Sinadenium grant: home care and main varieties


Grant's synadenium is a beautiful plant that is easy to care for. It stands out against the background of other ornamental plants by the brightness of the foliage. The flower is not as famous as other succulents, but representatives of this species boast a variety of appearance. Grant's synadenium can be a small bush on the windowsill and a huge tree with a ceiling height.

This plant is native to the tropics, evergreen. Also the common name that the synadenium bears is the tree of love. Why is this plant called? It is not known exactly, but often it is associated with the shape of the flowers and their color. They are a bit like roses, dark red, burgundy colors have been associated with love for centuries.

Grant's synadenium in the room

The plant is quite large, with a height of up to 3 meters. Euphorbia can grow by 25 centimeters per year. It has very powerful roots reaching the depths of the earth. The branches occasionally appear rare lateral thickened processes. The stems themselves are smooth. This structure allows you to save moisture during intense tropical heat.

Sinadenium Rubra

An interesting feature of the Grant Rubra's synadenium is the presence of purple spots on leaves, which also have irregular outlines. At a young age, the plant is completely pink. Flowering occurs in winter and is a "shooting" of peduncles with corymbose inflorescences.

Sinadenium Rubra is different in color

The fruits of the plant are similar to a box with three compartments, in which there are black seeds.

Interesting. The variety got this name because it has beautiful red leaves.


Grant's synadenium is a species that has burgundy leaf plates. There may also be varieties with green or brown tones of the leaves. Flowers can also be burgundy.


The genus of synadenium has 20 species, but only the grant and its varieties can be grown at home. All representatives of this species grow very intensively. Therefore, it is often necessary to cut the synadenium.

Araucaria: home care and main varieties

The rules of care for all succulents that are members of the Euphorbia family are similar.


Euphorbia synadenium - succulent. This is a class of plants that can accumulate moisture within itself. Therefore, excess water can only harm him.

Unpretentious plant and the level of humidity in the room. It quickly adapts to a dry microclimate and does not require spraying. But it is recommended from time to time to expose the plant to a shower in order to wash off the dust from it.

Earth mixture

The plant receives particular benefit from fertilizer. Then the bush will look much more attractive. It must be fertilized from spring to autumn inclusive. Due to the fact that the plant "hibernates" in winter, there is no need to introduce feed.

Sinadenium loves loose, but nutrient-rich soil. Therefore, it is recommended to supply it with compost, black peat.

Grant's synadenium is unpretentious to growing conditions

You can use universal and organic fertilizers. There is no need to feed this succulent often. It is enough to introduce feed every 2 weeks, without violating the dosage.

Important! To loosen the earth, you can use sand, charcoal or specialized mixtures. It is not recommended to buy soil for cacti, because it is too loose for milkweed.


The optimal temperature regime of the plant is 22-26 degrees heat. The synadenium quickly adapts to other conditions, but if the air cools to +10 degrees, the roots can die out.

In summer, it is best to keep the shrubbery on a glazed and well-ventilated balcony.


The plant does not require frequent watering. In summer, wait until the topsoil dries. In winter, you can wait until half the soil dries. In caring for this plant, the main rule is that it is better not to water than to water too much. This should be done only if there is a real need.


Like any other plant, synadenium needs diffused light. If it is not enough, the succulent will lose its decorative properties. If an insufficient amount of light enters the room, it is recommended to place the bush in a cooler room in order to slow down the growth of the plant. So you can save its decorative properties in low light conditions.

Cropping Features

The synadenium grows rapidly, so it is recommended to cut it every year. This will also allow you to create the desired shape of the bush. Pruning is done in spring. First of all, you need to cut off strongly elongated and bare shoots.

The synadenium is trimmed with a sharp knife or pruner. Branches are clipped at leaf level. After the procedure is completed, milk appears at the cut-off point, the selection of which should be stopped using charcoal or activated carbon.

Important! Pruning is also used for greater branching of the bush. It is necessary to cut off the apical growth points at the edges of the shoots. Thus, growth in the lateral kidneys is stimulated, but the appearance will not be affected.

Plant transplant

Succulents are transplanted almost every year due to its rapid growth. Sinadenium can be grown in a pot of any shape and size. The optimal time for a transplant is March-April. In this case, immediately after pruning, you can plant the plant in new soil. The root system can easily withstand such a procedure.

Dizigoteka: home care and main varieties

There are two main methods of propagation: stem cuttings and using seeds.

Stem cuttings

This is actually the only method of reproduction, since the plant almost does not bloom at home. The cuttings obtained after trimming can be easily forced to take root in the water. It is recommended to plant several cuttings at once in one pot. Then you can achieve more decorative.

Even with only one cuttings, regular branching can achieve good branching; after further pruning, plants can be planted with new ones.

Grant's synadenium blooms


Another way to propagate synadenium is to divide the bush during transplantation. In this case, you get two large plants.


Seeds are in a special box. In practice, this method is almost not implemented. At home, it is very difficult to create conditions favorable for the reproduction of this shrub, especially considering that it is adapted for the subtropical and tropical climate.

Nerter: home care and basic varieties

Sinadenium flowers are poisonous, its juice can cause serious poisoning and allergic reactions. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the plant away from children and animals, and for safety it is better to prun, transplant and reproduce the synadenium in gloves.

Sinadenium flowers are toxic


Grant's synadenium is a wonderful plant that can be grown indoors. It is unpretentious in leaving, but from time to time it is necessary to substitute it under a shower to wash away dust, and to fertilize the soil. This should not be done as often as with other plants.


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