Garden roses: types and varieties, planting and care


Rosa is a variety of perennial shrubs belonging to the family Rosaceae. This genus unites about 40 species. Since the middle of the twentieth century, on the basis of classic flowers, many new varieties have appeared by selection, planting of which will enrich the flowerbed.

Garden roses

The bush can be either pyramidal or sprawling. Height from 25 to 90 cm, the stems of a group of climbing roses reach 8 m.

The bush is formed due to 2 types of shoots: perennial woody main stems. In annual softer, covered with leaves on the petioles. Both species have sharp thorns, the size and quantity of which depends on the variety of roses.

The bud is either located at the very top of the shoot, or along the entire length. The size of the flower is from 2 to 18 cm, 3 types are determined by the number of petals:

  • non-double 5-8;
  • half terry 20;
  • terry 70-128 cm.

Some varieties of floribunda or hybrid tea roses have curved petals, many others have a straight shape. Sometimes wavy or with denticles along the edge.

The rose is loved due to the wealth of plain colors: white, cream, yellow, red. Also multicolor: the edge or the reverse side of the petal is painted in a different shade, even stripes and stains are found. By selection, it has not yet been possible to obtain only one color - blue.

Many varieties have a strong and pleasant smell; citrus, fruit and aroma spices are found.

Leaves with teeth along the edge of an elongated or rounded shape. The surface is matte and glossy, and the color is not only shades of green, but also a splash of bronze.

Skeletal roots go into the ground, covered with bark with a diameter of 2-3 cm. There are also thinner, smallest branches of which are called - the lobes.

The connecting link between the underground part of the plant and the stems with leaves is the root neck, its size in centimeters depends on the degree of depth in the ground:

  • long 10-15;
  • average 5-9;
  • short 3-4.

Garden species of roses

Based on the history of selection, garden roses are divided into ancient and modern, bred after 1867.

Vintage roses

This group consists of roses that have lost the appearance of wild rose due to complex hybridization. The shape of the flowers is flattened or close to the ball, the number of petals is large. The color is light, pastel, the most common range of shades is pink. Bushes are formed tall, with a large number of buds. Flowering per season, as a rule, is single. The exception is remontant and bourbon.

The disadvantages of these roses include weak resistance to low temperatures and rain, buds and petals are showered. They are also often affected by fungal infections.

Type / varietyHeight (cm)ColorFeatures
Roses Alba:
  • Alba Suaveolens;
  • Madame Plantier;
  • Chloris.
200.White, cream.Undemanding to soil, resistant to frost and infections.
  • Jacques Cartier,
  • MmeBoll.
100-120.Purple.Pleasant aroma. Re-budding.
  • Emotion
  • Kathleen Harrop;
  • Orange Symphonie.
150.Orange. The whole gamut of pink shades.Autumn flowering. Affected by fungal diseases, shelter is necessary for the winter.
Centipole (table-petal):
  • Black Boy
  • Robert le Diable;
  • Wretham Rose.
90-140.From white to coral.Short, sprawling. In landscaping are rare.
  • Boufarik;
  • Petite Lisette;
  • Swiss Damask.
100-200.Snow-white. Light purple.Inflorescences are very fragrant. The bush green is sparse, sparse.
  • Song of the Stars;
  • James Mason;
  • Ohl.
90-180.Cherry, red.Long shoots. Big leaves.


This group is often allocated separately due to the universality of use. If necessary, from the English rose in the garden, you can make both a compact and a sprawling bush, a standard tree or a hedge. These plants are resistant to adverse conditions, caring for them is not difficult. Shaded areas are well tolerated, a sufficient amount of sunlight for 4-5 hours.

A cup-shaped flower, like that of old roses, collected from many rolled up petals. In some varieties, the amount reaches two hundred. Many bushes are re-flowering. They have wonderful and vibrant aromas of myrrh, musk and citrus.

The most popular are 3 varieties:

  • Abraham Derby;
  • Benjamin Britten;
  • William Shakespeare.

Modern roses

All modern garden roses are divided into groups that should be considered in more detail.

Hybrid Tea

Distinctive features: large flowers 10-14 cm, elegant in the form of glasses. There are both terry 25-35 petals, and densely terry 50-60 pieces. Peduncles are long. The formation of buds occurs in June-July, after a short two-week break, and the second wave of formation continues until the fall. The color scheme presents a variety of colors. Light to saturated aromas.

