Jacaranda - growing and care at home, photo species


Jacaranda - a tree or shrub from the Bignonius family. A tall (sometimes above 20 m) perennial plant has elegant double-pinnate leaves resembling ferns. For its obvious resemblance to the oldest plant, the jacaranda is sometimes called a fern tree. In the natural environment, shrubs are common in India, Mexico, and Israel.

The birthplace of jacaranda is the tropical zone of South America. At home, you can grow a tree without much hassle. It grows rapidly, growing by 0.25 m every year. An adult plant can reach about 2 m if it is not cut in time. Indoors, the jacaranda blooms very rarely, and in nature, flowering occurs in winter or mid-spring.

At the tips of fragile shoots, numerous purple flowers are formed, similar to bells. Flowers are collected in large paniculate inflorescences. Jacaranda has another name - Violet tree, obtained on the basis of the similarity of color of plants.

Pay attention to the heliconium flower, it looks very impressive.

Growth rate is high, up to 30 cm per year.
It blooms very rarely, in winter or in the middle of spring.
The plant is difficult to grow.
It is a perennial plant.

Jacquard care at home. Briefly

An elegant jacaranda tree grows at home, without causing any particular problems, if we approach the care responsibly and create optimal conditions:

Temperature modeIn winter - room temperature, in the summer - up to + 25 ° С.
Air humidityFrom 65%; daily spraying.
LightingBroken bright; up to 3.5 hours a day in direct sunlight.
WateringAbundant summer, up to 4 times a week; the rest of the time, they make sure that the top layer of the soil does not dry out.
PrimingSoil mix from peat, humus, sod land, taken in one portion per 0.5 portion of sand and 2 parts of leaf land; good drainage.
Fertilizer and fertilizerIn autumn and winter they do not feed; in spring and summer, once every 28 days, diluted mineral fertilizer is used.
Jacaranda transplantYoung trees - annually; mature - every 3 years.
BreedingCuttings or seeds.
Features of growing jacarandaIn summer, the plant enjoys breathing air on the balcony or in the garden. The tree is placed in a place protected from drafts. In the spring, they carry out the shaping cropping of a jacaranda.

Jacquard care at home. In detail

To make the jacaranda a welcome guest at home, develop harmoniously and want to bloom, you need to find a “key” to it and create optimal conditions for it.

Flowering jacaranda

In nature, flowering jacaranda is an amazing sight. Tall trees, densely dotted with beautiful flowers resembling bells, collected in elongated loose panicles. Formed in the axils of leaves or at the tips of sophisticated shoots, they can be painted in blue, dark blue, purple, lavender or a mixture of their shades.

Flowers have a pleasant smell of fresh honey and actively attract insects. Drooping panicles look very impressive against the background of bright green openwork foliage. At home, jacaranda blooms extremely rarely. To see the flowering plant, one must go to the botanical garden.

Temperature mode

Homemade jacaranda is a guest from the tropics, so she loves warmth. Caring for the exotic is very important to observe the temperature regime. In summer, the plant is kept at + 25 ° C. In winter, during rest, the jacaranda feels normal at room temperature. It can withstand a short-term temperature drop of up to + 13 ° C.


The tree has tropical roots, so its craving for increased - up to 65 - 70% - indoor air humidity is understandable. Caring for the jacaranda at home involves daily spraying with settled, tepid water. Perform the procedure in the evenings so that bright sunlight does not fall on the moist leaves of the plant.

To maintain air humidity at the proper level, an open container of water is placed next to the plant, air humidifiers are used. A pot with a plant set on a pallet with wet pebbles.


We must try to ensure that the jacaranda plant at home receives about 3.5 hours a day of bright lighting. The rest of the time the bush needs diffused bright lighting. In winter, bright lighting is especially true for jacaranda. The plant is placed on windows facing east or southeast.

In order for the crown of the jacaranda to develop symmetrically, the pot with the tree is periodically deployed around its axis, exposing one or the other side to the sun.

Watering jacaranda

Jacaranda is a moisture-loving plant. In summer, watering the jacaranda is carried out every three days. The rest of the year, it is necessary to ensure that no crust forms on the surface of the substrate.

Watered with lukewarm well-defended water. To keep the moisture longer, the trunk circle is mulched with a coconut substrate, crushed sphagnum or spruce bark.

Jacaranda pot

For a tree, the choice of capacity in which it will grow is of great importance. The jacaranda pot should not be too big: in it the plant will become like a tall thin teenager with an awkward figure. Capacity is needed wide and shallow, it is also necessary to take into account the drainage layer, which is necessarily poured to the bottom. Transplanting the tree, the pot is replaced with a container whose diameter is 30 mm larger than the previous one.


For jacaranda, they prepare the soil on their own from a mixture of two parts of sheet land, 0.5 parts of sand and one part of humus, peat, turf land taken. The substrate should be light and nutritious. To enhance the drainage properties add brick chips, vermiculite.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

During the fall and winter, feeding and fertilizing jacarandas are not carried out. In spring and summer, the plant is fed once every 4 weeks with a complex liquid fertilizer, diluted in half.

