Asparagus Sprenger - home care


Asparagus Sprenger is an ornamental plant that is in great demand among gardeners. Unusual appearance and easy care are the main criteria that speak in favor of a flower.

What does the asparagus of Sprenger look like, to which family

According to the generally accepted classification, asparagus is part of the Asparagus plant family. It is an evergreen perennial and is represented by a large number of species - there are about 300 in total. Among the most popular varieties that are well suited for indoor use, Sprenger asparagus is called. Other names for this flower are asparagus densiflora, or densely flowered.

Asparagus densely flowered sprengeri

The plant consists of several long flexible stems forming a bush. The stems can reach a length of 1.5 m. They are thin, so they tend to the ground. Due to this feature, densiflora is often used as an ampel cascade plant.

Asparagus sprengery has branches covered with small cladodes, the size of which does not exceed 2.5 cm. Cladodes are small narrow leaves that resemble conifer needles in appearance, which gives the plant an openwork airy appearance.

During flowering, the branches are covered with plentiful small flowers, in the place of which red berries then form. In each one seed ripens.

Important! Berries contain toxic substances, so they should absolutely not be tasted.

Asparagus Sprenger (berries)

Common varieties

In addition to the densely flowered asparagus, there are several more representatives of this species:

  1. Pinnate. It is characterized by a stalk length of up to 1 m. The branches are covered with small needle-shaped leaves, which makes them look like spruce.
  2. Mayer. A large bush that can grow several meters wide. The branches are covered with a large number of cladonia, so they seem fluffy. For its appearance, the plant is often called the fox tail.
  3. Crescent. A small shrub with branches, which with good care can reach 4 m in length. Sickle asparagus has large oblong leaves resembling a sickle.

Healing properties

Some types of asparagus are used in folk medicine. They affect the body in several ways:

  • relieve pain;
  • purify the blood;
  • have a light diuretic effect;
  • dilate blood vessels;
  • soothe.

Briefly about the history of the appearance

Cirrus asparagus - home care

The birthplace of this plant is called Africa, but many species have gradually spread throughout the world (including the variety of densiflora).

Features of home care

Asparagus survives well at home. If you follow simple recommendations, the bush gives a large amount of greenery and often blooms.


Asparagus Meyer - Home Care

The plant is thermophilic, but intense heat is undesirable for it. Best flower grows at a temperature of + 18 ... +24 ℃. Shrubs are not recommended to be placed close to heating appliances and on drafts. Both that, and another will negatively affect the appearance of densiflora.


For the active growth and flowering of this plant, light is extremely important, but direct sunlight causes burns. Asparagus is best placed on the windowsill if the room faces east or northeast. If the side is south, then the flowerpot is cleaned away from the window.


Dense asparagus is demanding for watering. In the summer, it must be regularly watered with water at room temperature. If there is heat and humidity is low, then watering can be repeated every day. The soil in the flowerpot should always be moist.

Additional Information! Water remaining in the pan after irrigation must be removed.


During the hot season, to maintain a good microclimate, the plant should be sprayed twice a day. It is necessary to ensure that the water is not cold.


There are no special requirements for this indicator. It is enough to maintain normal humidity in the room. If the flower is next to a radiator or other heating device, a container with wet stones is placed next to it.


Sprenger asparagus is best suited at home for loose soil with neutral acidity. When using shop soil, choose one that is intended for decorative deciduous plants.

With the independent preparation of the earth, several components are mixed in equal amounts: peat, leaf and turf land. A little river sand is added to this composition.

Top dressing

Fertilize the soil during the period of flower growth 2 times a month. As a top dressing, universal mineral formulations developed for indoor plants are used.

Features of winter care, rest period

Asparagus - home care and reproduction

In autumn and winter, flower care requires correction. It is necessary to water the plant no more than 1 time per week, it is better to completely refuse top dressing.

When and how it blooms

In the apartment, the asparagus of Sprenger blooms often and plentifully, it is enough to provide him with good care.

Asparagus blooms

Types of flowers

Flowers that appear on branches can be either male or female. The flowers are small, painted in a milky-peach color.

Flower shapes

Small flowers are not located on branches on a single basis - they are collected in axillary inflorescences of panicle type.

Flowering period

The flowering period lasts a long time. The first inflorescences appear already in late spring or early summer. Flowering usually ends in the autumn season.


Pruning of asparagus is carried out for several purposes:

  • eliminate damaged diseased branches;
  • make the bush thicker.

The peculiarity of this flower is that the cut branches will no longer grow in length. In this case, the growth of sleeping buds at the base of the bush is activated.

How does the asparagus of Sprenger breed

There are three ways to plant an asparagus of Sprenger:

  1. Separation of a part of the rhizome with active kidneys.
  2. The seeds.
  3. Cuttings.

Seed germination

For propagation by seeds, purchased grains or berries, plucked from an already mature bush, are suitable. Before planting, the seed is strengthened by soaking in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Landing is carried out in this way:

  1. Seeds are planted in the prepared moist soil (the distance between them is about 3 cm).
  2. Close the box with foil. This will help to maintain the same temperature at all times.
  3. Periodically, the greenhouse is ventilated and sprayed with water.

Shoots will appear after 18-25 days.

Rhizome division

Perform the division as follows:

  1. From the mother bush, a part of the rhizome is separated, on which there must be several buds and shoots.
  2. Each individual piece of rhizome is planted in prepared and pre-moistened soil.

Reproduction of asparagus by rhizome


To plant a flower in this way, perform several steps:

  1. In early spring, shoots are cut from the bush. The length of the cuttings should reach 15-20 cm.
  2. Layers are added to wet sand. To preserve heat and moisture, the container is covered with a film and periodically ventilated.
  3. After the appearance of the roots, the cuttings are planted in flowerpots.


When transplanting, several actions are performed:

  1. They take the plant out of the pot along with a lump of earth.
  2. Inspect the root system. If damage or rot is found, part of the rhizome will need to be removed.
  3. The bush is placed in a new, more spacious pot, filled with soil.
  4. The earth is slightly tamped and moistened.

Possible problems in growing and disease

Asparagus Spregneri can lose its attractive appearance for several reasons:

  • improper care;
  • diseases of ornamental plants;
  • damage by insect pests.

Discards buds and leaves

If cladodes and flowers dry and begin to crumble, you should pay attention to the peculiarities of growing Asparagus Sprenger and leaving at home. Often a plant loses leaves due to a lack of light, severe drought or drafts.

Leaves turn pale

Discoloration of shoots usually occurs due to excessive watering or lack of nutrients in the soil.

Lower leaves fall off

If the lower leaves began to fall, the cause may be fungal diseases. In this case, the bush should be treated with an antifungal composition, for example, Diskorm or Gamair.


Asparagus densely flowered Sprenger is often affected by such insects:

  • scale shield;
  • mushroom mosquito;
  • aphid;
  • spider mite;
  • worms;
  • trip.

Additional Information! To control pests, the plant is recommended to be treated with insecticides.

Asparagus densiflora is an ornamental plant with an unusual appearance. It can be grown both in the house and on the street. In the latter case, it is taken to heat for the winter. This African flower is easy to care for, it lends itself well to reproduction. For this reason, it is recommended for beginner gardeners.


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