Nephrolepis: features and proper care


Nephrolepis belongs to the fern family Lomariopsis. The name consists of two Greek words "nephros" - a kidney and "lepis" - scales. This name is given because of the bouncer that closes the spores. The birthplace of Nephrolepis is rainforest.


Nephrolepis is an epiphyte or terrestrial fern with leaves up to three meters. The stem of the plant is shortened, lateral horizontal branches with daughter rosettes are formed on it. Wavy green leaves grow for several years, which is why they become large. They have a pinnate shape.

Disputes are located at the end of the veins. They are rounded or elongated along the edge, small with a distinguishable feather bed. The bouncer is fixed to the base. The shape is round or oblong.

Reproduction in the wild is controversial: in a year of life, Nephrolepis can produce up to one hundred new specimens.

Types for home breeding

Indoor grown two varieties: heart and sublime. The following varieties are popular with flower growers:

ViewFeatures and Description
  • the rhizome is high, perpendicular;
  • vaya (leaf-like shoot of fern) once cirrus;
  • It does not require special care;
  • humidity does not matter.
  • bred in Boston;
  • vaya twice and thrice pinnate (sometimes four times).
  • vaya grows up, reaches for the sun;
  • on the shoots there are formations similar in appearance to tubers.
  • bred in Central America;
  • has waii up to two meters.
Lady green
  • Nephrolepis (Nephrolepis) Green Lady has a lush wai;
  • due to the decorative appearance is used in landscape design.

There are other varieties of curly Nephrolepis: Biserata Furkan, Blehnum, Duffy, Hang, Emin and others.

Room Care

In order for a flower to take root, when growing it, it is necessary to observe certain rules and requirements:

ParameterSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingIt does not tolerate direct sunlight. The light must be diffused. It is recommended to place on a window sill from the west or east in partial shade.Additional lighting is needed. Daylight hours should be extended to six to seven hours. Make the room more lighted with lamps.
TemperatureFrom +20 to + 24 ° C.From +16 to + 18 ° C.
HumidityNot less than 60%. Spraying is carried out daily. To create the necessary moisture, the pot is installed on a pallet with wet moss, expanded clay gravel.
WateringIt is carried out when drying.It is made with care. After two to three days after drying of the top layer of the earth.
Top dressingEvery week it is fed with fertilizers for decorative flowers. The dosage indicated on the package is reduced by half, 3/4.Refuse top dressing in the cold season. Fertilizer can ruin a bush.

Pot selection, soil, transplant

Fern root is located close to the surface of the earth. Therefore, the pot for planting it is necessary to choose a shallow, but wide. It can be suspended or ground.

It is better to buy a container made of plastic: it does not pass drafts and holds moisture well. Mandatory drainage holes.

Prefers airy soil with low acidity. Buy it ready-made in stores. Soil can be prepared: mix surface peat, coniferous and greenhouse soil in the same dosages. Add five grams of bone meal to a kilogram of the mixture. Garden and purchased land is recommended to be disinfected from pests and diseases.

The transplant is performed as follows:

  • To lay out a drainage layer (the fourth part of the tank) of foam or expanded clay.
  • Pour a little soil on top.
  • Remove the bush from the container.
  • Gently shake the ground off the rhizome so as not to harm it. Completely replace the soil.
  • Place the nephrolepsis in the pot so that the neck is at the level of the soil. The place from where new shoots grow does not fall asleep.
  • Fill the root system, but do not tamp the ground too much.
  • Watering.

Two weeks after transplanting, the soil should be constantly moist. Shoots are sprayed with warm, soft water.


Propagated in 2 ways: dividing the mother bush and daughter sockets, shoots. Caring for young nephrolepsis at home is the same as for adult specimens.

The easiest way to plant fern shoots:

  • next to the mother bush, another container with pre-prepared soil is installed;
  • the top of the shoot is sprinkled with soil in a new planter;
  • waiting time: the shoot should let 3-4 wai;
  • then it is separated from the mother bush.
Green lady

Reproduction by division:

  • buds are separated from the root in the form of small branches;
  • the resulting material is planted in a new pot.

Parts of the root are used with wiami. Young nephrolepsis can not be transplanted like that.

Errors and their correction

Table of frequently made errors in the content, methods for eliminating them:

ProblemPossible reasonsHow to fix
The greens turn yellow and dry
  • inappropriate temperature conditions;
  • spraying with direct rays.
  • Move to a room with the desired temperature. At more than + 25 ° C, reduce the number of sprays. At below + 12 ° C, reduce watering.
  • Remove from sunlight.
Shoots wither and die
  • use when watering cold water;
  • low temperature;
  • improper humidity.
  • Before watering, heat water.
  • Move the pot to a warmer room.
  • Increase the number of sprays.
The flower fades, stops growingLack of nutrients.Fertilize more often.
Foliage turns yellow over timeThis is a normal occurrence.Remove dried leaves.

Diseases and Pests

To reduce the risk of nephrolepsis, the room in which it is located should be regularly ventilated. It is important to observe the necessary humidity (the bush is sprayed for this).

It is necessary to drain excess water from the pan, wash the fern in the shower.

The plant is affected by the following diseases and insects:

Diseases and pestsSymptomsHow to get rid
Gray rotThe appearance of a gray fluffy coating on greens, cuttings.Treat with Trichovitis, Alirin-B.
Spider miteThe green is drying. White plaques appear on the plates, with a strong defeat - a web.Use soapy water. In case of severe damage, treat with Actellik, Confidor, Aktara.
WhiteflyThe green dries up, yellow spots are observed on it.With an alcohol solution in a ratio of 1 to 1, wipe the fern. After treat poison from the store.
Shaggy louseLeaves look damaged. White plaque is visible on them, they turn yellow. Worms can be seen with the naked eye.Wash with soapy water. Disinfect with drugs.

Mr. Dachnik informs: nephrolepis - protection against electromagnetic radiation

The decorative view of the bush can not only show off to guests.

There is a sign that Nephrolepis has a beneficial effect on human energy, and keeps a calm atmosphere in the house. If you place it on the north side of the room, it will bring success in your career.

Green lady

The plant cleans the air in the room, which is good for health. If you put the pot near a computer or TV, the fern will absorb electromagnetic radiation, protecting all family members from it.


Watch the video: Prune this: How to care for ferns at the Frank Lloyd Wright Conservatory (October 2024).