Features of growing statice from seeds


Dear readers, in this article you will learn how to grow statice from seeds and do it right and easily. We will talk about all the nuances, but first, let's figure out what kind of plant it is.

Statice (Kermek notch) is a popular garden plant. In recent years, interest in him has greatly increased. The flower is actively used by landscape designers, arrangers, they are decorated with flower beds in private gardens. Extensively grown in Europe, as a perennial plant. It is called sea lavender.

In the middle lane sow every year. The correct name is statice. But often you can hear the household name - Statica. Often this name also refers to other types of limoniums: Tartar Kermek, Peres, Chinese, Gmelin, ordinary, broadleaf.

The flowers are membranous, funnel-shaped, bloom in June-July. Color depends on the species. In broadleaf, they are bright, blue. Notched varieties can be painted in bright or delicate colors: lemon, pink, raspberry, blue, purple.

The root of the statice is powerful, pivotal. The height of the bush can also be different - from 40 (Tatar) to 80 cm (broadleaf).

Growing statice from seeds

The most popular method of propagating statice is seed. It can multiply by dividing the bush, but this method causes difficulties. The root system is sensitive to transplants. Broadleaf is recommended to be replanted only in the third year.

For growing from seeds, planting material can be collected independently. Although in the middle band, the fruits ripen poorly. And only in a very dry, long, stable summer. Even so, their germination capacity will be insignificant - 30%. It is better to take purchased seeds, they have a germination rate of 94-95%.

Preparing seeds for planting

The flower seeds are small, elongated, enclosed in a dense leathery shell. Light scarification is desirable - seed treatment with sandpaper. Then they are soaked in Epin: 1-2 drops per 100 ml of water, incubated in the resulting solution at a temperature of +20 ° C for 4-6 hours. Alternative: 2 days in wet sawdust.

Ground preparation for statice

Soil: any purchased, home-made, sand or peat, light soil. Good drainage is required.
Soil and containers for planting are treated with a hot solution of potassium permanganate light pink color (1%). The soil can be heated in the oven: a layer of no more than 5 cm, exposure at a temperature of 70-90 ° C for 30 minutes. Other methods of preplant soil disinfection:

  1. Spilling small portions of boiling water, a solution of Actara, foundationazole, and other fungicides.
  2. Warming in a pan, in the sleeve for baking, in foil.
  3. Mixing soil with phytosporin.
  4. Repeated freezing and thawing.

Preparation of a container for planting statice seeds

Dishes for sowing: disposable, peat glasses - if the seedlings are planned to be planted in open ground. For cultivation in rooms or on the balcony, you can immediately pick up a large overall tableware, or seedlings - from which the received seedlings dive into a permanent place.

It is advisable to immediately sow the seeds in separate cups so as not to disturb the young seedlings.

Sowing statice for seedlings

For cultivation in Siberia, sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in late February and early March. In other regions, you can start later. The deadline is mid-March.

Seeds are laid on the surface of the soil. Squeeze lightly, sprinkle with sand, cover with glass. Seedlings should provide enough space on the windowsill.

Daily planting air. When mold appears, shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and put in a more sunny place.

Shoots at home, at a temperature of + 18 ... +20 ° C, appear in 1.5-2 weeks. In less favorable conditions, seeds can germinate for up to 3 weeks. The reason is too cold soil and lack of light. Tanks with landings can be additionally illuminated with a 60 W daylight lamp for 4-5 hours daily.

After the appearance of sprouts, plantings are gradually accustomed to fresh air, daily removing a film or glass. Time is gradually increasing.

The pick is carried out when the first true leaves appear. Optimal if this is the only transplant.

Care and planting of seedlings of statice

Spend two top dressings with complex mineral fertilizer:

  1. 1 week after the dive.
  2. Next - 1 time per month.

It is rarely watered in dry weather, only under the root, so that water does not fall on the plant. Planted in open ground in the second half of May, in Siberia - at the end of May. The distance between the seedlings is 30-40 cm.

A transplant to a permanent place should not be delayed. Despite the fragility of the root system, it is active and grows rapidly.

The place for growing statice should be sunny. It perfectly tolerates even direct rays. Shade or partial shade - not suitable, the plant will grow weakly, will not give abundant flowers, and the root system will begin to suffer from rot. The soil for planting is loose, air- and moisture-permeable. Statice is not demanding on the composition of the earth, it can grow anywhere, but stagnation of water must be avoided. Like most ornamental crops, statice has a negative attitude to acidic soils - a site with such soil must be liming.

When choosing a place for landing, it is worth considering that the statice has a bright, sometimes sharp, aroma. Pergolas, flower beds at the entrance to the house, benches and other places of rest, the frequent presence of different people, may be an unsuccessful decision.

Sowing statice seeds directly to open ground

Seeds can be sown immediately in a permanent place. This will avoid traumatic for Kermek transplants. The plant is thermophilic, does not tolerate a drop in temperature - this is taken into account when planning the terms.

Landing Instructions:

  1. In April-May, when the earth warms up well and the threat of freezing frost passes, they prepare the soil. Digging, removing weed rhizomes, loosening, liming, fertilizing with minerals. If necessary, add sand.
  2. It is important to choose an open, sunny place to plant, with a good drain of excess moisture.
  3. The surface of the prepared soil is loosened, leveled. The back side of the board makes grooves 2 cm deep every 30 cm.
  4. At a distance of 10-15 cm spread the seeds. Sprinkle with a mixture of peat (sand) with soil (in a ratio of 1: 1).
  5. Watered from a shallow watering can, so as not to erode the soil, and the seeds remained in their places.
  6. When seedlings appear, the plantings are thinned out, leaving the most powerful specimens. The distance between them is 30 cm.

Chaotic landings are possible. In this case, the soil is well crushed, then the top layer is loosened - no more than 2 cm. The seeds are scattered on the surface. Loosen the top layer again. Then carefully crush with your hands or a board, watered from a hose.

With good care (plenty of sun, loose soil, neat rare watering), the statice will bloom in early July and will delight you with bouquets of bright flowers before the frost.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: statice on the balcony

The plant is too oversized for rooms, but it looks great on balconies and terraces. Use large floor pots, containers, vases. It is better from clay, but plastic, wood, stone, concrete are suitable. Good drainage is required, up to 1/3 of the capacity pour gravel, expanded clay, shards.

Then they fill it with half the substrate, sprinkle with a layer of mineral fertilizer, mix it with the ground, place the plant, sprinkle the soil, gently shaking the seedling so that the voids between the roots are filled. The soil is crushed with fingers as it is added. After planting, carefully shed water. Put in the right place.

Water for irrigation of plants in the premises should always be +5 ° C above ambient temperature.


Watch the video: Flower Gardens : How to Grow Statice (October 2024).