Photo and description of all ornamental shrubs for the garden


Summer residents often use decorative shrubs to decorate personal plots. There are many of them, they are unpretentious, considered universal, not tied to one region. They can be seen both in Siberia and in the Urals. There are sun-loving, shade-tolerant, wild-growing, tall varieties. Difficulties with the selection of crops suitable for type and color usually do not arise.

Planting decorative shrubs, gardeners pursue several goals at once: the first is the creation of a unique landscape, the second is the protection of undersized plantings from wind, dust and the hot sun. When planning a design, the need for shrubs in a "personal" space is necessarily taken into account.

They need more space than another garden plant.

Varieties of ornamental shrubs

The classification is based on the characteristic features of ornamental shrubs. Among them, photophilia, color, shape and density of the crown, appearance, height are distinguished. The latter indicator is of particular importance when creating a hedge. At the same time, bushes can have not only flowers, but also thorns.

Based on these factors, flowering, fruit, undersized and frost-resistant shrubs are distinguished. They are also classified by season. Gardeners who prefer spring varieties can plant Forsythia, almonds, spirea, irga and kerriya.

Jasmine, barberry, hydrangea and rose are distinguished by a high level of decorativeness in the summer. In the fall, a personal plot can be decorated with abelia, viburnum, mountain ash and hawthorn.

The conservatory will gain charm thanks to the dogrose, holly and berry yew. In areas characterized by mild climatic conditions, plants such as Japanese maple, camellia, azalea, magnolia and witch hazel are quite popular.

Decorative shrubs for the suburbs

In the Moscow region, winter lasts for 5 months. Only the most frost-resistant decorative shrubs can survive such a prolonged exposure to low temperatures. It is desirable that they be unpretentious, we will write about them in the next section.

Among the additional conditions distinguish adaptability to gas contamination and belonging to annuals. In summer, growing problems usually do not occur. In areas with a temperate continental climate, the average air temperature is not lower than +21 ° C.

Winter-hardy ornamental shrubs

Shrubs and shrubs that retain their decorativeness throughout the year belong to this category. They are characterized by resistance to strong winds and cold winters.


It has a rich aroma, bright foliage and original color. There are many varieties. During the flowering period, they decorate the infield with lilac, white and pink tassels. Especially popular is the lilac, the inflorescences of which are characterized by mixed shades.


It is often called jasmine. Its advantages include bright white corollas, alluring smell, plentiful flowering, unpretentiousness in care and endurance. In the garden and park areas, the Blizzard variety is often planted. Its main feature is terry whisk.

Clematis (clematis)

Decorative creepers with flowers of various colors can be purple, pink, blue, purple, raspberry, burgundy and white. They adorn alpine slides and hedges. The diameter of the corollas is from 8 to 20 cm. Their shape is also different: terry, star-shaped and bell-shaped.


As a result of abundant flowering, the plant is covered with pink and white corollas. Different varieties are often not similar to each other. Large and compact inflorescences become the main decoration of the spring garden. They can grow both in partial shade and in the sun.


In the middle lane, only winter-hardy varieties can be grown. Beauties, whose homeland is the southern regions, are not able to survive in a sharply continental climate. Among the distinguishing features distinguish high decorativeness, impressive inflorescences, lush foliage. Spreading and spherical bushes are decorated with red, white, blue corollas.


It is a shrub characterized by a large number of branches and leaves of a trihedral shape. The latter can be gray, green, brown, orange and burgundy. Each inflorescence consists of goblet-shaped flowers of lilac, bluish-white, pale pink. They delight from July to November.


Perennial with bright color. Outwardly resembles terry lilacs. The length of the brushes often reaches 45 cm. The height of the bush is about 3 m. Thanks to a wide range of shades, the landscape becomes much more spectacular with its help.

Evergreen shrubs for the garden

Among the most popular species that remain green in winter are:

  • Aukubu is a beautiful poisonous shrub that reaches 2 m in height;
  • Strawberry tree - after the appearance of pink and white corollas, fruits are formed that taste like a wild berry;
  • Boxwood - there are both high and miniature varieties;
  • Callistemon - long leaf blades, dark pink or lemon yellow inflorescences;
  • Choisy - a rounded crown, enticing aroma;
  • Cistus - characterized by fleeting flowering and bright foliage.

Evergreen shrubs are recommended for planting in spring. Thanks to them, the garden turns into a recreation area. In vast household plots, plants from this category play the role of a binder between low-growing crops and trees.

Variegated shrubs for the garden

Garden crops are considered variegated, characterized by atypical coloration. They dilute monophonic compositions, thereby increasing decorativeness.


Evergreen shrub, characterized by white flowers and bright foliage. In autumn, blue drupes appear on it. The plant retains its decorativeness even in winter. Its shoots, painted in green, burgundy, yellow and bright red shades, make the garden more picturesque. Derain is unpretentious and hardy.


Deciduous plant, decorated with berry-shaped fruits and axillary inflorescences. The shrub loves moisture, tolerates shade well. Adapts poorly when transplanted. To give the crown the desired shape, trim.


Belongs to the family Honeysuckle. For decorative purposes, 10 varieties are grown. They are deciduous shrubs, characterized by unpretentiousness in care. Among the characteristic features, bell-shaped and funnel-shaped flowers, petiole leaves, an upright stalk are distinguished.


The height of the bush is 7 m. The crown has an ovoid or spherical shape. Large leaves along the edges are decorated with notches. After flowering, dark brown nuts form. They ripen by the end of summer.