The height of medium bushes is 60-70 cm, and tall 80-100 cm. The difference in care is mandatory shelter in the fall.

Common varieties of tea hybrid roses:

  • Mr Lincoln;
  • Lucky Piece;
  • Double Delight
  • Alexander


This species is a hybrid obtained by crossing large-flowered roses. Small buds and collected in large inflorescences appear during the summer to autumn. Often used for bouquets.

By the height of the bush there are giants of 80-100 cm, grown as hedges, and undersized no more than 40-55 cm, separated into a separate subgroup - roses, patios (miniflora), which are used to decorate the yard.

Suitable for forming borders and effectively look in large planting groups. Well tolerate rainy weather, resistant to many diseases.

The most fragrant representatives:

  • Shocking Blue;
  • Fragrand Delight;
  • Melody Maker


Large-flowered, appeared during the crossing of hybrid tea and floribunda roses. Due to the formation of long shoots, they are used for cutting. They can bloom continuously for several months, which is why they are actively used to decorate gardens.

The most prominent representatives are: The Queen Elizabeth Rose and Sonja.

However, in many European countries this group is not officially recognized and its varieties are classified as floribunda roses.


These dwarf roses are very similar to polyanthus. They are compact miniature often spherical bushes, 30 cm high. Single buds or collected in inflorescences. The color is different, often juicy shades. Resistant to frost and various infections. Flowering continues throughout the summer.

They are used as decoration for balconies, grow in pots and containers. The garden looks good in the foreground of flower beds, as borders and paired with dwarf flowers.


Another name is semi-braided. Large and sprawling bushes 200-250 cm high. The shoots are characterized by rapid growth, a garter to the supports is required. The flowers are large, densely doubled or there are simple flowers similar to rose hips. The aroma contains tea, musky and fruity notes.

A group of scrubs include Canadian and Austin roses. Resistant to weather and all kinds of infections. They withstand winter well, are unpretentious in leaving.


This group appeared in France. Inflorescences are located at the ends of the shoots and consist of a large number of small buds from 20 to 60 pieces. The bush is medium sized 40-60 cm, compact, unpretentious in care.

Polyanthus roses have a sufficient number of advantages:

  • lack of thorns;
  • high vitality, easily restored from the root;
  • tolerates cold and pest attacks;
  • flowers retain freshness and neat appearance for a long time 10-14 days;
  • can grow from seeds;
  • It tolerates excess moisture;
  • Feels good on a shaded area.

Woven ramblers

Most of the group's varieties are Vishurian rose hybrids. Feature long 200-1500 cm shoots. The flowers are small 2-3.5 cm, however, are collected in large densely arranged inflorescences. Suitable for decorating fences, creating hedges, masking imperfections.

They have a two-year cycle of development of stems. In the first year, long zero stems grow from the soil, in the second year, lateral shoots with buds appear in their middle and upper parts. In subsequent seasons, young lashes grow from the ground and on the lower parts of last year's branches.


The name was given due to the inherent aroma of these roses. Flowers have beautiful shapes and delicate shades of petals, the total number of which reaches 60 pieces. The buds are large round or long sharp, the shape depends on the variety. There are both undersized bushes of 50 cm, and weaving 200 cm high.

The main disadvantage of this species is its low resistance to frost.

Examples of varieties:

  • Parade;
  • Gloirede Dijon.

Ground cover

These creeping plants with small flowers and long stems owe their origin to the rose of Rugosa and the wild rose of Vihua. Because of this crossing, several varieties of groundcover appeared:

  • Small 45 cm and medium from 50 cm.
  • Large 100 cm and tall over 110 cm with drooping shoots.

Frost-resistant, some have enough light shelter, and many winter under a layer of snow. In leaving unpretentious, well take root.


Park roses - tall shrubs 150 cm, with dense foliage. Many varieties are resistant to frost and are perfect for regions with a cold climate. Flowering earlier in early June.

Garden roses - the basic rules of cultivation and care

Each plant has a preference and there are also features in caring for roses. One of the keys to successful cultivation is the right place to plant. Flowers prefer light areas protected from drafts and gusts of wind. The bushes should not be too long in the sun, especially for dark-colored varieties that easily burn out.

The optimum temperature is +18 ... +25 ° C, at higher values ​​the plant will receive a burn of leaf plates, and the flowers will dry.

Next, you need to properly trim, water and feed the plant, these basic rules of cultivation will be discussed below.