The procedure is combined with watering, so that nutrients arrive at the roots faster. When the jacaranda drops the foliage (at the end of winter or at the very beginning of spring), it is also not fertilized.

Jacaranda transplant

Young plants are transplanted every spring. A jacaranda transplant in adulthood is performed every three years. They are transplanted carefully, without deepening the root neck, so as not to bury the growth point, otherwise the jacaranda will stop developing.

The diameter of the new pot should be 3 cm larger than the diameter of the previous pot. When transplanting, much attention is paid to drainage: they improve the friability of the substrate and make sure that drainage holes are necessarily on the bottom of the pot.


In winter, the jacarand takes off the foliage, new leaves grow in the spring. Every spring, pruning is carried out. Shorten the tips of the shoots to form a spectacular crown. Pinching manages to achieve a beautiful branching of the tree.

Jacaranda Bonsai

Bonsai-shaped trees adorn the interior and emphasize its uniqueness. Making jacaranda bonsai is easy by forming the main trunk and some strong, beautiful branches. The shoots are wrapped with thick wire and bent in the desired direction with the help of a heavy load.

Deform branches, showing imagination, but do not forget that jacaranda is a plant with fragile shoots. Do not cause the bush additional pain, show excessive force by turning the branches, otherwise they will break. Superfluous, according to the home designer, shoots are removed. When the branches grow, a pinch is carried out.

After the shoots are lignified, the wire and loads are removed, the bonsai is ready. Then they support the created form, adjusting it from time to time with the help of trimming and pinching.

Rest period

From mid-November to early March, the jacaranda experiences a period of rest. The plant is kept at a temperature not lower than + 17 ° C. Lighting should be good so that the tree that rests during the winter develops correctly. At this time, do not feed the jacaranda. Watering is not so plentiful than in spring and summer, but they do not allow the land to dry out.

Jacaranda breeding

At home, propagation of jacaranda is carried out in two ways.

Growing jacaranda from seeds

Held in early spring. Seeds are wrapped in moist gauze folded in several layers and put in a warm place for 2 to 3 days. Gauze is periodically moistened. Each seed is planted in a separate cup, deepened by 10 mm. Water well, cover with a film. Shelter is removed when it is necessary to water and ventilate seedlings. When kept in a warm room, seedlings will appear after about 21 days. Reinforced seedlings are transplanted into larger diameter pots.

Propagation of jacaranda by cuttings

Held in May - July. Cuttings of 10 cm each are treated with a root stimulator and planted in moist soil under a film. When kept in a warm room, rooting will pass quickly (in 2 weeks) and successfully, as the emerging leaflets will say. Rooted cuttings are transplanted into separate containers. Sometimes cuttings root in water, previously treated with root. Shredded coal is added to the water, the solution is periodically changed, so as not to become cloudy. When the roots grow 10-15 mm, the cuttings are planted in the ground.

Both methods of reproduction are effective and apply them with the same frequency.

Diseases and Pests

With irresponsible care of the plant, jacaranda is affected by diseases and pests. Sometimes problems arise:

  • decay of the roots of jacaranda - insufficient drainage and excessive watering (remove damaged roots, replant a tree; when transplanted, add vermiculite, brick chips, perlite to the soil; increase drainage at the bottom of the tank; adjust watering);
  • jacaranda leaves turn yellow - lack of iron (fed with a tool containing iron);
  • jacaranda leaves fall in spring - a natural physiological process.

Sometimes the plant is affected by a spider mite, scutellaria, whitefly. Insecticides are used against pests.

Types of home jacaranda with photos and names

At home, some types of jacaranda are most often grown.

Jacaranda mimosol, oval-leaved or round-leaved (Jacaranda mimosifolia, Jacaranda ovalifolia)

A straight trunk reaching 3 m does not branch. Cirrus - separated sheet plates of elongated - elongated shape. The diameter of the flowers is up to 30 mm, the length is about 50 mm. Petals are painted in bright blue with white dots. Collected in elongated panicle inflorescences.

Jacaranda fluffy, jasmine-like, felt Jacaranda jasminoides, Jacaranda tomentosa

In the natural environment grows up to 15 meters or more. It has pinnate dark green leaves formed by four pairs of leaf plates divided into ovoid lobes. Purple flowers are collected in inflorescences - panicles.

Jacaranda acicularifolia Jacaranda acutifolia

A high (up to 15 m) straight trunk is well branched. Bright green openwork leaves resemble a fern. Tubular flowers have a pale blue color.

Jacaranda fern leaf Jacaranda filicifolia

The height of the tree is from 8 m. It has emerald double-pinnate elongated leaves and tubular flowers painted in lavender tone, forming long (up to 35 cm) panicles.

Jacaranda is an elegant creation of nature, a tree with a spectacular crown. Realizing that he will not always be able to please the flowering of loving hosts, the plant generously allows you to build intricate structures from your crown.

Now reading:

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Watch the video: Starting an Acacia Bonsai from Seed, April 2016 (October 2024).