Indoor rose: home care


Indoor rose differs from garden miniature and the ability to bloom at any time of the year. But in order for a flower to please its beauty all year round, it is necessary to know its features and properly care for it.

The origin of indoor roses and its features

This small plant in appearance is no different from its garden counterpart, except for compactness. Belongs to the Rosaceae family.

Mini roses rarely reach a height of more than 50 cm. Small leaves are located on a strong dense stem with spikes. They can be glossy or matte, but always have carved edges.


The size of the flower itself depends on the type: stamped, climbing, ground cover, bush. The latter are most often used for breeding at room conditions. The flower can be of very different colors - from snow-white to deep burgundy.

Usually, several varieties of indoor roses are planted in the house at the same time, which bloom, replacing each other, year-round.

The life span of the plant with full care is up to 25 years.

China is considered to be the birthplace of a mini-rose, therefore, although there are versions of its origin from Southeast Asia or even Europe, it is called Chinese. The rich smell of tea gave her another name - tea.

Popular types and varieties of indoor roses for the home

BengalIn height not more than 20 cm, has small carved leaves and large-sized buds. They can be any color, but the most common are red shades. Terry varieties are found. Able to bloom year round. Unpretentious in care, do not require trimming. The aroma is weak, not pronounced, so you can put a pot of such a rose in the bedroom.

Popular varieties are Katerina Violet, Hemty Demty, Baby Carnival.


It reaches a height of 30 cm. It has small leaves and medium-sized buds resembling a glass in their elongated shape. Care is simple, you can achieve constant flowering, but usually this happens no more than twice a year. Sufficiently cold resistant.

Popular varieties of this species include Etienne Leve, Frau Karl Druški, Ulrich Brunner fis.

PolyanthusA dwarf rose is also no higher than 30 cm in height. Received as a result of many years of breeding work on the cross-breeding of multi-flowered Japanese and Chinese tea roses. It has many subspecies, including with double or semi-double flowers, with buds in the form of a brush, panicled inflorescences. It can bloom from early summer to mid-winter. Due to its high frost resistance, it is often used for decorating borders and terraces.

The most popular varieties are Orange Triumph, Clotilde Super, Miniatures.

Hybrid Tea

It is believed that this species was bred in India and obtained by selection of Bengal and garden. Different varieties of tea roses have different heights - from 20 cm to 2 m in the wattled variety. The flower is small in size, usually in delicate shades and with a delicate, delicate aroma. The leaves are small, gently light green in color. Able to bloom year round, but poorly tolerate high humidity and low temperatures.

The most popular varieties are Per Gynt, Gloria Dee, Apricot Silk, Prima Ballerina.

Mix DanicaIt features a small height (up to 30 cm) and an average size of buds of various shades. Loves a lot of sunlight and plentiful, but not frequent watering. The leaves are small saturated green.

The most famous varieties: Kornada, Parade, Mini Mix, Favorit, Bue Monde.


Obtained by crossing two other species - tea hybrid and polyanthus. Small buds have a delicate aroma and are collected in large inflorescences. The leaves are medium sized, light green. Unpretentious, usually bloom seasonally.

The popular varieties include Amulet, Green Ice, Apricot, Sunblaze.

Ground cover

Bred on the basis of similar varietal garden roses, therefore, they are distinguished by a variety of shapes, shades and sizes of flowers and leaves, various periods of flowering and frost resistance. A distinctive feature is creeping shoots and unpretentiousness.

Famous room varieties: Alba, Magik, Fairy.

There are about 300 varieties of Chinese roses in the world today, and every year amateur breeders get new ones.

Popular varieties of home roses:

Baby masqueradeUp to 3-4 cm in diameter, chameleon - during flowering changes color several times, usually from lemon to pink and cumacean. Has a delicate smell.Dark green, the surface is glossy, small in size.Bush height up to 30 cm, almost no thorns. Unpretentious in care, well resists pests.
Angela RipponSize up to 3-4 cm, aroma - sharp, but pleasant. In inflorescence up to 5 buds.Small, dense texture, dark green.Bush height up to 40 cm, highly branched. It needs treatment from powdery mildew and black spotting, but is dispensed with pruning. Top dressing is frequent, in small portions.
Easter MoningColor - creamy white. Terry. In inflorescences up to 25 pieces. Large size - up to 4 cm in diameter.Hard, glossy, dark green.Resistant to diseases, especially fungal. Flowering year-round.
Fire PrincessIn inflorescence 3-5 pieces. Terry. Color - orange-red.Small, dark green, shiny, carved edges.The height of the bush is up to 40 cm. Has a branched structure of shoots. Affected by powdery mildew and black spotting.
HummingbirdTerry, up to 5 cm in diameter, in a bud up to 25 petals. Color from orange-yellow shades to a dense apricot tone. Has a delicate aroma of tea rose. The inflorescence consists of 3-5 pieces.Large enough, dense texture, with gloss.The maximum height of the bush is 35 cm. It blooms several times a year.
Yellow dollarColor from pale lemon to deep yellow. Terry, up to 50 petals in a bud.Dark, thick and small.Up to 30 cm tall.
Stars and StripsDiameter up to 4 cm, stripes on the petal alternate - white, raspberry. In inflorescence up to 5 pieces.Shiny, medium sized, light green.The first striped variety, bred in the USA in 1975. On its basis, many new ones appeared. The height of the bush is up to 50 cm. The branching is small, the thorns are practically absent. High resistance to diseases. Year-round flowering.
Green iceThe buds are pink. The blossoming flower has a white color with a green tint. Terry. In inflorescence 3-5 pieces.Medium in deep green.The bushes are large - up to 60 cm tall and 80 wide. High disease resistance. Flowering wavy, year-round.

