Why do geraniums turn red leaves - causes and treatment


Geranium is often grown on the windowsill in almost every home. The flower takes root very quickly and can grow in the garden. If the rules of care are not followed, the plant is often exposed to diseases and can dry out. Therefore, you need to know why geranium leaves turn red and how to deal with such a problem.

The main causes of redness of leaves in room geranium along the edges, spots or bottom

The reasons why geranium leaves turn red may be due to various factors.

Root rot caused by excessive watering

Improper watering and excessive moisture can cause root rot. This disease in a short time can lead to wilting of a geranium bush. The first symptoms appear as red stripes on the leaves at the edges, after complete infection the foliage acquires a dark red color.

Mistakes when caring for geraniums

Important! To reduce the risk of rot, it is necessary to add sand to the soil so that the water does not stagnate during irrigation.

Excess Sunlight

Often, geraniums turn red leaves if the place for a flower is strongly illuminated by the sun. Exposure to sunlight can destroy the structure of the leaves and cause burns. The plant does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen, resulting in red spots.

The negative impact of sunlight on the culture

Lack of nutrients

Another reason for the redness of the leaves in pelargonium may be a lack of certain substances in the soil:

  • Nitrogen - is necessary to increase green mass. With a lack of substance, young leaves do not grow, and the lower parts of the bush begin to feel oxygen deficiency. As a result, red spots appear on the leaves below.
  • Zinc is important for the growth of young shoots. The lack of substance leads to the appearance of pink stripes and deformation of the leaf.
  • Phosphorus - necessary for the formation of buds. With a lack of element, the leaves and shoots of the flower turn red.

Nutrient deficiency

Lack of nutrients can not only reduce plant growth, but also lead to weakness and lack of young shoots.

Note! With nitrogen starvation, small spots appear on the plant, which can be seen on the back of the leaf.

A large number of dressings

Excessive amount of fertilizer can harm the indoor flower in a short time. The plant weakens, the lower leaves may turn yellow or become covered with red or brown spots. In winter, geraniums are at rest; in spring, fertilizer application must be increased to quickly gain green mass.

Diseases and Pests

Another common reason why red leaves appear in geraniums are viral diseases. The causes of diseases can be the lack of necessary care and fungal infections that arise as a result of improperly selected soil.

The defeat of geranium diseases

The plant also weakens when attacked by pests such as aphids or spider mites. Insects most often feed on plant sap and reduce the amount of oxygen in the leaves. This leads to yellow and red spots.

On the street at the geranium leaves turned red, why is this happening

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Garden crops are not protected from exposure to low temperatures. With frequent watering, the flower can negatively tolerate excess moisture, which is expressed in the form of fungal diseases. A plant is covered with red foliage if it is planted in open areas that in the daytime are not protected from direct sunlight.

Problems growing garden geraniums

Important! So that the leaves do not blush, the plant must be placed in a room on the windowsill.

What to do to save geranium with red leaves

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To prevent plant death, it is important to take the necessary measures in a timely manner. Ways to eliminate red foliage on the pelargonium bushes depend on the cause of the problem.

Transplant flower

This method is used in cases where the plant is excessively watered. When the root system is infected with rot, reducing the intensity of irrigation is not enough, it is necessary to transplant the bush into new soil. Before this, you need to carefully inspect the roots, carefully cut off the affected areas and sprinkle with charcoal.

Transplanting a plant into a new pot

Algorithm of actions when transplanting a bush:

  • Prepare the pot, carefully inspect the root system. If the roots entangled all the soil in an old pot, geranium requires a more spacious container.
  • Place drainage of coarse sand or gravel at the bottom of the pot.
  • Pour the nutrient mixture. It can be store-bought or cooked on its own. In the second case, 2 parts of deciduous land, 2 parts of humus and 1 part of fine sand should be mixed.
  • Half fill the pot with soil and carefully place the geranium bush. Sprinkle with nutritious mixture and tamp a little.

After transplanting, it is necessary to carefully water the culture and put it on the windowsill.

Note! It is necessary to transplant the plant in the spring. In winter, geraniums are difficult to adapt to a new place for growth.

Correct care errors

To prevent the appearance of red leaves, you should carefully review the care of the bush. Indoor flower should be watered every 3-5 days. It is also important to ensure that the plant is not exposed to drafts and sharp drops in temperature.

Prevention of the appearance of red leaves in geraniums

Why geranium does not bloom - fertilizers for geraniums

In order for pelargonium to bloom and not be affected by diseases, it is important to take preventative methods:

  • timely replant and fertilize;
  • prevent frequent watering;
  • in the spring, after the beginning of the growth of the culture, it is necessary to remove the damaged areas and pinch the bushes.

It is important to use anti-pest drugs on time. Most often, the first symptoms of their appearance are hidden on the back of the leaves, so it is important to regularly inspect the flower.

Red Leaf Prevention


Geranium is often grown on window sills, as the plant can purify indoor air and is characterized by unpretentious care. However, red leaves may form on the bushes. The reasons are various factors, including disease. To prevent problems, it is important to carefully monitor the plant and follow the rules for caring for the flower.


Watch the video: Why Are My Geranium Leaves Turning Red? (October 2024).