Chrysanthemum garden perennial: description, varieties, planting and care


Chrysanthemums are especially beautiful in the autumn. They belong to the Astrov family. Gardeners who choose to pay attention to this culture can choose from an extensive assortment.

Among the positive aspects, in addition to variety, unpretentiousness and plentiful flowering are distinguished. Decorative plants depend on the quality of care, species characteristics and climatic conditions.

Description and features of chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums have a powerful rhizome, an erect stem and underground shoots. The inflorescence is collected from many flowers. Its diameter is from 5 to 20 cm. They can be simple and terry. When qualifying varieties, they also focus on the color, shape and size of the baskets.

When determining the terry of chrysanthemums, they must take into account the severity of the disk and the difference between the number of flowers of different types.

Stem leaves may have a different length, shape and degree of dissection. On the one hand, the plates are painted dark green, on the other, you can find a dull grayish pubescent surface. A rather specific aroma leaves the leaves.

The height of the plant varies from 15 cm to 1.5 m. Petals are reed, simple, spoon-shaped and tubular.

Chrysanthemums are characterized by resistance to low temperature conditions. They are not demanding on the composition of the soil, so difficulties with planting usually do not arise. These flowers acquire a special charm in the fall. Their inflorescences look good against the background of fallen leaves and evergreen shrubs.

Types and varieties of chrysanthemums

The result of long breeding work was the emergence of many varieties. Focusing on the duration of the life cycle, annual and perennial chrysanthemums are distinguished. The first planted for one growing season.

This explains the ease of care. The gardener does not need to prepare the plant for wintering. Under favorable climatic conditions, annuals bloom from June until the first frost.

ViewDescription Height (cm)VarietiesFlowers
KilevayaOn an erect stem simple or terry baskets. The diameter of the inflorescence is from 5 to 7 cm. The buds begin to bloom in mid-summer. Does not exceed 70.KokardaWhite, bright middle.
DunettiTricolor, terry.
SternDark core, light yellow petals.
Funny mixDecorated with contrasting rings.
SowingIn appearance it resembles a field camomile. Gives abundant self-seeding. Branching stalk. Reaches 80.GloriaA simple basket, golden petals, a bright middle.
Star of the EastA combination of chocolate and pale yellow hues.
CrownedThe fleshy stems are decorated with dissected leaf blades. About 70 cm.NiveaWhite, large basket.
OrionLarge single inflorescences of a saturated yellow hue.
GoldkroneGolden, semi-double.
OdorlessDecorated with cirrus foliage. Up to 20.Bride's dressTerry, snow-white.
ProminentThe diameter of the inflorescences is no more than 11 cm. 120.AnnetteA combination of pinkish-white and red-orange hues.

It is quite difficult to imagine a summer cottage without perennial chrysanthemums. With the timely implementation of all necessary measures, they will retain a decorative look until late autumn. Indian species of chrysanthemums

KoreanHybrids that are highly resistant to adverse weather conditions, parasites and diseases.Orange sunsetLarge, brownish-red.
BaconTerry red inflorescences.
SunYellow-red, like a camomile.
AlyonushkaSimple basket, pink petals.
Evening lightsThe buds are deep yellow.
Kibalchish BoyPink, no more than 8 cm in diameter.
First snowWhite terry inflorescences.
IndianThe height of the bushes reaches 1.5 m. Inflorescences bloom in the fall.AltgoldPompoms, terry, with dark yellow petals.
Valley RoofPink-lilac, flat shape.
AuroraLarge, orange.
PrimzvaraSpherical, pale pink.
Snow elfPompoms, densely terry, snow-white.
Korean species of chrysanthemums Korean species of chrysanthemums

Growing annual chrysanthemums from seeds

It all starts with the purchase of planting material. When purchasing seeds, you need to give preference to varieties that are adapted to the existing climatic conditions.

The timing depends on how the chrysanthemums will be grown. If the summer resident decided to plant in the open ground, the seeds should be sown in April-May.

When choosing a seedling method, they are placed in previously prepared soil at the beginning of March.

Annuals do not suffer from return frosts, so planting in open soil will provide significant time savings. The selected location must meet the following requirements:

  • maximum illumination;
  • the presence of protection from strong winds and drafts;
  • good soil permeability.

Pay attention to the water table. If they are too close, the fluid will stagnate. In this case, the plant is unlikely to take root. Due to the increased humidity, the root system will begin to rot.

Preparation for landing is recommended to begin in the fall. The site is dug up and fertilized. The composition of the mixture is determined taking into account the initial state of the soil. Planted plants need regular watering, weeding, mulching. Feeding is carried out 3-4 times per season.

Sowing in soil

Chrysanthemums grow best in moisture-intensive, moderate and loamy soils. They are strictly forbidden to plant on acidic soils. When planting, you need to make a drainage layer rich in nutrients.

Seedlings are transferred to the ground in mid-May. The earth by this time is already well warmed up. About 20-30 cm should be left between the seedlings. Furrows must be covered with an even layer of peat.

Thinning should be carried out after the appearance of the first shoots.

Seeding for seedlings

At the preparatory stage, containers are prepared. It can be general boxes or separate containers. They are filled with a mixture of peat, loose soil and sand. Planting depth is not more than 1 cm. In order not to displace the seeds, in the first days of sowing the crops are watered with a sprayer.