Selection and acclimatization of a room rose

The first thing that needs to be done so that a room rose delights for many years is to choose a healthy plant.

The quality of a mini rose is determined by two signs:

  • Appearance. You should not buy a flower if the foliage shows dry, darkened or yellowed elements. It is necessary to evaluate the soil, it should not be dry or with a white coating. If traces caused by pests are visible on the back of the leaf, such a plant cannot be acquired. You should also ask how much time a rose is on sale, the longer, the worse for its general condition.
  • Flowering. If all the flowers have fully blossomed, the plant will be difficult to tolerate transplanting and adaptation. It is better to give preference to a bush with buds.

Acclimatization of a mini rose in a room environment includes the following steps:

  • Transfer. A pot with special holes and drainage are needed. As soil, it is better to use soil for roses. The procedure itself is carried out by transshipment method.
  • Pruning. Before transplanting, all buds are cut to preserve the plant's strength, then it will take root more easily.
  • Quarantine. The pot with a mini rose should be placed in a place well protected from direct sunlight. At the same time, good ventilation and isolation from other indoor plants are required.
  • Spraying. It is produced with a weak solution of an insecticide to prevent disease and prevent the appearance of pests. You can also use any growth stimulator, for example, Epin.

Home Rose Care

Indoor rose is a plant that requires careful and quality care. This is the only way to achieve year-round or seasonal flowering.

Home care must be done taking into account the following requirements:

LocationIt is better to take out the flower pot on the balcony or plant a rose in the open ground in the garden.The best location is near windows facing east or southeast. Shading is required from the sun.
LightingHe does not like dark places, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Turn periodically.
Temperature mode+ 16 ... +25 ° C+ 15 ... +17 ° C
HumiditySlightly above the norm, not lower than 40%. To maintain high humidity, regular spraying of the plant itself and the space around it is recommended. You can install a flower pot in a special tray where moist expanded clay is poured.Below 40%.
Watering regularityAbundant, root, regular, as the soil dries, up to two times a day. Water should be cool. Pour its excess from the pan.Moderate and rare.
FertilizersOnce a week, alternating, mineral and organic.Fertilizing is rare or absent.
PrimingSpecial for roses or a mixture of humus and turf with sand. The acidity of the soil should be neutral.
Transplant FrequencyDepends on soil depletion and root growth. Transshipment is desirable, since the roots of mini roses are fragile.

How to grow a room rose from a bouquet

You can grow a room rose from a flower standing in a bouquet. But for this it is necessary to observe some rules.


Only domestic mini-roses are suitable for this purpose, the advantage should be given to those that have flowers of red or pink tones - they are most easily taken root. The stalk should be thick and strong, leaves and buds - alive.


Cuttings are permissible from late spring to mid-autumn. Water in a vase with a bouquet is changed every day.

At night, the stems are lowered completely into a clean liquid down the buds.


Secateurs are pre-disinfected. The shoot is cut into cuttings 10-15 cm long. No less than three buds are permissible. 1.5 cm recede from the bottom and make an oblique cut, and at the same distance from the top - a straight line.

Leaves should also be preserved; they are also usually trimmed by one third.

In extreme cases, it is permissible to use a cut half as long with one kidney.

Rooting in water

A biological growth stimulator, for example, Epin or Kornevin, is added to warm water.

You can use honey instead (1 tsp. In a glass of water) or juice from aloe stems (up to 20 drops). One third of the planting material is placed in the solution and kept in it for up to three weeks. Water is changed every five days.

The first small roots usually appear by the end of the second week. During the third - they grow back a little.

Rooting in the ground

If the roots have grown by 2-3 cm, you can plant a young shoot in the ground.

To do this, take small glasses (up to 300 ml) filled with a mixture of earth composition for roses. Drainage is preliminarily poured into the bottom with a layer of about 1.5 cm from sand or small shells.

Containers with planted processes are covered with something to create a greenhouse effect. A glass jar or a cut plastic bottle is suitable.

At +25 ° C, high humidity and optimal soil, the plant takes root quickly.

Potato rooting

This method gives a 90% result.

