrid is mainly planted in greenhouses, you should be guided by the fact that even in an unheated film greenhouse you can plant seedlings no later than mid-May (this is for the middle lane), which means that sowing seeds in boxes is possible in mid-March: seedlings must live at home no more than two months. For more northern regions or for open ground, the timing of sowing seeds will move by a couple of weeks, by the end of the month.

Growing seedlings is an event that not a single summer resident can do without, and in the case of tomatoes it is not too difficult: at least you do not need to especially care about the temperature, just the usual climate of a city apartment for tomato seedlings. Only immediately after the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to send the boxes to a relatively cold place for several days. The whole process consists of the following steps:

  1. Seed preparation (it consists of calibration, disinfection, hardening).

    As soon as tails appear on the soaked seeds, they are sent for 2-3 days in a wet rag to the refrigerator

  2. Soil preparation (air- and water-permeable soil mixture). The best composition is sod land, mixed evenly with humus and peat, wood ash is added to the mixture (a glass on a bucket of soil).

    The easiest way to buy the soil mixture is in the store.

  3. Sowing seeds in a small container, with a soil layer thickness of 5 cm, with distances of 2-3 cm from one another.

    Any available container and even an unnecessary food box are suitable for sowing seeds.

  4. Maintaining the required temperature: until the first shoots appear - about 25 aboutC, then (for 4-5 days) no more than 18 aboutC, and then room temperature is maintained. Illumination for the entire period of growing tomato seedlings should be high.

    When growing seedlings, you can’t use incandescent lamps: it’s better to choose phytolamps, but you can also use ordinary luminescent

  5. Picking 10-12-day-old seedlings in individual cups or in a large box, with a distance of 7 cm between the bushes.

    When diving, plants are buried compared to how they grew earlier

  6. Periodic moderate watering and, in addition to them, 1-2 fertilizing with any full mineral fertilizer.

    When growing seedlings it is convenient to use special fertilizers

  7. Hardening: it begins 7-10 days before they are going to transplant seedlings in the garden or greenhouse.

Good seedlings before planting in a greenhouse should be 25-30 cm tall, and most importantly - have a thick stem. A bed in a greenhouse is prepared in advance; perhaps in the fall even have to change the soil, especially in the case of diseases. The bed is well seasoned with fertilizers, especially phosphorus. In the spring it is leveled and, if they want to plant seedlings early, they also warm the garden (they pour it with hot water and cover it with a film).

Wells are prepared immediately before planting tomato seedlings: they dig a hole of the required size with a scoop, add half a glass of ash and a tablespoon of azofoska as local fertilizer, mix it well with the ground and pour it with warm water. Planting schemes are used differently, but even in the greenhouse Chio-Cio-san planted sparsely: the minimum distance between the bushes is 45 cm, or better - up to 60 cm. Between the rows - a little more. If there is room, they generally plant only two bushes per square meter.

Preservation of an earthen coma during transplantation is the main guarantee of good survival of seedlings

Immediately adapt the stakes for tying or, if it is more convenient, equip a common trellis. Planted seedlings are carefully watered, the soil between the bushes is mulched and for a week and a half they do nothing with planting.


In general, all steps for caring for a tomato Chio-Cio-san are standard: watering, loosening, weeding, several dressings, as well as the formation of a bush, its binding to supports, pest control. It is better to water in the evening, when the water managed to warm in the tanks with the rays of the sun. Tomatoes should not be transfused, but it is also impossible to allow strong drying of the soil. In greenhouses, it is especially dangerous to maintain high humidity, so a balance is needed between the number of irrigations and the ventilation of the greenhouse. Plants especially need water during flowering and fruit loading, and as they ripen, watering is greatly reduced.

While the condition of the bushes allows, after watering, they try to loosen the soil, while removing weeds. Tomatoes are fed regardless of the state of the soil: refueling with fertilizers for the whole summer is still not enough. The first top dressing is carried out 2-3 weeks after transplanting, and then it is repeated 3-4 more times per season. You can use any fertilizer, but with the beginning of fruit ripening, it is better not to add nitrogen: superphosphate and ash are enough.