Differs in fluffy inflorescences, bright color of leaves. They can be burgundy, yellow, red, orange and even scarlet. The latter are especially distinguished in the autumn period. Mumps are considered a family of Sumakhovs. Both species are highly decorative.


This ornamental shrub will decorate any garden. Its spherical crown consists of sprawling branches, decorated with large leaf blades. Caring for the bladderwort does not take much time. It is unpretentious to soil and air. Shrubs can be planted near the roads. His appearance does not suffer from this.

Exotic Shrubs for the Garden

Each plot can be made unique. To create an unusual landscape design, you need to land exotics that match the preferences of the summer resident. Their list is quite extensive.

Tree peony

It belongs to the same genus as the herbaceous perennial, etc. Pion. The height of the bush is not more than 1.5 m. The flowers decorating the bushes are pink, burgundy and yellow. Corolla diameter 30 cm.

Rose flower

Terry flowers vary in color. The number of shoots on one plant from 3 to 5. The width of the bushes can reach 2 m. Among the distinguishing features distinguish charming aroma, unpretentiousness, resistance to adverse weather conditions.


The flowers of this plant are composed of dense petals. The spectrum contains all shades of red and cream. Mixed-colored camellias look like gardenias. Oval leaf blades have a leathery surface.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose)

The assortment of specialized stores contains annual and perennial varieties. The former are flowering plants, the latter are shrubs. During flowering, bushes are covered with bright large corollas.


The plant, which attracts bees with its unusual aroma, belongs to the legume family. Height 30 m. Features include white inflorescences and thorns on the branches.


Pretty whimsical. Needs an acidic environment, moisture and fertilizers. Frost-resistant varieties and their hybrids are suitable for cultivation in the Moscow Region.

Fruit shrubs for the garden that can be used as ornamental

They can be seen on every plot. Planting them, the summer resident receives not only an interesting element of landscape design, but also tasty healthy berries. Such multifunctionality is both a plus and a minus. This is due to more difficult care. Failure to comply with agricultural requirements, the crop is unlikely to be plentiful. Fruit shrubs should be planted in the fall. The best time to plant immediately after leaf fall.


A plant from the Kizilov family, characterized by winter hardiness and unpretentiousness. In the infield, silky, blood-red and white derain can be planted. The height of the ornamental shrub does not exceed 3 m.

Thanks to its compact form and abundant flowering, derain is able to decorate even a small garden. Ripe fruits do not have a pleasant taste.


It is attributed to evergreens. Among the characteristic features are elongated leaves, inflorescences in the form of brushes and fiery fruits. Even after leaf fall, it retains its decorative effect.


Shrub with powerful healing properties. In the list of the most popular are such varieties as Yukigoten, Fascination, Nicoline, Pinklady, Zubutlinskaya. Needs fertile soil, sunlight, and enough moisture.


It is used to create hedges in the garden and in the park. After abundant flowering, many bright berries appear.


Has a spreading crown. It is formed by long branches of a reddish hue. Height is 1.5 m. Corollas adorn it for a rather long period. The fruits are brightly colored and large in size.


Evergreen plant belonging to the Magnolia family. It includes about 80 varieties. Flowers that appear in early spring are yellow, pink, and white. The features also include a rich aroma, brown or ash-gray bark.


Beautiful unpretentious shrub. A wild rose is often planted as a prickly hedge. It is distinguished by arched branches, sharp crescent-shaped spikes, greenish-red shoots.


In appearance it is similar to the previous plant. Its decorativeness can be enhanced by cropping. Berries ripened at the end of the season are often used for medicinal purposes.


A beautiful perennial that produces fruits with a specific taste. Jam and compotes are prepared from berries. Arches are used to grow climbing varieties.


It has a rich odor and healing properties. The height is about 10 m. Using the correct pruning, the bush is given the desired shape.


It is distinguished by abundant flowering, powerful healing effect and high decorativeness. Belongs to the family Honeysuckle. In the list of the most popular there are such varieties as Bul-de-nege, Uralskaya sweet, Altai. The last two varieties give large fruits, with good taste.

Mr. Summer resident: basic tips for planting shrubs

Before landing, you need to choose a place to create a new composition. At this stage, you should focus on agricultural requirements. Seedlings of variegated varieties need a lot of sunlight.

Plain-colored cultures are mostly shade-loving. Plants can be planted both individually and in a group. An ideal option is a composition of three ornamental shrubs.

Landing is as follows:

  • Prepare the soil (digging, removing stones and litter, fertilizing).
  • Make holes for seedlings.
  • Garden plants are planted.

The distance between the bushes depends on how large the bush grows. The remaining space can be filled with rhizome and bulbous cultures. If you ignore these recommendations, they will interfere with each other.

Shrubs are planted near hedges, outbuildings. On the flower beds they can be located both in the center and in the back row. Each option is original in its own way. An exclusive ensemble of garden plants of different heights will become the "highlight" of the infield.

How to choose decorative and fruit bushes

The range of crops that are planted to decorate the garden is quite extensive. Among the determining factors distinguish:

  • personal preferences of the summer resident;
  • plot area;
  • estimated location of the bushes;
  • difficulty in leaving;
  • soil and climatic conditions;
  • shrub life (annual and perennial);
  • compatibility with other garden crops to avoid a discord between flowers, aromas and forms;
  • decorative features.

For the breakdown of the landscape park, lush, sprawling shrubs are suitable. Those who have a small plot, such are unlikely to fit. In this case, they prefer minimalistic compositions, choose varieties that can take any form. Their distinctive feature is the absence of problems with a haircut.


Watch the video: Layer Up: Choosing Landscaping Plants That Speak to YouAnd Your Yard (October 2024).