Crossandra: features, types and varieties, care


Crossandra is a plant belonging to the Acanthus family. Distribution area - Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Congo, India.

Appearance and features of Crossandra

Shrub or shrub plant, highly branched. In nature, grows up to 1 m, with home cultivation - up to 50 cm. The shoots are erect, have a rich green smooth bark, which becomes brown as the flower grows.

Evergreen foliage attached to the trunk on elongated densified petioles. Placed opposite, in pairs. Form - ovoid or heart-shaped. The surface is shiny, dark green. They grow in length from 3 to 9 cm. Occasionally, colorful foliage is present on foliage along the veins.

Thickened inflorescences in the form of a spikelet, color - orange. The buds are tubular, have delicate and soft petals. In place of flowers, seed boxes are formed that open when wet.

The rest period lasts from October to the end of February. At this time, crossander requires good lighting and humidified air.

In the southern regions it can bloom throughout the year, but in the northern regions wintering is considered mandatory, otherwise there may be problems with flowering. In cold weather, it does not lose its decorative appearance due to the presence of dark shiny foliage.

Varieties and varieties of crossandra

For indoor cultivation, several varieties of crossandra are suitable:

NileHomeland - Africa. Shrub grows to 60 cm.Slightly pubescent, dark green.They have 5 petals fused at the base. Color - from brick to red-orange.
PricklyAfrican shrub, reaching a height of 50 cm. On the bracts there are small soft spines.Large (up to 12 cm long) along the veins have a silver color pattern.Yellow-orange.
GuineanThe most miniature species, grows up to 30 cm.Heart-shaped, dark green.Pale purple color. Inflorescences in the form of spikelets.
Blue (Ice Blue)Reaches 50 cm.Color - light green.Light blue.
Green iceA rare species found only in Africa.Heart-shaped.Turquoise.
FunnelIn nature, grows up to 1 m, with indoor cultivation - about 70 cm.Dark green, slightly pubescent.The diameter of the buds is about 3 cm, funnel-shaped. Colors are fiery.
Funnel Crossandra Varieties
Mona wallhedOne of the oldest varieties, was created by breeders from Switzerland, contributed to the start of flower cultivation in room conditions. The dense bush of compact form.Saturated green.Sunny scarlet.
Orange marmaladeA relatively new variety, has the appearance of a spreading shrub.Juicy grassy hue.Orange
Nile queenIt is steady against sharp temperature differences, unpretentious in leaving.Ovoid, medium size.Terracotta red.
FortuneShrub up to 30 cm high. It has a long flowering period.Dark green.Orange-red, inflorescences reach 15 cm.
TropicA hybrid variety reaching 25 cm. Grown in room conditions and in open soil.Heart-shaped.Different shades of yellow.
Variegate (Variegated)It grows to 30-35 cm.Covered with white spots and lines.Coral

Actions After Acquiring Crossandra

If a flowering crossander was purchased, then before performing a transplant, they wait until all the inflorescences have withered. Then completely change the soil. Leave only that lump of earth that is firmly held by the root system. To stimulate flowering, the plant is often treated with harmful drugs, therefore, they perform soil replacement.

Crossander bought after a flowering period is moved to new land after 1-2 weeks. Such a waiting period is necessary for the plant to get used to the conditions, because transportation and transplantation is stress.

Crossandra Care

When leaving at home, the crossandra mainly focuses on the season of the year:

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingPlaced on any windows except the south. The lighting is soft and diffused. Move to the balcony or to the garden, as the flower loves fresh air.Cover up with a phytolamp.
Temperature+ 22 ... +27 ° С.+18 ° C.
HumidityLevel - 75-80%. Perform regular spraying, the pot is placed in a pan with moist pebbles and peat.Level - 75-80%. Continue spraying.
Watering3-4 times a week. Apply soft water. Do not allow the drying of the soil or its flooding, as the plant may die.Gradually reduce to 2 per week, and then to once.
Top dressingOnce every 2 weeks.Once a month.

Crossandra transplant and bush formation

The plant gets used to the pot for a long time, can delay the flowering period or discard the foliage, so the transplant is performed if the root system has braided all the soil and peeks from the bottom of the tank. If such manifestations are noticeable, then in the next spring the crossander is moved to a new vessel. The transplant is carried out by the transshipment method, keeping the earthen lump near the roots to the maximum.

