Aspidistra - growing and care at home, photo


Plant photo

Aspidistra (Aspidistra) is an attractive plant native to East Asia.

Perennial stands out among other indoor evergreens with elegant bright green foliage. The oblong leaves with longitudinal light veins, creating a magnificent form of the plant, can reach a height of 80 cm, a width of 15 cm.

A herbaceous plant of the Asparagaceae family does not have stems, is characterized by a slow growth rate (2-3 leaves per year). Life expectancy does not exceed ten years, while every two years the plant needs a mandatory transplant.

Aspidistra is characterized by short flowering in the summer season or its complete absence.

Growing fast. In one season, the plant adds 2-3 leaves.
It blooms in summer, but very rarely.
The plant is very easy to grow.
Perennial. On average, up to 15 years.

Beneficial features

Photo aspidistra in the interior

Evergreen Aspidistra is appreciated by lovers of cleanliness and order in the house for such properties of its chic foliage:

  • absorbs fumes, tobacco smoke, phenolic pollution;
  • It is a practical antibacterial agent, a dust collector that cleans residential premises;
  • serves as a natural humidifier with regular watering;
  • It is an excellent sound absorber.

In addition, a flower of oriental origin is safe for children and pets. For many, he is the guardian of the family hearth and wealth in the house, a talisman from evil eye.

A medicinal plant widely used in Chinese and Japanese traditional medicine. Healing properties are inherent in foliage and rhizome.

  • Oriental prelestnik replaces diuretics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • It is recommended to use decoctions from parts of the plant for such health problems as: urolithiasis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, muscle pain, cramps.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Although the aspidistra is unpretentious, still, if you want to grow a luxurious green "bouquet", you should know the basic requirements of this plant to environmental conditions.

TemperatureThe optimum temperature regime created in the rooms where the flower is grown should not exceed + 20 ° C in the summer, + 15 ° C in the winter.
Air humidityThe plant is accustomed to a changeable monsoon climate, which is characterized by increased moisture and dry periods, so the differences in humidity indoors are not critical. Nevertheless, moderate humidity is recommended to ensure lasting freshness of foliage.
LightingThe plant is shade-loving, prefers diffuse lighting, foliage is sensitive to ultraviolet light.
WateringThe love of water is one of the main features. The plant needs moderate one-time watering per week in the summer, in winter, watering is performed at least twice a month.
PrimingThe soil for planting Aspidistra can be any - garden, leaf, forest sod.
Fertilizer and fertilizerOne of the few plants that do not require regular replenishment of fertilizers and growth stimulants. A single application of mineral substances into the soil during the active phase of the growing season is appropriate - beginning of spring - end of summer.
TransferThe growth rate of the plant is characterized by average indicators, so it makes no sense to transship it earlier than after two years.
BreedingA stemless plant at home can be propagated by dividing the root system.

Care for aspidistra at home. In detail

The eastern green handsome man does not need special care, but do not refuse to create favorable conditions for his full development and growth. Here are some useful tips on how to properly organize a houseplant cosiness.


A home aspidistra takes root well when planted in early spring before the start of the intensive growth phase. If we are talking about planting, then in mind there is a seating of leaves with part of the root system obtained by dividing the root system of the perennial.

  • To form a complete plant, the leaves are often divided in pairs. Suitable for planting young samples. Since there are no shoots in the plant, the maturity of foliage is determined by its appearance and size.
  • When planting young plants, it is important not to damage the root system of the seedlings. The division of the root system is performed with a sharp knife.
  • Planting and transshipment of plants is possible only in fresh soil.
  • It is recommended that the placed roots in the pot be filled with soil by 2/3.
  • Rooting lasts no more than a month.

Care of planted seedlings consists in moderation of watering and lighting.


Aspidistra flower in indoor conditions, as in the natural habitat, blooms once a year or once every five years. It is noteworthy that the inflorescences of dark purple color are formed at the base of the leaves, which, not having time to bloom, fade.

Against the backdrop of gorgeous foliage, multiple small inflorescences are almost invisible, so few flower growers resort to additional measures to stimulate the plant to bloom.

Temperature mode

It would seem that the aspidistra at home is as hardy as in wildlife. Sharp temperature fluctuations are not afraid of her, but if they are not systematic. For example, a plant can survive at a temperature of 0 ° C and + 30 ° C, but this does not mean that under such constant conditions the flower will not die.

On hot days, the plant requires protection from high temperatures, in the cold season the average temperature is + 10-12 ° С.


A moisture-loving plant does not accept dust collection on foliage, so frequent washing of the latter is inevitable. To do this, use warm water and a soft sponge.

Home aspidistra requires additional spraying of the foliage with well-maintained water, the procedures are appropriate when the room temperature is above + 19 ° C. The regularity of the procedure is twice a week.


  • Although it grows in shady areas of natural fauna, in no case should one be deprived of its light, even the dimmest, cultivated at home.
  • Do not expose the plant to scorching sunlight. It is useful to take out a flower for summer walks in a shady garden.
  • The ideal option for placing a flower pot with aspidistra is the north side of the housing.


