Buzulnik or ligularia: planting and care, photo


The ornamental perennial buzulnik belongs to the family of asters or Asteraceae. The second name of the ligular plant is given from lat. ligula ("tongue") - due to the appearance of the extreme flowers.

The wetlands of Central, East and Southeast Asia became natural conditions for numerous species of buzulniks; grows in North Asia and Europe. Siberian buzulnik (Ligularia sibirica) is widespread in our natural form.

Perennials grow well on water banks, forest glades, where humid conditions are sufficient for comfortable growth.


The plant consists of a basal rosette of large leaves on a long sturdy petiole. In shape they resemble a triangular carved heart. The color of leaves is from dark green, greenish-purple to reddish brown. Double staining may occur: the lower side is purple, the upper side is green with a purple tone. You can also see such bushes, where the stems and veins of leaves are painted in colored shades, and everything else remains green. The size of the sheet plate reaches 60 cm.

Buzulnik flowers look like a basket consisting of tubular and reed flowers. Their size can be up to 10 cm in diameter. It blooms gradually, starting from bottom to top along the inflorescence, which is represented by a brush, spike or panicle.

Flowers have numerous shades from pale yellow to orange. Occasionally, marginal flowers of whitish or reddish tones are found. Petioles of the plant are tall, they can reach 2 m. To bloom various species of buzulniks begin in June and end in October. Ligularia is an excellent honey plant. The ripened fruits are in the form of a seed with a crest.

In our country, two varieties are common - the Buzulik gear (Ligularia dentata) and Przhevalsky (Ligularia przewalskii).

Types and varieties of Buzulnik with photos and names: Przhevalsky, gear and others

All varieties and types of ligularia found in the world are highly decorative value with leaves of various colors.

ViewDescriptionHeight (m.)Leaves


Przewalski (Ligularia przewalskii)Yellow buds form an inflorescence-candle 40-50 cm long.1,5-2.Round, dark green shade, diameter 30-35 cm.The Rocket. Golden inflorescences are revealed from mid-July to the end of August. The foliage changes its green color to purple during the summer.
Maple leaf. Leaf diameter 25 cm. Height 1.7 m.
Toothed (Ligularia dentata)Flowers from light brown to yellow tones. Moderate winter hardiness, better wrapped. Likes to grow in the shade.1.Coffee-green tone, with denticles along the edge, diameter 30-40 cm.Desdemona (Desdemona). An orange brush 10-13 cm in diameter, foliage with notches, has a brown-purple color below, above is light green with bronze. It blooms from August to October.
Othello (Othello). Height is 90 cm. Foliage of a green tone with a red border around the edge. An orange inflorescence with a diameter of 13 cm. Blooms in September and October.
Osiris Fantasy (Osiris Fantasy). Low, up to 50 cm. The upper surface of the chocolate tone, from the bottom - burgundy. It blooms in July.
Wilson (Ligularia wilsoniana)Leafy stems form a rosette at the root. The flowers are yellow. Tolerates arid places. It blooms in July, the duration is 35-40 days.1,5.Large.Not highlighted.
Vicha (Ligularia veitchiana)The yellow spike blooms in August.2.Green tones, shape resembling a heart, diameter 40 cm.
Vorobiev (Ligularia vorobievii)The spike of sun opens in August-September. The volume of the bush is up to 1.2 m.The hard dark green hue of the oval shape resembles thick skin to the touch.
Kempfer (Ligularia kaempferi)A canary ear, 5 cm in diameter. It blooms in July. Shelter for winter.0,5Round, with serrations, diameter 25 cm.Aureomarginata. Golden inflorescence, foliage bright green with specks, has a round shape. It blooms in May.
Large Leaf (Ligularia macrophylla)The brush is yellow. It blooms in July.1,5.The bottom side of the oval leaves with a bluish tint, petioles up to 30-45 cm long.Not highlighted.
Palmate (Ligularia x palmatiloba)It has been blooming since July. High humidity requirements.1,8.Large, oval, very rugged.
Siberian (Ligularia sibirica)Amber color bud brush.1.Red-green hue.
Tangut (Ligularia tangutica)The brush of sunny colors blooms in July-August. Vegetative propagation by roots in the form of a tuber. He loves shady clay corners.1,5-2.Openwork, divided in the form of feathers. 60-90 cm long.
Narrow-leaved (Ligularia stenocephala)A brush of yellow flowers. Frost-resistant perennial.Sharply serrated, in the form of an oval. By autumn, they change color to dark crimson.
Fisher (Ligularia fischeri)Candle canary color. It blooms in July and blooms until August.0,3-1,5.Length 12-23 cm, resemble the shape of a heart.
Hessey (Ligularia xhessei)Golden inflorescence blooms in late summer.1,5.Heart-shaped.