To create a temperature regime, the box is covered with glass or film.

Seedling Care

The first pick is done two weeks after emergence. Then the plants are treated with growth stimulants. The most effective drugs include Zircon and Epin. Chrysanthemum is a flower that prefers a temperate climate.

She suffers from a sharp increase in temperature and excessive moisture. The plant needs good lighting.

Reproduction of perennial chrysanthemum

Horticultural culture is most often propagated through cuttings and separation of an adult bush. The choice is due to simplicity and efficiency. Using these methods, you can save all varietal characteristics. Seeds are used quite rarely.

A significant reason for failure is:

  • The complexity of the process.
  • Lack of relevant knowledge and experience.
  • Possible loss of important characteristics.
  • The risk that the seeds do not have time to ripen.

It should be noted that perennial chrysanthemums planted in this way will bloom only for the next season.

The bush from which the stalk is taken must be healthy. Planting material is taken in the spring. The optimum air temperature is +20 ˚С ... +26 ° C. The height of the shoots suitable for processing is about 15 cm. Planting material is placed in previously prepared soil.

It is kept moist. The box is placed in a room that is regularly ventilated. Chrysanthemums take root quite quickly. Usually enough for 2-3 weeks. After the expiration of this period, the gardener can begin to plant the sprouts in the infield.

Bushes recommend replanting at least once every 3-4 years. This is necessary in order to update the root system and provide abundant flowering.

The division of the bush is also carried out in the spring. Chrysanthemums are dug by means of a pitchfork. The root system is divided using a sharp knife. Processing is carried out by means of a solution of potassium permanganate. After processing, the separated parts are planted in accordance with the selected scheme. In this case, the flowering period begins in late August.

Landing and care

In open ground, you need to plant chrysanthemums that are able to withstand low temperatures. Spring planting is preferable to autumn. This is due to the fact that the plant, which has not yet had time to take root, is greatly weakened.

Seedlings should be placed at a distance from each other. The distance is determined based on varietal characteristics.

Temperature and lighting

Chrysanthemums are a garden crop that feels comfortable at +15 ° C. In the summer, crops are cooled by regular irrigation. Despite the photophilicity, these colors are still needed. Shelters providing it should be installed at noon.

Landing time

Chrysanthemums do not tolerate heat. The weather in spring is quite changeable, therefore, it is recommended to choose morning or evening hours for landing. It is desirable that the weather be cloudy. In this case, the sprouts will not be affected by direct sunlight.

In regions with a mild climate, garden chrysanthemums can be planted in autumn. In any case, the landing should not be carried out later than mid-September. If the seedling is tall, support may be required.

Landing pattern

Before embarking on a landing, you must select a suitable location. It must be open to the sun. Deepenings are done according to a predetermined scheme. Between tall chrysanthemums should be at least 50 cm.

For small flowers, the distance can be reduced to 25 cm. The next step is to fertilize. Chrysanthemums are planted in trenches and holes. At the bottom of each of them lay sand or drainage.

Top dressing

The complex fertilizer should contain sodium, potassium and phosphorus. The first top dressing is carried out after the cuttings take root. The prepared mixture is made under chrysanthemums. After 2 weeks, bird droppings and mullein are introduced. The following procedure is carried out at the time when the buds are formed.

Subject to all recommendations, chrysanthemums will become more resistant to negative environmental factors. An additional advantage will be abundant flowering. Excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizer leads to an increase in green mass.


The procedure is necessary in order to protect the garden culture from pests and fungal diseases. Mulching the soil will prevent weeds. Sawdust, pine bark and needles can be used to process spray chrysanthemums.


To give the chrysanthemum a neat shape, pinching is necessary. The first procedure is carried out immediately after planting the soil, the second is done after 3 weeks.

In the latter case, the part containing no more than three nodes is removed. The result of pinching is the formation of beautiful bushes. Ignoring this recommendation will reduce the number of buds.


Mandatory procedure is the introduction of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Subsequent actions are determined by the frost resistance of the variety. Resistant chrysanthemums can be left in the garden. In late autumn, flowers wintering in the open, cover with dry twigs and leaves.

Perennials that are less adapted to low temperatures are dug up and placed in the cellar.

Diseases and Pests

Chrysanthemums can be affected by powdery mildew and gray rot. The last disease manifests itself in the form of rot and brown spots. Fungal ailments are fought with copper-based drugs. To reduce the risk of pathologies, it is necessary to pay attention to the temperature regime, soil moisture and fertilizer composition.

Gardeners should take preventative measures against meadow bugs, aphids and thrips. For this, Fitoverm, Aktellik and Aktara can be used. Thanks to timely prevention, plants will be healthy throughout the season.

Chrysanthemums with proper planting and proper care can become a decoration of a personal plot. They are planted separately and in a group with other garden crops. Low-growing plants are often used for landscaping and container gardening. Chrysanthemums are combined with bells, marigolds, marigolds, cosmeas and snapdragons. This list can be supplemented with salvia, petunia and cineraria.


Watch the video: How to Grow Chrysanthemums - Hardy Mums and Exhibition Types. (October 2024).