Prickly pear cactus - home care, photo species


Cactus photo

Opuntia (Opuntia) is a succulent plant from the Cactus family. The flat juicy stems of the cactus are “decorated” with a multitude of thorns and groups of filiform bristles (glochidia). Tropical and subtropical zones of America are considered the birthplace of the plant. The main place of distribution and veneration is Mexico. Prickly pear is depicted on the national emblem and is called the "Mexican cactus." In the natural environment lives in the arid regions of India, on the mountain slopes of the Crimea.

Opuntia cactus lives a long time, develops slowly and chaotically: shoots appear in unexpected places. In nature, grows up to 4 m in height and 2 m in diameter. At home, low-growing species (15 - 70 cm) with disc-shaped segments are grown, although they do not bloom very willingly. To see the spectacular flowers of prickly pear, you need to create ideal conditions for her.

By the way, you will certainly be interested in cacti such as hymnocalycium and Schlumbergera.

Growth rate is low.
Cactus blooms rarely at home.
The plant is easy to grow.
It is a perennial plant.

Useful properties of cactus

Opuntia cactus. A photo

Significantly reduces the level of radiation in the room. It neutralizes dangerous electromagnetic radiation, so the cactus is often placed next to household appliances and computers. In different countries, the fruits are eaten. Used in medicine, as well as in the manufacture of glue, dyes, detergents. Opuntia oil is used in cosmetology.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

In order for the prickly pear to bloom and fully develop at home, one must know the preferences of the plant and strive to create a comfortable environment for it:

Temperature modeIn winter, no lower than + 5 ° C; with an increase of + 14 ° C it will stretch; in summer - + 23 - 33 ° C.
Air humidityDry air tolerates well.
LightingBright diffused; south window.
WateringIn winter, do not water; watered in summer when the topsoil dries.
PrimingReady-made soil for cacti or a mixture of equal portions of turf land, sand, sheet land, clay.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom mid-March to early September - once every 4 weeks with universal fertilizer for cacti.
TransferIn the spring: young - every year, mature - after 3, 5 years.
BreedingStem cuttings or seeds.
Growing FeaturesThe flower is easy to care for, but there are some features of growing prickly pears. The cactus is drought tolerant, moisten the soil as needed. In winter, it can significantly change shape and take the form of a dying plant. But in the spring, when watering resumes, it will take on a familiar form. The root neck of the flower is sprinkled with small pebbles to avoid rot and stagnation of moisture.

Care for prickly pear at home. In detail

Caring for prickly pear at home is not particularly difficult. A caring host will create a favorable environment for the plant, and it will thank the peppy look and interesting flowering.


Bloom prickly pear - a rare occurrence. The first time blooms in adulthood - at 10 years and older. From April to September, single bisexual flowers appear on the tops of prickly pears. Outwardly, they resemble large roses and stand out in bright colors - golden, scarlet or orange. Sometimes simple round flowers appear on the side shoots.

When it blooms, it cannot be distracted from the long-awaited moment - neither by transplantation, nor by relocation to another place. The container with the flower should be in the same position. If you turn it over, the flowers may fall. After flowering, an edible pear-shaped berry is formed, reddening as it ripens. It is covered with tiny thorns, inside contains seeds.

Temperature mode

The temperature regime is very important to maintain in the winter. At this time, the cactus is kept at a temperature of + 5 - 15 ° C and does not allow an increase, otherwise it will stretch. In summer, the plant feels great at + 23 - 33 ° C, and normally tolerates a higher temperature. If the cactus does not bloom in summer, it can be kept on the balcony.


The prickly pear flower at home tolerates dry air well. Spraying is not carried out. The procedure can harm the plant, causing the stem to rot.


Cactus loves bright diffused lighting. For him, they select a place on a window facing south or southeast. Do not allow direct sunlight to fall on a cactus. In order for the prickly pear to fully develop, it needs good lighting throughout the year.


Prickly pears in indoor conditions, as in nature, are drought-resistant. In winter, only prickly pear prickly pear is watered (rarely). Watering resumes in spring when flower buds form. In summer, it is necessary to water when the top layer of the substrate dries.

Overmoistening leads to rotting of the stem and root. Watered with lukewarm, settled water. Sometimes it is acidified with lemon juice or citric acid (3-5 drops or 2-4 crystals per liter of water). It is recommended to use lower watering - through a sump into which the settled water is poured.


The root system of cacti is poorly developed, so the pot should be shallow, wide enough and stable. Cactus does not tolerate stagnation of water. When choosing a container, one should give preference to one in which there will be enough space for the drainage layer and one or more drainage holes.


The plant loves loose light soil with a slightly acid reaction. It must be air and water permeable. An experienced florist will prefer to prepare the soil for prickly pears with his own hands from equal portions of sheet soil, sand, clay, turf land. It is believed that humus containing a lot of nitrogen should not be added to the mixture. An excess of this element will lead to the stretching of the silhouette of the cactus and a delay in flowering.

In the store you can buy a special soil mixture for cacti.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Fertilizing and fertilizing are necessary for the plant to maintain shape and harmonious development. Needs them rarely. From March to mid-September, once every 30 days, make liquid universal fertilizer for cacti.

The bottle contains fertilizer in a concentrated form, so it must be diluted in half. The solution is used after watering. (in cloudy weather or in the evening). It is not recommended to fertilize during flowering.

Opuntia transplant

A transplant is carried out in the spring, if by this time no buds have formed. Young cacti are transplanted every year, mature ones after 3, 5 years or less, if the pot size still matches the size of the flower.