The pot is selected 2-3 cm more than the previous one. A wide capacity is not needed, since the plant will begin to grow rhizome, then the ground part, and only then do flowers appear. In large vessels, water is retained, as a result of which there are risks of rotting the root system. The pot should have a lot of drainage holes.

Soil is selected porous, with an average level of fertility. Acidity should be neutral or slightly elevated. Often opt for universal soil and add a little crushed moss and coarse sand.

Also, the soil mixture is made independently, for this in the ratio 2: 2: 1: 1, take the following components:

  • leaf and peat soil;
  • turf land;
  • sand.

For drainage, crumb of brick, small pebbles and expanded clay are chosen.

Having prepared the soil, they perform crossandra transplantation, for this they follow the plan:

  1. The prepared soil is steamed, a new container is poured with boiling water.
  2. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pot, on top of it is a bit of earth.
  3. 2-3 days before transplanting, watering of the plant is stopped, when the soil dries, it will be easier to remove the flower from the old container.
  4. Crossandra is removed from the vessel, soil is separated from the walls with a knife or spatula, the root system is examined.
  5. Rotted and dried rhizomes are cut off; several extreme processes are cleaned of the ground.
  6. The flower is treated with a growth stimulant, Epin or Zircon is suitable.
  7. Crossandra is placed in the center of the new pot.
  8. Empty sections of the tank are filled with earth, they are compacted, trying not to touch the roots.
  9. The plant is watered and sprayed on its crown.

Crossandra breeding

This indoor flower is propagated by cuttings and seeds.

The first method is considered more popular due to its simplicity. The optimal time for rooting the shoots is March-April.

Crossandra propagated by cuttings according to the algorithm:

  1. A shoot of an adult flower is prepared, having a length of about 10 cm.
  2. They create the soil of their peat, sand, sheet and turf soil (all components are taken in equal proportions).
  3. The cuttings are placed on a substrate and wait about 3 weeks.
  4. When the plant takes root, it is transplanted into a new pot, not forgetting about the drainage system.

Crossandra is rarely propagated by seeds, since the flower is stingy with such planting material. If, however, it was decided to use this method, then strictly follow the plan:

  1. A substrate is made of both sand and peat, the components are taken in equal proportions.
  2. Seeds are sown in the soil.
  3. Provide + 23 ... +24 ° С.
  4. Spray once a week.
  5. The first sprouts occur after 2 weeks.
  6. When 4 or more leaves appear on seedlings, they are planted in separate containers.

Crossandra Care Mistakes, Diseases and Pests

Crossandra cultivation entails attacks of various pests and diseases, which is often caused by poor-quality care:

Symptoms (external manifestations on the leaves)CauseRepair methods
Twisting and falling.Low humidity, excessively bright lighting.Indoor air humidity is increased, for this the plant is sprayed and installed on a pallet with wet pebbles and peat. Shade from exposure to direct sunlight.
Yellowing.Nutrient deficiency. Rotting of the root system caused by waterlogged soil in combination with low temperature.The plant is fertilized. The root system is checked for the presence of decay, the affected areas are removed, transplanted into new soil.
Falling right after the appearance.Temperature jumps, drafts.The temperature is corrected in the room. I move the flower to a new place, protecting from the effects of drafts.
Lack of flowering.Poor lighting, poor quality care, old age.They are transported to a more illuminated place, but protected from direct rays. Perform periodic trimming and pinching. If the flower is more than 3-4 years old, then it is renewed, since the strength of flowering is associated with age.
Drying tips.Insufficient humidity.Perform regular spraying. The pot is moved to a pan with moistened peat.
Brown spotting.Burn.Shade. Stop spraying under intense light.
Fading.Excessively bright light.The plant is shaded.
Blackening of the stem.Fungus.With a minor lesion, they are treated with Topaz or Fitosporin-M. In case of strong exposure, cut a healthy stalk and renew the plant.
Powdery layering.Leaf mold.Reduce the frequency of watering. Move the flower to the street, remove the damaged foliage. Spray fungicides Fitosporin-M and Topaz.
White dots.Aphid.The foliage is treated with a soap solution. Spray with garlic or dandelion infusion. Use insecticides Aktar, Spark.
Little white insects.Whitefly
Yellowing, a thin white web is visible.Spider mite.Increase air humidity because the tick lives in a dry environment. Spray with Fosbecid and Decis.

If you notice these symptoms in a timely manner, then the problem can be eliminated and Crossander will please with a healthy appearance and long flowering.


Watch the video: How to Grow Crossandra Plant N All Care TipsWith English Subtitles (September 2024).