Ripsalis - care and reproduction at home


This Brazilian cactus is grown at home in most cases as an ampel plant. Ripsalis cassuta decorates the house not only with beautiful small flowers, but also with hanging shoots. An important feature of the plant is that it does not require complex care. What is ripsalis and how to grow it properly is described in detail in this article.

Ripsalis cassata, or ampel cactus

It is very different from other representatives of cacti. Its natural habitat is the Brazilian jungle. Ripsalis hollow grows in the jungle of Central Africa. Attention is drawn to the thin stems of countless green threads hanging from a cactus. The flower takes root well at home and is able to quickly increase its green mass.

Decorative flower

Botanical Description

Ripsalis cassuta is a representative of epiphytic plants. This means that it in the wild has virtually no connection with the soil, but receives beneficial substances from the environment. Its roots are not in the soil, but are raised above the ground. Thus, they become invulnerable to excessive rainforest moisture.

The stems of this cactus consist of several parts of a hairy, cylindrical, sometimes ribbed species. They have a bright green color. Segments are grouped into whorls. Thus, any shoot grows into several stems. The entire shoot is 65-95 cm. As it grows, it begins to hang from the pot. From where the segments are interconnected, roots appear that grow in the air.

Between the lobes or from the areoles grow small neat flowers a bit like bells. They consist of narrow small petals in several rows, between which groups of elongated stamens are visible. The color of the ripsalis flower can be varied: white, yellow or pink. Only one species is known in which it is red.

For your information! Some species have spines, but most do not.

Ripsalis shoots

Types of Ripsalis Plant

Solerolia - home care and reproduction

There are 60 types of ripsalis. Their characteristics are different among themselves.


This variety stands out among other powerful dark green shoots. Many areoles with long yellow hairs are formed on the surface of the lobes. Ripsalis pilocarp is able to bloom repeatedly throughout the year. Inflorescences of this species are inherent in yellow color. Long stamens allow the flowers to look fluffy.


In this plant, dark green shoots have a flat shape, which is reflected in its name. The length of the stems is usually 1-2 m. The segments are covered with areoles, which are slightly pubescent. Light yellow flowers grow along the side edges of the lobes. They have a weak edge.


The stalk segments of this plant have a cylindrical shape. Their diameter is 2-3 mm and their length is 5 cm. In this variety, the length of the lashes can reach 1 m.

Flowering ripsalis

The flowering period of ripsalis cassuta in the wild is from October to January. This happens in the winter months, because in the southern hemisphere they occur in the summer season.

Crossandra: home care and flower propagation

When grown in the northern hemisphere, the time of flowering ripsalis falls on the spring-summer period. At this time, the cactus needs abundant watering at room temperature.

Note! If you pollinate the flowers, small rounded berries are formed in their place. In appearance, the fruits are similar to gooseberries. They are covered with a slightly sticky pile. Fruits can be pink, white, yellow or red.

Ripsalis care at home

Fittonia - home care and reproduction

This plant does not require excessive efforts when growing. To grow ripsalis, the care is that you need to find a place for him and regularly give him a little attention.


Lighting and Watering Requirements

Ripsalis at home is suitable for diffuse, but good lighting. If there is blackout at the location, this is quite acceptable for a cactus. However, with direct intense sunlight, the flower may suffer.

The plant needs abundant watering. The time most suitable for him comes when the soil has already dried up by a third. When caring for ripsalis at home during dormancy, the flow of moisture must be limited.

Water for irrigation is recommended to insist. For plants, it is necessary that it has room temperature.

Temperature mode

Cactus grows well at 18-22 ° C. When the hot summer comes, it is recommended to take it outside. In this case, fresh air will cool the flower. Ripsalis cassata does not suffer from drafts or piercing winds, however, sudden blows of wind can damage the stems of the plant. In winter, the cactus should be at a temperature of 10-12 ° C.

Important! Ripsalis does not require moist air. Cactus is able to easily adapt to the conditions that are available at home. A flower located near a heating radiator should be sprayed regularly.

Soil characteristics

When the growing season continues, the plant needs to be fed regularly. To do this, you need to purchase fertilizer for cacti in a specialized store and make them every two weeks. To feed ripsalis, it is enough to use half the dose, which is indicated on the package.

Important! It is worth making sure that there is not a lot of nitrogen in the feed. If this is not provided, the risk of root decay will increase.

Pest and Disease Control

It is dangerous for a cactus when moisture stagnation occurs, which occurs if it is too abundantly watered. In this case, the chances of getting root rot sharply increase.

Excessive cooling may result in the death of part of the segments.

You should be wary of the attack of red ticks or scabies. To effectively combat these parasites, you can use a soap solution. When processing plants with its help, it is important to ensure that it does not fall into the soil. In such cases, you can use insecticides karbofos or actar.

Transplant Rules

Cassata ripsalis transplantation should be carried out very carefully, as it is easy to damage tangled roots or shoots of the plant. The transplant is carried out as rarely as possible, because the flower transfers it hard.

Wide and flat planters are used as a new pot. They can be suspended or floor.

Ripsalis pineal

Usually for an adult flower, a soil mixture is used, consisting in equal parts of the following components:

  • turf land;
  • deciduous humus;
  • peat;
  • sand.

The pot is lined with a thin layer of stones or shards. The roots are transferred to a new place with an earthen lump. This reduces the risk of damage during transplantation. After the procedure, watering is reduced.

Ripsalis: breeding at home

It is customary to use two methods of reproduction: seeds or cuttings. When ripsalis is grown, reproduction at home is often carried out in the second way.

Important! When using seeds, you need to consider that their germination rate is rapidly deteriorating. To use them, they need to be planted as soon as possible.

First you have to prepare a plastic container where there is peat with the addition of vermiculite. Before planting, planting material is kept in a potassium permanganate solution for several hours. When grown in this way, the soil is not used.



The mixture is covered with glass or film and placed in a warm, well-lit place. Seeds need to be taken care of, daily airing. A temperature of 23-25 ​​° C is well suited to the plant. Seedlings should be expected in two weeks. After this, the seedlings of the Ripsalis cactus are transplanted into a pot. In this case, it is allowed to plant several of them together.

To grow using cuttings, you need to cut a piece of shoot 2-3 segments long. After that, it is necessary to dry it for 2-3 hours.

Cuttings are grown in moist sand and peat soil. Rooting usually occurs within one or two weeks. Then the seedling will begin to grow actively: new segments will begin to form.

Ripsalis and Hatiora: differences

Hatiora is a plant from the genus Cactus. Its representatives externally bear a certain resemblance to ripsalis. In appearance, they can be distinguished by the way the shoots grow. In the hatori, they are erect, while in the ripsalis they hang down.



Another difference between ripsalis and hatiora is manifested in how flowers grow. The former have them along the entire length of the segment, while the latter grow only at the ends.

Ripsalis cassuta is a very original, beautiful and at the same time unusual flower. It hardly requires complicated care, but it’s worth controlling some nuances.


Watch the video: Rhipsalis baccifera Mistletoe Cactus Houseplant Care 126 of 365 (October 2024).