Hibiscus or Chinese rose: home care


The hibiscus is indoor, it is also a Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) belongs to the family Malvaceae. This plant has many varieties that will appeal to the most selective flower growers, in addition, the Chinese rose has many home and garden varieties.

Types and varieties of hibiscus

  • The Syrian rose is the progenitor of most varieties of hibiscus. A rather tall tree-like stem, about 3 meters long, the petals come in different colors: from white to dark red.
  • Sudanese rose or hibiscus. It is universally used for making jam, tea, and jelly. He does not tolerate frosts.
Frost resistant
  • Northern hibiscus is a simple flower with pink flowers that have three petals. It prefers well-lit areas and fertilized soil.
  • Maple-leaved Mahogany - this one-year-old variety of Chinese roses in the shape of petals is similar to maple, leaves are purple-red in color, large inflorescences are lilac or crimson. Young leaves taste sour.
  • Hybrid - this variety withstands frosts down to -30 ° C, which justifies its frost resistance. The shade of flowers is the most diverse: from white to lilac, they are very large in diameter.
  • Swamp - a perennial stunted flower that grows to 115 cm. Blossoms in pink and orange. Prefers sunny areas with fairly moist soil. In winter, the part of the plant growing above the ground begins to die. He does not tolerate frosts.
  • Musky - leaves are in the form of hearts of a dark green shade, burgundy flowers. This variety grows to 140 cm.
  • Schizopetalus is a dissected leaf variety with beautiful flowers with a shape resembling earrings. He does not tolerate winter well, needs warm rooms.
  • Mix is ​​an evergreen plant up to 1.5 m long. The flowers are large, of various colors. In summer, it requires maintenance in a well-ventilated area, but not tolerance of drafts and cold winds.
  • King is a low-grade hibiscus with bright yellow flowers. Picky in home care.
  • Cooper - has colorful motley leaves, red or raspberry flowers. It is considered the most unpretentious.
  • Okra is an annual plant variety, the main difference from others is that this plant is edible. Pods stick out of its yellow flowers, which are added to salads, stewed, fried and canned.


The Chinese rose is unpretentious, but needs careful watering and good lighting. If you put a little more effort and time to care: timely pruning and regularly spraying the Chinese rose, you can get a stunningly beautiful miniature tree in the apartment.

Hibiscus focuses on flowers. They are saturated in color and quite large, although they bloom for only two or three days. A Chinese rose will need a large pot, as the plant is quite large.

Temperature lighting

It is advisable to maintain a room temperature of + 21 ... + 26 ° C in the summer and + 15 ... + 20 ° C in the winter. In the cold season, there is no need to significantly lower it, since the plant will calmly survive the wintering in the warmth, but it will develop better in a cooler room.

Although hibiscus loves the sun, it is not worth it to leave it in the rays for a long time, since it can get burns, as a result, the leaves will fade and fall off. It is best to choose a place where diffused light will fall on the rose. In summer, you need to take her to the balcony or loggia. It should be borne in mind that it does not tolerate drafts and strong winds, and also needs abundant watering in spring and summer (in winter it can be reduced). Spray the leaves daily in the morning and evening.

Soil, fertilizer

The plant is not particularly demanding on the soil, it is enough to mix plain earth with coarse sand and humus. Mix the mixture and plant the hibiscus in a pot, put foam balls or other type of drainage.

Transplanting will not be needed soon: when the Chinese rose is well established and begins to grow actively. With each new relocation, the flower will need a larger pot, and best of all, a flowerpot.

In spring, you can feed with special mineral fertilizers that contain copper and iron chelate. Hibiscus is useful for spraying with the addition of minerals and growth solutions to the water.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: conditions for indoor hibiscus

Depending on the time of year, there are simple rules for caring for a Chinese rose at home.

  • It is advisable that there are few direct rays, the south-west and south-east sides will be an ideal place. If the plant is on the south side, then on sunny days, additionally shade it. In the north, on the contrary, put artificial lighting.
  • Spray daily twice a day with warm water. Do not place near battery or open window.
  • Temperature is about + 22 ° C.
  • A hibiscus flowerpot can be put on the balcony for air baths, but avoid strong drafts.
  • Provide bright sunlight, shade from direct rays.
  • Spray daily.
  • Temperature up to + 26 ° C.
  • It is enough ten hours in the bright sun, after shading the plant.
  • Spray twice a week.
  • Temperature is from + 16 ° C to + 23 ° C.
  • Bright light + additional artificial lighting.
  • Spray once a week.
  • Temperature from + 16 ° C to + 19 ° C, even + 12 ° C is permissible. At a higher plant will weaken.
  • Keep away from drafts and keep away from heaters.

Diseases of the Chinese rose (hibiscus)

In order for the Chinese rose to be healthy, you don’t need to make a lot of effort, but still it requires proper care. If the flower has a lot of green leaves, then it may not bloom. The reason is an excess of nitrogen fertilizers, insufficient light or watering.

