Hydrangea Endless Summer


Thanks to repeated flowering, hydrangea Endless summer is on the list of the most used plants for decorating summer cottages or gardens. It is also able to withstand the harsh climatic conditions that are characteristic of the northern strip of Russia.

Origin and appearance

According to popular belief, Endless Summer hydrangea was bred in 2003 in the state of Minnesota, USA. In reality, selection work began much earlier - at the end of the 20th century. It was then, in the winter of 1982, that the breeders discovered a relationship between frost and the germination of some species.

Origin and appearance

Hydrangea Macrophylla is the official name for large hydrangea. A tall species can reach up to 2-3 m in height with a maximum crown width of 100 cm. The plant is characterized by dark green elliptical leaves with a serrated structure, which can grow up to 15 cm in length.

Despite the fact that the homeland of the species is the United States, Endless summer has become widespread in Russia, which is primarily due to the unpretentiousness of the growth conditions and the presence of beautiful inflorescences.

Flowering description

Before the flowering of large-leaved hydrangea of ​​the Endless Summer species, the petals of inflorescences gather in small scutes with a diameter of 10 to 15 cm. Around the bud are large barren pink flowers, reaching no more than 2-3 cm.

Hydrangea inflorescences are characterized by a large spherical shape, which, after the opening of the main bud, increases to 20 cm in diameter. Mostly flower hats consist of light blue, pink or red flowers.

For your information! The color of the inflorescences is completely dependent on the acidity of the soil. So, a pH below 7 usually gives a blue tint to the petals, and a level above is closer to pink. This feature is explained by the presence of aluminum ionium elements, which can enter flower pigments. Due to this, adjusting the color change is quite simple.

The distinctive features of the species also include the possibility of repeated flowering on last year's shoots, which occurs due to the formation of new buds every 40-50 days. In addition, the flowers are resistant to powdery mildew.

Transplant after purchase in open ground

Hydrangea Summer Love (Summer Love) - description

Hydrangea transplantation is best done on a dry day or just before the rain. The weather should be calm when the sun does not shine very brightly. The best time to land is April-May or October.

Plant transplant

What you need for landing

Before planting hydrangea in open ground, it is necessary to carry out a number of mandatory procedures that will reduce the risk of complications. It will also help increase the survival rate of the bushes.

  • Dig through the planting area, remove all weeds and roots from other plants.
  • If possible, choose the oldest seedlings with closed roots in the nursery, which were planted in a mixture of peat, sand and sawdust.
  • Prepare a place for the bush, gradually digging the soil and adding peat, sod, sand and humus in it in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1.
  • Dig small holes with a diameter and depth of 50 cm, on the bottom of which lay gravel, crushed stone or crushed brick in order to prevent excessive moisture.
  • Abundantly fill the soil with water.

For your information! Experienced gardeners recommend adding mineral and organic fertilizers to the planted pits before planting, which contribute to a more efficient formation of flower buds.

Choosing the best place

The choice of place when planting large-leaved hydrangea varieties Endless summer plays a particularly important role. Not only the health and appearance of the shrub itself, but also the ability to survive in the cold season depend on this.

Key recommendations for selection:

  • Lighting. Since any large-leaved variety of hydrangea is light-loving, it is necessary to plant the plant in well-consecrated areas. It is also impossible to choose a territory without a shadow, since the shrub will suffer from overdrying. The ideal solution is planting in the soil near a low tree, whose shadow covers the flower for 6-8 hours a day.
  • Temperature. Large-leaf hydrangea can be planted only in warm soil. At the same time, the plant also does not tolerate heat and requires timely shelter. The most favorable temperature in the spring is considered to be 10-15 ° C.
  • Humidity. Young seedlings should be protected in advance from excessively strong winds or frosts. The plant loves well-ventilated places in which air circulates in a free flow. However, hydrangea should not be planted in a draft; planting at the fence or along the facade is the best option.
  • Priming. The plant bushes germinate well in soil with weak or moderate acidity (pH 5-5.5). It must be remembered that the soil should not be calcareous, otherwise the root system will often hurt or even die.

Since the color of the flowers depends on the level of soil acidity, you also need to pay special attention to this when choosing a place for planting. Therefore, if the inflorescences grew a different color than expected, do not need to beat the panic.

Step-by-step landing process

The next step after preparing and choosing a place is the direct planting of the plant in the already prepared soil.

Landing process

To do this, follow the step by step recommendations:

  1. To clear a trunk and root system of saplings.
  2. Place the roots in the pit, gently spreading them with your palms.
  3. Ensure that the root neck remains at the same level with the ground.
  4. Fill the roots with soil and ram the hill with your hands.
  5. Water each shrub with 18-20 liters of water.
  6. Mulch with sawdust, coniferous plants or pine bark to a height of 7-8 cm.

Note! Immediately after planting, it is recommended to add organic fertilizers and make sure that the seedlings do not bend.

Reproduction of hydrangea Endless summer

Hydrangea Summer Snow - description

Propagation of hydrangea by cuttings is the most common method of home growing a plant. For breeding purposes, another method is mainly used - using seeds.

Propagation by cuttings

For propagation of the plant by cuttings, the best planting material will be a 2-3-year-old seedling, which has at least three shoots. For flowering to be successful, its growth must be more than 70 cm.