Buzulnik landing

In planting and care, ligularia is very unpretentious. In moist well-drained areas, it can grow 15-20 years. Not afraid of frosts, but Buzulniki Zubchaty and Kempfer recommend sheltering for the winter. The roots of the surface of the flower grow far and hold firmly in the ground. Therefore, such a tall strong plant is stable.

Reproduction is carried out by seeds and vegetatively.

Sowing seeds


  • Sowing is carried out in the spring and autumn immediately to the ground. Seed is placed at a depth of 1 cm.
  • Keep the soil moist. Shoots in the lunch and evening hours sheltered from the sun.
  • They prefer the autumn method of sowing freshly harvested seeds into the soil, then additional stratification is not required.
  • Self-seeding is possible.
  • For spring plantings sown in January-March, planted in open ground in May.
  • Flowering begins at 4-5 years.

Transplanting and dividing the bush

To maintain decorative qualities, once every 5 years, the flower is divided and transplanted.

Spring is considered the best time, the divided parts take root well and begin to grow.

For successful reproduction, only the part designated for transplantation is separated. Humus is added to the hole formed in the soil and water is poured. The excavated root delenka is thoroughly washed, cut into pieces with a sharp tool, leaving at least one growth kidney on each. The separation sites are sprinkled with ash or treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

For transplantation, digging pits 40 cm deep. 2 buckets of humus, superphosphate and ash are brought into each. Between the bushes observe intervals of 1-1.5 m.

Buzulniki planted in this way bloom in a year.

Emergency landing

If necessary, replanting at another time, the bush is prepared in a different way. Cut the peduncle completely and remove 1/3 of the lower leaves. Then planted in a prepared pit. Constantly protect from bright sunlight, the earth is kept moist. The buzulnik takes root and begins to grow within 4 weeks.

Features of caring for buzulnik

Buzulnik loves shady places without direct access to the sun. Otherwise, he does not grow beautiful lush foliage. In areas illuminated by the sun, a flower without watering in hot weather attaches and loses its decorativeness and beauty.


Ligularia needs constant hydration. The larger, the lush the bush. In dry weather, it is specially sprayed.

Top dressing

The flower receives initial top dressing when refueling the planting hole with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Every year in May and June, under each plant, an additional ½ bucket of humus or compost is added.


Ligularia is a large perennial plant, so when planted in ventilated places, it may need to be tied up. The petioles are also fixed during blooming so that the flower candles are in an upright position, supporting the solemn appearance of the plant.

Care after flowering

It is worth paying attention to the care of the buzulnik after the end of the flowering period.


The buzulnik does not need special pruning. It looks good anyway. But if seed collection is not planned, and appearance is important, then flower stalks are cut. Until the end of autumn, magnificent leaves will adorn the garden. In anticipation of a winter cold, it is better to cut the tops and heat them with compost, peat or other similar materials.

Seed collection

When planning the cultivation of plants from their seeds, proceed as follows. Having selected several liked inflorescences, they attach cotton bags. The remaining ears are removed along with the petioles. At the end of ripening, the flowers are cut, the seeds are peeled and dried in the room.


With the onset of frost, they are cut to the base of the leaves and spud, pouring over humus. Ligularia is a winter-hardy flower, but damage is possible in the absence of snow in winter.

Diseases and pests

Buzulnik has little exposure to disease and pests. Often he is threatened by slugs. Damage to their colonies is easily prevented by pouring superphosphate in the form of granules around the plant.

Occasionally affected by powdery mildew. It is treated by spraying with a 1% solution of colloidal sulfur or potassium permanganate (2.5 g per 1 bucket of water).

Mr. Dachnik advises: Buzulnik in landscape design

Ligularia is planted in shading as a tapeworm. It also looks good with other popular plants: hosta, daylilies, snake highlander, cuff.

Landscape designers are advised to create from this plant planting in groups, plant in gardens in order to hide the aging crowns of trees.

Properly selected for the site, the look of the buzulnik for many years throughout the season will delight with its color-changing foliage and sunny inflorescences.


Watch the video: Бузульник узкоголовый Ракета. Краткий обзор, описание ligularia stenocephala The Rocket (October 2024).