Soil and mulching

The best soil is rich in humus, loose, well permeable to moisture and air. Lack of oxygen will adversely affect root development. The soil should be slightly acidic pH 6.0-6.5, for areas with a cold climate, alkaline pH 7.0 is better. To increase acidity, add peat or organics, for example, manure.

Unsuitable type of land - marshy and too moist, excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots and death.

Between rose bushes, you can plant ground cover plants or a lawn, which will become an excellent mulching material, giving the soil friability. You can use wood chips or shavings.


Reproduction of bushes occurs in a vegetative way. For climbing and large species, rooting of layering will be the best method. For this, a flexible strong shoot is selected, on which an 8 cm long incision is made. Next, the stem is attached with pegs to the ground and sprinkled with soil. Next season it can be separated and transplanted.

Another option is using cuttings. To do this, in spring or early summer, choose strong stems without damage and cut them into pieces 15-20 cm long. The upper cut should be at right angles, and the bottom should be done at 45 degrees. Sheet plates are removed or shortened. Prepared seedlings can be laid out in a hole made in the open ground, sprinkled with loose soil at an angle. Top must be covered with a plastic or glass jar.

The following spring, rooted cuttings can be transplanted into a flower bed with prepared loose soil.

Shaping and trimming

In accordance with the tasks facing the grower, there are 5 types of pruning:

  • formative;
  • sanitary;
  • on flowering;
  • thinning;
  • anti-aging.

A bush planted in the spring 2-3 weeks after adaptation in a new place will begin active growth of shoots. From this moment on, you can form a plant. Too much ahead in size other stems from above must be pinched. You need to do this after the appearance of 4 sheets. In this way, the symmetry of the bush is achieved. Correction of the form should continue until August, giving the opportunity to bloom. The first pruning is always carried out in the spring, even if the rose is planted in the fall.

Sanitary is performed after the opening of the bushes in the spring, summer and before the dormant period. All frozen and poorly developing stems are cut off. However, in autumn it is necessary to leave shoots long, this will help to save them from death at low temperature.

In some bushes, sprouts with small leaves may begin to appear at the vaccination site, this is wild growth. It must be cut off at the base of the root neck, cleared of the ground.

Withered flowers are cleaned, this helps to maintain a neat appearance. You need to cut off over 2-3 leaves and a developed bud, the distance from it should be 0.5-0.8 cm. At the end of summer, dry peduncles do not cut. Their removal can cause the growth of new shoots, which are poorly prepared for the winter.

A summer haircut is done to cut off all the weak and fatty shoots that create a dense bush. A plant with a lot of thin twigs becomes easy prey for pests. Blind without buds also need to be shortened, leaving 4-5 pairs of leaves.

Anti-aging treatments are necessary for adult bushes to extend their life in the garden. Plants need to be pruned heavily, but this should be done in several stages so that the bush can adapt before the fall. It is also necessary to dig out and cut off the dry parts of the stems.


An adult rose needs a fairly large amount of water. However, at different stages of growth, the need for a bush in the liquid is not the same. The greatest need for water arises during the development of shoots, the appearance of leaves and after the first flowering. For one plant, 15-20 liters are required, and in the heat, watering should be increased up to 2 times a week. The lack of moisture will greatly affect the stems and, especially, the flowers, they will be faded and underdeveloped.

Water should be warm, the root system of roses does not tolerate cold. It is recommended to pour the settled liquid from a watering can with a thin stream into the base of the plant, being careful not to get on the leaves. Do not moisten the soil in the heat, and also use a hose.

Starting in September, watering needs to be reduced. A large amount of liquid during this period stimulates plants to grow new shoots, which do not have time to prepare well for wintering and die. Therefore, many flower growers completely stop soil moisture during this period. However, if the weather is dry and without rain, you should compensate for the lack of fluid at the rate of 10-12 liters per bush once a week. This will help the roots store water for the winter.

Top dressing

For the proper growth and development of the plant, you need to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. They are introduced into well-moistened soil, departing from the basal neck of 10-15 cm. After distribution, another irrigation is carried out.

Young and mature bushes feed differently. In the first year of planting, fertilizers need to be applied in small quantities 2-3 times per season. More frequent procedures 5-6 times can be done in the second year of life of the rose.