Transplantation of prickly pear is carried out by the method of transshipment with the preservation of an earthy coma. The plant is very conservative, accustomed to one condition, painfully takes root in others. When reloaded, the cactus gets less stress. Cactus is transplanted from a dry substrate to a dry, put in the shade; the first time after the transplant is watered a week later, fed after 2 weeks.

How to crop?

Regular pruning prickly pears are not required. It is carried out only in two cases: when the cactus needs urgent help or when it is very overgrown. In the first case, the procedure is carried out at any time, and in the second, you can wait until spring or summer. External signs will suggest that pruning prickly pear will not do without pruning:

  • wet dark spots appeared on the trunk;
  • stretched out, became heavy and may fall out of the tank;
  • the flower cringed and banked;
  • the cactus turned yellow and stopped growing at the height of the growing season.

A small plant is taken out of the ground, a large one is cut directly in the pot. With a sharp clean knife, cut the desired fragment. If numerous damage is visible on the cut tissue, the flower cannot be saved. If there is no damage, the handle should be sharpened like a pencil, without touching the cambial ring in the center.

Slices sprinkled with crushed coal. The shank is cleaned in a shaded, dry place for 2 to 3 weeks.

After drying, it is placed on the ground, without deepening, to avoid decay of tissues.

For greater stability, stones are placed under the flower. They put in a bright place. It happens that after trimming it gets sick again: rot and even mold appear. In this case, re-trimming is carried out, carefully cleaning the fragment from damage.

Rest period

The dormant period of the plant falls in the winter. At this time, prickly pear cactus stops active development, begins to lay flower buds and form a summer growth. In order for the transition to peace to take place smoothly, cactus is less often watered in the fall. At the end of November, they lower the temperature in the room.

You can ventilate more often, and put the flower closer to the window. During the winter, do not feed.

How to make the prickly pear blossom?

Cactus lovers always think how to make the prickly pear blossom. Proper plant care throughout the year will help achieve flowering:

  1. In winter, she rests. The flower is not fed, not rearranged, very rarely watered. Apply additional backlight to compensate for the lack of light.
  2. In the spring, gradually accustom to bright light. In mid-March, feeding and watering resume; increase the temperature. Transplantation in April - May is successful.
  3. In summer you can see flowering. In August, they accustom to differences in night and day temperatures (this is how preparations for wintering begin).
  4. In the fall, reduce watering. If the prickly pear is on the balcony, they bring it home. Stop feeding. Lower the temperature.

Carefully caring for a cactus, there is no doubt: it will bloom.


Reproduction of prickly pears at home is carried out by seeds or in a vegetative way - by cuttings.

Growing prickly pears from seeds

It is rarely used, because it is a long and laborious method. Seeds commensurate with lentil grains are covered with a dense shell. If they are not processed with a file or sandpaper, they will not be able to open. The treated seeds are kept in a solution of potassium permanganate and distributed over the surface of the substrate, leaving between them 3, 5 cm. Spray with standing water, cover with a film and keep at + 18 ° C. The film is removed to ventilate the plant and water it. When shoots appear, they clean it. Seedlings dive into individual pots. Grow for two years, then transplanted as adult plants.

Propagation of prickly pear cuttings

They are often used. A fragment is separated from an adult cactus, the cut site is treated with a fungicide. Dry for 3 days. The prepared cuttings are placed in the soil for cacti or sand, slightly deepening. Contain at + 20 ° C, occasionally watering. When new buds appear on the handle, it is transplanted into a constant container.

The vegetative method is the easiest and most affordable option for the reproduction of prickly pears. When using it, the species features of the plant are preserved.

Diseases and Pests

Prickly pear is a genetically strong plant, but sometimes with improper care it is affected by diseases and pests, then the cactus changes externally:

  • brown spots on the leaves - rotting of the stem due to excessive watering (the affected segment is cut to healthy tissue and treated with fungicide);
  • shriveled leaves - little light or excess moisture (rearrange in a lighter place, adjust watering);
  • prickly pear not growing - excess moisture in winter; nutrient deficiency (adjust watering, feed).

Of the pests, aphids, scale insects, nematodes, and mealybugs most often attack. Insecticides are used against them.

Types of prickly pear prickly pears with photos and names

There are almost 200 species, some of which are popular in home gardening.

Opuntia ficus indica / Opuntia ficus - indica

The segments are painted in olive color, their length is up to 45 cm. Numerous cream spines are located on small areoles. Flowers of a bright amber hue. The trunk at the base is lignified. The fruits are edible.

Opuntia white-haired / Opuntia leucotricha

Fragments of the stem are elongated or disc-shaped, their length is 15 - 25 cm. The trunk is studded with flexible white spines. The flowers are golden in color.

Prickly pear (Opuntia microdasys)

A compact, well-branching cactus up to 0.6 m high. The length of the velvety segments is up to 15 cm. Hard golden glochidia are densely located on the areoles. The fruits are large red.

Opuntia bergeriana / Opuntia bergeriana

It grows to 1 m. Consists of numerous angular segments, 0, 2 m long. Long yellow spines are located next to the flower buds. Prickly pears with inflorescences of fiery color and green pestle.

Opuntia gosselin / Opuntia gosseliniana

It begins to bloom at a young age. The segments of young specimens are painted in reddish color. Segments of mature blue-green color with a silvery sheen. Soft long spines strewn only the upper part of the segments.

Prickly pear is an amazing plant. Having fenced off from the outside world with sharp thorns, it takes a long look at the owners and the surrounding environment. Only in response to gentle care does the prickly pear open its bright inflorescences.

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Watch the video: How to Treat a Cactus for Scale Bugs (September 2024).