If the bushes are planted spaciously, they are usually formed, according to the developed schemes, into two or three stems, using the lower strong stepsons as additional trunks. The remaining stepchildren periodically break out, while they are only a few centimeters in length. With a tight fit, one-stem formation is used. Pinch the growth point when the bush reaches the height desired by the gardener, but usually when it reaches the ceiling of the greenhouse. Over time, excess leaves are also torn off, starting with the lower ones: by the time the first fruits ripen, they usually leave almost no leaves under them.

Whichever pattern bushes are formed, their tying is absolutely necessary

Chio-Cio-san has to be tied several times during the season: first the stems, and then the individual fruit brushes. This must be done very carefully: the stems of this tomato are quite fragile, and the fruits are not very firmly held on the branches. If by the time the fruits ripen, they are heavily covered by leaves, then part of the covering foliage is also removed.

This tomato almost does not suffer from late blight and other dangerous diseases, so he does not even need preventive treatment for diseases. But the pests manage to fly and crawl even into the greenhouse: these are spider mites, whiteflies, nematodes. A thorough disinfection of the soil almost guarantees the absence of the latter, but ticks and whiteflies sometimes have to be fought. Only in extreme cases, chemicals are used for this: most harmful insects and butterflies are quite reliably destroyed by folk remedies: infusions of garlic or onion husks, wood ash, tobacco dust.

It is impossible to delay the harvest of tomatoes: it is better to remove slightly unripe fruits (they will mature well at home) than to leave overripe on the bushes: this hybrid is prone to cracking. At low temperature (about 10-15 aboutC) tomatoes are stored for a week and a half, and in the cellar - much longer.

Video: Chio-Cio-san tomato harvest

Reviews about the variety Chio-Cio-san

And I really liked this variety! Yummy! Tomatoes are sweet-sweet like candy. And very, very much! I didn’t get sick. I will definitely plant next year. Probably, he is well with us in the Krasnodar Territory!



I liked Cio-chio-san, there are better tomatoes to taste, but this one is not bad either. Only now, a little ripe if he, when you tear off the stem, then crack, does not lie for long.



I also planted Cio-chio-san this year. The impression is twofold. I liked the taste, color, size. There were up to 40 tomatoes in the brush. Confuses the height of the bushes - grown in exhaust gas up to 2 meters. Stepson removed regularly, but he managed to build them in large numbers. In general, in August it was a huge shaggy stuffed animal hiding the brushes of tomatoes somewhere in the thicket.


// % D0% BD / page-2 /

This year I grew Chio-Cio-san, I liked it very much, I led a beautiful plant into one stem, you can even use it for landscape design, in the Japanese style, late blight was not noticed, it grew in September, but on the leaves, of course, by the end of the season any spotting appeared, they had to be removed later, as with all other varieties. In the pickle - they tried - good, still several fresh red tomatoes have been preserved. I concluded that in my conditions you need to leave three brushes, then most of the fruits on the bush will ripen. Harvest.


// % D0% BD / page-2 /

I want to share with you the experience of growing incredibly delicious tomatoes of the Cio-Cio-San variety. This is my favorite variety. It seems to me that this is the best variety for growing in summer conditions. The variety is very tall, which I like. In my greenhouse all the plants are not less than 2.5 meters. A distinctive feature of this variety are very branched brushes, on which up to 70 or more tomatoes develop well and ripen. The fruits are small in size, plum-shaped, the color is pink. And the taste? ))) ... They just taste great, they are very sweet and juicy.



Chio-Cio-san is one of the most popular tomato hybrids, characterized by high yields of small but tasty pink fruits. It is best to grow them in greenhouses: there, and higher yields, and easier care.Although caring for this hybrid is not particularly difficult, it can therefore be recommended for any gardener.


Watch the video: Madam Butterfly Cio Cio San - Giacomo Puccini (October 2024).