Small cuttings are best planted in May or early June. This will allow you to quickly start up the root system, which will make it possible to create a full bush from a small seedling.

Propagation by cuttings

The sequence of actions when planting cuttings:

  1. Peel the cuttings from the lower pairs of leaves.
  2. Plant them at the edges of a spacious pot 2-3 cm deep, inside of which there should be wet sand. The distance between the processes should be sufficient so that the leaves do not touch each other.
  3. Cover the pot with a bag or plastic bottle to form a mini-greenhouse and place in a bright place without direct sunlight.
  4. Water seedlings periodically and keep the soil in medium humidity.
  5. After 3-4 weeks, transfer to the street.

If the cuttings are semi-lignified or were cut at the end of August, the planting technology will be different. In this case, the pot must be immediately dug into the ground, choosing the best place. During germination, you should periodically ventilate the mini-greenhouse, and with the onset of the first days of autumn, remove the bottle or bag. After this, the seedlings will have a good root system for further growth.

Note! Also, completely lignified cuttings with 5-6 pairs of leaves can sometimes be used. Their cultivation is not much different from the previous method, however, all leaves should be removed before planting, which will reduce the evaporation of water.

Seed cultivation

Despite the fact that with the help of seeds you can get a brighter flowering, this method of growing is the most time-consuming, due to the presence of several picks.

Important!The best month for seed breeding is February. The first thing to do is place the seeds between two layers of gauze and cotton wool, then pour boiled water and wait 2 days.

Next, prepare a nutrient mixture for the soil from peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1. Fill a small container with the resulting substance and feed it for the first 2-3 weeks.

Hydrangea seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil and covered with sand. Pots are covered with a transparent film or plastic products to form a microclimate. The diameter of the containers should be 6-7 cm. The plant is transplanted into open ground 1.5-2 years after seed germination.

Hydrangea Care

After direct planting of hydrangeas of the Eternal Summer variety, care and compliance with all preventive measures are mandatory. This will significantly reduce the risk of diseases or parasites, and will also delight the gardener with rapid growth and lush flowering.

Hydrangea Magic Sweet Summer (Hydrangea Paniculata Magical Sweet Summer)

The main recommendations for plant care include watering, top dressing, pruning, as well as many other important procedures.

Watering mode

Since Endless Summer large-leaved hydrangea is a water-loving plant, it needs appropriate care with maintaining the necessary soil moisture.

Irrigation water should be soft, without the presence of elements of lime, chlorine or any other chemical impurities. The most suitable option is to use rainwater. Water supply is also suitable, but in this case it is necessary to withstand it in the sun in advance.

Note!Regular tap water can lead to the development of chlorosis. To avoid this, periodically add 3-5 drops of lemon juice or vinegar 9% to the liquid.

The hydrangea irrigation regimen is quite simple: at least two buckets of water under the bush once a week. The lack of moisture is characterized by the following symptoms: sagging, twisting and yellowing of the leaves. In some cases, a loss of stem elasticity is possible.

Top dressing

For one season, the plant is fed from 3 to 5 times. Often fertilizer is introduced in the spring and summer. This will allow for a more effective flowering of hydrangea.

Top dressing

In spring, fertilizers are introduced, which include nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. In the absence of these trace elements, long flowering should not be expected. ECOstyle and Green Bool products, which are sold in almost every flower shop, have proven themselves well. You can also use substances for feeding rhododendrons, azaleas, or independently prepare herbal infusion.

For hydrangea to bloom all summer, the fertilizer must have a sufficient amount of potassium and nitrogen. In early August, nitrogen supplements are excluded to prepare shrubs for wintering.

Important! Preparations based on lime are forbidden to use at any time of the year, as the plant may die. Therefore, before use it is important to always read the description and composition of the drugs used.

Features of care during the flowering period

The most important procedure during flowering is to mulch the soil. To do this, it is better to use bark of pine, coniferous trees or dried leaves. Often used ordinary sawdust or peat.

During the flowering period, it is important to water the plant and, if necessary, remove wilted flowers.

Features of care at rest

After flowering, you can prune and remove dried or weakened shoots. In order to rejuvenate the shrub, the so-called sanitary pruning is performed - cutting all branches into a third using a sharp secateurs.

Note! It is better to shorten growth up to the kidneys in early spring. In autumn, it is advisable to cut off the prominent shoots on the side branches that violate the decorative shape of the bush.

Also, during the rest period, you can transplant the plant to a more suitable place for this.

Winter preparations

Despite the fact that hydrangea Eternal summer is a frost-resistant variety and is able to tolerate frosts without additional measures, it is better to prepare the plant for winter in advance. If this is not done, flowering will occur much later.

Winter preparations

Therefore, in order for the bush to please the hosts with inflorescences in early spring, it is recommended to cover it even before the first cold weather begins. As a material, it is better to use a greenhouse film, lutrasil or spanbond. If there is nothing, you can cover the plant with branches and dried leaves. The base of the bush must be covered with peat.

Note! After freezing, it is advisable to cut off faded inflorescences and constantly clean from dried leaves.

Due to its distinctive feature, changing the shade of hydrangea inflorescences Endless summer is an endless source of inspiration for any gardener. The plant is unpretentious in care and easily tolerates frosts. Following simple recommendations will make it possible to get a beautiful hydrangea even for a novice gardener.