Sources with a high content of organic substances:

  • Rotted manure can also be mixed with peat in a ratio of 2: 1. It decomposes slowly, constantly saturating the soil.
  • Bird droppings: A fast-acting fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen. It is better to use in liquid form at a rate of 1:10. Buckets with a solution will be enough for 2-3 bushes.
  • Wood ash. Makes the soil alkaline.
  • Compost from rotted parts of other plants.

The main nutrient chemical elements for roses are presented in the table:


BenefitDue date
NitrogenThe growth of stems and foliage.May-August.
Phosphorus (Superphosphate)Ripening of strong shoots.June-September.
Potassium sulfateThe formation of a large number of buds, the proper preparation of plants for wintering.From the beginning of summer to October.
CalciumNeutralization of acidic soils.As needed.
Trace elements: magnesium, boron, iron and manganeseImproving immunity, protection against diseases, restorative.During the growing season.

The greatest amount of nutrients plants should receive in the spring during active growth and budding. In order not to make a mistake with the number of top dressings, you should fertilize in 5 stages according to this scheme:

Period for feedingSuperphosphate (g)Ammonium nitrate (g)Potassium salt (g)
Spring pruning, bud opening25-30.Not entered.
Shoot growth25-30.10-15.10-15.
Bud formation30-40.15-20.
The end of the first flowering10-15.15-20.
Completion of the second wave of peduncle formation40-50.Not used at this stage.

The proposed substances are based on a bucket of water.

Diseases and Pests

Growing roses is the timely prevention of diseases or pests. Inspection should be done at least 1-2 times in 7 days. This will allow you to identify the problem at an early stage and prevent the death of the rose.

All damaged areas should be removed, they do not need to be sent to compost, it is better to dispose of or burn.

If sanitary pruning did not help, fungicides should be used, for example, Abiga-Peak, Topaz, Skor. You can use folk remedies. To determine the cause of the malaise of the plant and find the right medicine will help the table:

Disease / pestSignsElimination
Powdery mildewWhite plaque on young shoots. Twisted leaves.To carry out prophylaxis, to disinfect new plants, to process with preparations containing copper.
RustBright orange spots near the kidneys.
Gray rotMold, buds do not open and wither.Dry the soil, remove the affected parts of the plant. Spray with a solution: for 9 liters of water, 300 g of soap and 30 g of copper sulfate.
Black spottingDark brown circles.Choose varieties of roses resistant to disease. Dispose of dying parts. Use fungicides (Profit, Bordeaux mixture, Fundazole)
Shoot burnTinea stalks are red stains, frost-holes.Dry roses before shelter for the winter. Paint damaged areas with a water-based paint with the addition of copper oxychloride: 0.5 l 20 g.
CaterpillarsHoles and torn edges on foliage.Assemble by hand. Sprinkle mustard powder around the bush to deter pests.
SawflyDamaged shoots dry out.To process not only the affected parts, but also the ground around the rose with insecticides, for example, Spark, Intavir.
ThripsTwisting and wilting young parts of the bush.
Rose aphidApply garlic solution: per liter 200 g, insist 5 days, dilute with water at the rate of 10 l 1/4 of the obtained liquid.
Spider miteSpider web on the bottom surface of the leaf plate.Wash the leaves and treat with Fitoverm.

All diseases affect the decorative appearance of flowers and their winter hardiness.

Winter preparations

Shelter of roses is an important and responsible process, because the preparation of the plant begins even before the onset of cold weather. From the second half of August, the actions of the grower should be aimed at stopping growth. To do this, reduce watering and top dressing, when rain pulls polyethylene over the bushes. Actively growing shoots pinch.

When the temperature drops to 0 ° C, roses stop growing and accumulate nutrients. Natural hardening occurs, so do not close the plants early.

The final stage of preparation is the beginning of November. It is necessary to remove the remaining leaf plates and cut the bushes to a height of 40-45 cm. After that, fill it with warming material: dry sawdust, preferably coniferous, at the rate of 3 buckets per bush. You can use peat, after mixing it with sand, coniferous branches or just spud it with a layer of earth.

Sometimes they use homemade greenhouses 50-60 cm tall from metal or pipes and roofing material. However, this type of insulation of the bushes is not suitable for damp areas.

Roses are shrubs of unique beauty, represented by a variety of shapes, types and colors. With proper care and careful observance of the recommendations, even a beginner grower will create various compositions in the garden with these plants.


Watch the video: 13 Rose Varieties . Garden Answer (October 2024).