With the appearance of yellow leaves, we can safely say that the plant does not have enough sunlight. In addition, the red rose is affected by larvae and pests. Most often this is a spider mite and aphids, they appear in autumn and winter due to moist or overdried soil, drafts, with inappropriate care. Fighting pests is simple: spray with insecticides and wipe with a soapy solution.

Choosing an effective breeding method

The choice of breeding method depends on the type of hibiscus, season.

Optimal time

A plant is worth propagating when it:

  1. Absolutely great.
  2. The branch bent to the soil, which makes it possible to divide layering.
  3. It has grown so that one cut can be cut.

Hibiscus is propagated in spring and summer, if the flower is affected by pests or is sick, then the division should be postponed until the plant recovers.

Hibiscus is propagated by the following methods:


It can be used all year round, but best in spring and summer. Before pruning, the mother plant needs to be abundantly watered and pruned. Together with the dried and sluggish shoots, cut the cuttings (branches with a thick green stem and the presence of two internodes). From this shoot, cut off all the leaves and root the flower.


No more complicated than the first method. To divide the shrub, choose ordinary, air or vertical layering, best first. Sprinkle the selected branch with soil, and leave the top open. In a place sprinkled with earth, roots will soon begin to grow. Before breeding, you need to prepare the soil: it must be well moistened, have high breathability, drainage is mandatory. The branch that needs to be bent, cleaned of leaves and laid in a dug hole in a flowerpot, if necessary, secure with wire so that it does not bend back. This method is applicable in the spring. Already in the fall, you can separate the shoot from the mother plant in a separate pot.


The most common and difficult way. Moreover, all varietal features of hibiscus are lost. The procedure is as follows:

  • soak the seeds in water with growth stimulants;
  • put them in a wet gauze cloth and then in a plastic bag for three days, until the roots start;
  • plant in a pot of earth and humus;
  • do not deepen the seeds much and cover the pot with a bag for thermal effect, remove everything after 2 weeks;
  • water moderately and after 3 months transplant young hibiscus into a larger container.

Bush division

It is applied in the spring and in the summer. Secateurs, a knife and a shovel must be treated with a disinfectant and dig a bush. Next, clean the root system of the earth, being careful not to damage it. Using a knife, cut 2-3 stems with roots. After that, each separated shoot should be planted in its own pot, where land with humus is poured. It is necessary to water new flowers often, but in moderation.

How to root

There are only two ways to root a Chinese rose.

In the soil:

  1. Before planting in the ground, you must wait until the cuttings give their own roots, lower them into a small glass with soil and sand, before dipping each shoot into a heteroauxin solution.
  2. After planting, lightly tamp the soil at the base, the stem takes root a month later.
  3. Build a small greenhouse around the plant in the form of a bag or a piece of glass so that it is warm and humid inside.

In water:

  1. Use a glass of tinted glass, pour warm water into it.
  2. Add a few tablets of activated carbon and a growth stimulant.
  3. Put the glass in a well-lit place, but without direct rays.
  4. Planting in the pot should be done only after the plant gives two or three leaves, and the roots reach 5-7 centimeter length.

Possible problems and difficulties after division

New shoots need daily watering, monitor high humidity and moderate temperature. If the young red rose is not provided with proper care, it will quickly discard the leaves and begin to fade. To avoid the appearance of ticks and aphids, it is advisable to wash the plant with soapy water and wipe it with a wet cloth in the shower. If the leaves turn yellow, you need to reconsider the applied mineral fertilizers - add nitrogen and iron and reduce chlorine and calcium.

Follow-up care for young hibiscus

As soon as the cuttings are transplanted into their container, care should be taken in the same way as for an adult plant. Be sure to remove the sprouted weeds and loosen the soil at the roots.

In summer, add an additional portion of mineral fertilizers to the soil, and in the fall - potassium top dressing. Water as the soil dries.

Why is hibiscus called the flower of death

Although hibiscus seems like an ordinary and harmless plant, it is popularly called the "flower of death." This terrible name came from ancient European signs.

  1. The early blooming of a Chinese rose meant that someone in the family would suddenly die, in order to avoid this fate, the plant was burned.
  2. The flower was not placed in the bedroom, because they believed that it takes the health of the owners of the apartment.
  3. The dumping of leaves meant that one of the family members would fall ill and should see a doctor.
  4. It is believed that hibiscus drives men out of the house, so young girls are not advised to keep the flower in the house.
  5. There is a sign that a "crown of celibacy" is made of a Chinese rose, it destroys strong married couples, introducing discord and quarrels in the family.

If you do not pay attention to the signs of hibiscus - a wonderful decoration of the apartment. It is not capricious in home care, blooms stunningly beautiful and large flowers of various colors and emits a delicate and delicate, slightly sour aroma.


Watch the video: How to Care for Hibiscus - Home & Family (October 2024).