An oriental plant is more resistant to drought than excessive moisture. In order to prevent rotting of the root system, water the aspidistra with caution.

The regularity of watering depends on the temperature in the room. Humidification is appropriate when the soil dries by 2/3.

If the flower is in a cool place - the frequency of watering is reduced by half. For irrigation use settled water at room temperature.

Pot selection

The freshness and growth of foliage of an oriental pet depends directly on the state of the root system of the plant. The larger the flower pot, the higher, thicker and more magnificent the crown.

  • The roots of aspidistra tend to grow rapidly, so the capacity for growing should be both wide and deep.
  • Purchased seedlings in small containers require a mandatory transplant into a more spacious pot.


The unpretentiousness of the flower to the composition of the soil is relative. Undoubtedly, it is possible to plant and transfer to garden soil, but experienced flower growers note the fact that planted soils balanced in composition allow you to grow taller and thicker plant specimens with gorgeous foliage.

For young seedlings, it is sufficient to create a mixture of peat and humus + drainage or sand in a ratio of 2/2/1. For transshipment of adult plants, it is appropriate to add sphagnum moss to this proportion, as well as charcoal, and replace peat with turf or garden soil.

Aspidistra accepts breathable soil options, so when compiling the soil mixture, one should not forget about the coarse-grained components.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

The plant needs nutrition during the active phase of the growing season. From March to September, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.

The frequency of fertilizer application depends on the location of the flower:

  • in brightly lit places - once a month;
  • in shaded - once every three months.

The optimal dosage of fertilizers for aspidistra is half the recommended dose by the manufacturer.

Liquid fertilizers and top dressing are ideal for an oriental flower.

Fluorides and fertilizers in granules negatively affect the plant.

The most popular fertilizer for decorative and deciduous houseplants is Uniflor.

Transplantation of aspidistra

Transplanted are samples that have formed more than 8 leaves, as well as with a large root system.

  • The flower is transplanted into a larger pot without separating the roots and not clearing them of a land lump. Often only the topsoil is removed.
  • During transshipment, the upper parts of the root necks are not covered with soil.
  • The soil mixture for transplanting is deciduous land with the addition of peat and drainage in a ratio of 2/2/1.

The plant reacts poorly to transshipment, this procedure is appropriate only as necessary.


Mechanical removal of the leaves of the aspidistra is performed as necessary. A neat oblique cut is done at the root base. Removal is subject to fading, dry leaves infected with diseases (with spots, holes, twisted, discolored).

Rest period

The green perennial pleases with lush greenery all year round, so few flower growers note some features of the flow of the vegetative phase of dormancy of the aspidistra flower. Care at home for a plant from the beginning of autumn to the end of winter consists in keeping it at a temperature not lower than + 16 ° С.

Reproduction of aspidistra

It is possible due to the division of rooted adult plants or leafy cuttings.

Reproduction of aspidistra by dividing the bush

  • Dividing the aspidistra involves cutting the root system of the plant after extraction from the pot into several parts. For seedlings, rhizomes with two to four young leaves are selected.
  • Each part of the plant after division is placed in an individual flower pot with a diameter of at least 15 cm, filled with peat, sand and drainage.
  • For the quickest rooting after planting, containers with seedlings are kept in rooms with moderate lighting at a temperature of at least + 20 ° С.

Propagation of aspidistra leaf

Leaf propagation is the propagation of aspidistra leaves.

  • Whole leaflets without flaws are suitable for rooting. An oblique cut of leaves is performed at the base of the root system.
  • Leafy cuttings dried at the base are placed in a closed container with water and placed in a warm, moderately illuminated place until the first roots appear.
  • After the roots have sprouted, the seedling is placed in the planting soil and the plant is provided with regular watering, temperature +16-18 ° C, ventilation.

Diseases and Pests

Even when caring for an unpretentious plant, the following problems may arise:

  • brown spots on the leaves aspidistra - the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation;
  • leaves crack - the proportions of fertilizer application are not respected;
  • plant roots rot - excess moisture, reproduction of the fungus (fusarium), the use of uncontaminated soil during planting;
  • brownish spots at the edges of the leaves - the plant suffers from sunburn;
  • casting turn yellow - excess moisture (chlorosis), infection of a flower with viral or fungal diseases (anthracnose, root rot);
  • castings fade - insufficient lighting;
  • not growing - insufficient integrated nutrition of the soil by watering with a high content of salts and minerals, lime and chlorine;
  • plant fade - subcooling, sudden changes in temperature.

It is affected by such insect pests as mealybug, spider mite, fern scale.

Types of homemade aspidistra

Despite the numerous varieties of Aspidistra, only one species of this plant is cultivated under indoor conditions - Aspidistra high (Aspidistra Elatior Blume).

The popular name is "friendly family". It is characterized by multiple foliage. Leaves of an elongated lanceolate shape, shiny, dark green with light veins, 60-80 cm long, 13-15 cm wide.

The plant has no stems. Flowering is rare. Inflorescences are small, purple, form fruits in the form of pear-shaped berries, inside which the seeds ripen.

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Watch the video: Collection of unseen nature- ASPIDISTRA. What i do with new plants (October 2024).