  1. Take a large potato, washed, remove the eyes.
  2. They are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for several minutes, removed and dried.
  3. With a sharp disinfected knife at an angle of 45 degrees in the tuber make a recess.
  4. Take the cuttings dipped in Kornevin and put in potatoes.
  5. Tubers are placed in a container with soil, deepening them by 15 cm, sprinkled with earth, leaving the upper buds above the soil.
  6. Cover with a transparent film or a jar.
  7. Periodically watered with a nutritious mixture (1 tsp sugar per 1 liter of water).
  8. Sprouts are released from the greenhouse after 2 weeks.

Burito Rooting

This is a very unusual way. Cuttings of roses are soaked in water, then wrapped in wet paper, put in a bag. Periodically, the packaging is opened, aired, looked and the rotted scraps are removed and the newspaper is changed. After the appearance of the roots, the cuttings are cut so that no more than 4 buds remain, planted in the ground.

Young plants must form the root system, so the buds that appear should be removed for the first year. Propagation by cuttings in the fall allows to grow a full-fledged flowering bush of a room rose by the next season.

Mistakes in caring for a room rose

Choosing a healthy flower in the store or growing it from a cuttings is not enough, it is necessary to protect the plant from diseases and pests, to avoid mistakes in care.

Lack of flowering.
  • Trimming was done incorrectly or at the wrong time.
  • Low humidity. Irregularity of watering.
  • Lack of top dressing.
  • For certain varieties - a lack of dormancy.
Yellowness or loss of leaf density.
  • Diseases of the root system.
  • Lack of watering.
  • Lack of fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
The death of leaves or parts thereof.Incorrect treatment with insecticides - chemical burn.
Drying and falling off of leaves.
  • Inadequate watering.
  • Low humidity.
  • Pest damage.
Active growth of shoots without flowering.Excessive use of mineral and organic fertilizers.
Falling buds before flowering.
  • Draft.
  • Insufficiency and irregularity of watering.
  • Shifting a rose pot or changing the care regimen during a set of buds.
  • Pests.

Diseases and pests of indoor roses, control measures

It is important to detect a plant disease in time, so the mini-rose is regularly inspected. Diseases that can be detected independently are described in the table.

DiseaseKey features


Powdery mildewPowdery plaque on leaves and stems, loss of leaf turgor, lethargy of the stem.Sick shoots are removed. Spray with a special tool, for example, Topaz, in accordance with the instructions.
False dewLight coating on the bottom of the sheet. Purple spots are on top.Affected shoots are removed with secateurs. Spray the bush with alternating different preparations.
SpottingOn the outside of the sheet, spots of different colors appear.Remove affected leaves and shoots. Reduce too high humidity. Often air the room. Spray with special means containing copper.
Black spottingThere are black spots on the sheet. Drying and falling.Affected areas are cut off with shoots. Transplant the plant into a new pot and soil. Sprayed with special drugs.
RustBottoms of a red or brown color appear below the leaf. The same spots appear on top.Remove all affected leaves. Sprayed with a drug intended for treatment, for example, Topaz.
MoldMay appear on soil, trunks, leaves. The root system rots.Reduce the regularity and volume of watering. Ventilate the room. Spray with the necessary means.
Bacterial cancerThere are yellow spots on the leaves. They dry and fall.Cut off all affected shoots with secateurs to healthy tissues. Transplanted into a new pot and soil. Sprayed with drugs.

No less harmful than diseases are caused by a room rose and parasitic insects. Their main types and methods of control are given in the table.

Type of pestSymptoms of lesion


AphidThe shoots are twisted, sticky discharge appears on them. Affected areas "fade."Growth stops and leaves fall.

Cut the affected shoots with secateurs.

The plant is washed at least three times using a soap solution. Sprayed with a special drug like Actellic.

Spider miteLight specks appear on the leaves, then they grow into whitish spots. As a result, they twist and fall. The plant is wrapped in a thin web.Wash the bush with soap and water and process. Sprayed with Actellik, Fitoverm, Vermitek, with alternation.
ThripsSilvery stripes appear on the leaves, then they “fade”. Pollen crumbles from the flowers, in the petals you can find the affected areas - holes.

The bush is thoroughly washed using tar or green soap.

Affected leaves are removed.

They carry out radical watering and spraying with special equipment, for example, Aktara and Confidor.

Rose sawflyThe leaves dry, twist and deform, gnawed pieces appear on them. Rose stops growing.The plant is thoroughly washed with soap and sprayed with special preparations, for example, Fufanol.
ShieldBrown plaques appear on the leaves, which easily disappear. The plant stops growing and loses its leaves.Wash with soapy water and spray with insecticides.
The cicadas are pinkLesions appear in the leaves in the form of small whitish dots, then a marble pattern, yellowness forms on them. Often they fall off. In spring, white parasite larvae can be found below the leaves.The bush is thoroughly washed and treated with special equipment.
Penny slobberingThe rose fades, a liquid appears in the sheet, which comes out in the form of foamy discharge.Spend high-quality washing of the bush in the shower, preferably with a soapy solution. Then sprayed with drugs such as Actellic or Aktara.

Sick and pest affected plants cannot be kept at home next to healthy ones. It is necessary to find a place that will serve as an insulator for the entire period of treatment.


Watch the video: Indoor Rose Growing Tips (October 2024).