Treatment and prevention of powdery mildew on cucumbers


Powdery mildew (ashtray) - a plant disease caused by microscopic fungi, often causes harm to greenhouse cucumber crops and open ground. The fungus responsible for the infection of this particular crop is Oidium erysiphoides. Mycelium usually develops in June, first affects the leaves, then the stems, fruits. Timely started treatment and preventive measures help to maintain the harvest and collect the fruits.

What does mildew look like on cucumbers

It is easy to recognize the disease on cucumbers by the following characteristic signs:

  • small white or red spots on the lower leaf plates;
  • plaque on petioles, stems;
  • the size of the spots increase, merge;
  • leaf plates, shoots in white dust;
  • spots change color to brown;
  • plates twist, quickly dry;
  • the fruits are deformed, cracked;
  • shoots dry, darken.

The spores of the fungus look like small brown balls. A humid microclimate in a greenhouse creates the most favorable conditions for its development. Therefore, cucumbers there are more susceptible to disease. The fungus hibernates usually in vegetation torn in autumn. With the onset of heat in the spring, it wakes up, attaches to the surface of the leaf plates, drinks their juice. Its spores sprout rapidly, the higher the humidity, the faster - 3-7 days.

Peronosporosis (downy mildew), caused by a fungus - Pseudoperonospora cubensis. It is characterized by yellow-green uneven spots with veins on the leaves. Then they become oily, brown. Bottom on the plates is a white-purple coating. A few days later, the leaves dry.

If control measures are not taken, the bushes will quickly die.

The reasons for the appearance of the fungus are: rainy, foggy weather, temperature spikes, dense plantations, soil with a high nitrogen content, frequent watering with cold liquid, uncleaned weed grass on the beds.

Prevention of powdery mildew on cucumbers

To prevent illness, gardeners should follow the basic rules:

  • plant cucumbers in one plot with an interval of four years (crop rotation);
  • constantly remove weed residues;
  • in the autumn to carry out disinfection of soil with potassium permanganate;
  • treat seeds with Grandsil, Trichodermin.
  • in a greenhouse to maintain a temperature above +20 ° C;
  • water the bushes under the root with warm water;
  • spray with special preparations (Quadris);
  • to feed vegetables in moderation;
  • watering, do not fall on leaves and stems;
  • Do not plant vegetables in the lowlands, shadows;
  • disinfect seeds;
  • fertilize in moderation.

Seedlings can be sprayed for prevention with Topaz, Strobi, manganese. Plants do not need to be planted too close to each other to circulate air, otherwise the fungus will quickly spread to the rest of the bushes.

The fight against powdery mildew on cucumbers

In order to recognize the appearance of the fungus in time, you need to regularly inspect the bushes. At an early stage of the disease, getting rid of it is easier.

If a fungus is found, watering and top dressing of plants is stopped, infected bushes are removed and burned together with the root system. If plaque is still below the leaves, they are cut and destroyed. Landings weed, remove old, diseased parts, cut flower stalks. Effective methods of treatment are folk or fungicides.

Biological preparations are popular: Albit, Alirin-B, Gamair, Tiovit Jet. They do not have toxins, do not harm plants. They are also used for prevention at different stages of development.

Powdery mildew or peronosporosis is destroyed only by chemical means: HOM, Abiga-Peak, Ordan, Quadris, Consento, Previkur.

Folk remedies for powdery mildew on cucumbers

At the first stage of the disease, folk methods of struggle are effective. To get rid of the fungus, the bushes are sprayed with prepared solutions, mainly in the evening:



Application, frequency

Soap and milkA liter of milk, 25 drops of iodine, grated 20 g of laundry soap.Once every ten days.
Milk wheyCombined with water 1:10, until smooth.3 times, interval 3 days.
Rotted manureMixed with water (1: 3), insist 3 days.3 times every 7 days.
WeedsThe grass from the garden is poured with hot water (1: 1). After 3 days, filter.Everyday.
Soda ash and soapSoda 25 g is mixed with 5 l of hot water, add 5 g of liquid soap.2 times a day with an interval of a week.
Wood ashGrated soap is combined with 200 g of ash, pour warm water.Abundantly every week.
GarlicPour water into garlic, insist 12 hours.2 weeks.
MustardMustard powder is diluted in 10 liters of warm water.Every 7 days 3 times.
Potassium permanganateA bucket of water and 2 g of substance.2 weeks.
Horsetail1 kg of fresh plants is poured with 10 liters of hot liquid, insist. After a day, boil for 2 hours, filter, dilute with water 1: 5.Three times every 5 days.

Powdery Mildew Chemicals on Cucumbers

In advanced cases, chemicals are used; after treatment, vegetables should not be eaten for about 20 days.

A drug




Immune to temperature changes. The active ingredient is penconazole. Danger to humans and animals.On 10 l one ampoule. Spray every two with a fresh solution, the rest is poured.
Tilt KE

Inhibits sporulation, acts after 2-3 hours. Creates a protective layer that lasts two weeks.Dilute 40 g per 10 liters of water.

Fungicide of a wide range of activities, valid after 4 hours, duration from 2 weeks to 2 months.One gram per liter of water.

The active ingredient is diphenoconazole. Quickly destroys fungal spores. The effect is not dependent on the weather.A milliliter per liter of water.

The active ingredients are copper oxychloride and oxadixyl.30 g per 10 l of water, treated 3 times with an interval of 10-12 days.

The active substance is benomyl, which violates the reproduction of mushrooms.1 g is diluted in a small amount of liquid, then added to 1 liter.
Blue vitriol

Toxic, destroys the cells of fungi and bacteria.100 g soda and vitriol 75 g and 10 l of water are mixed.
Colloidal sulfur

Safe for humans and animals, but requires compliance with instructions. Processed at a temperature of + 27 ... +32 ° C.Sulfur 20-30 g is mixed with 10 l of water.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: varieties of cucumbers resistant to powdery mildew

So that the crop does not suffer, gardeners choose varieties that are immune to powdery mildew and other diseases. Partenocarpic hybrids are now popular, they tolerate temperature differences well, do not need pollination, grow in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. These include:

  • Regina Plus F1;
  • Arina F1;
  • Fervor F1;
  • Adam F1;
  • Alex F1;
  • Hermann;
  • Amur;
  • April;
  • Artist.

Bee pollinated hybrids:

  • Competitor;
  • Goosebump F1;
  • Fontanel;
  • Natalie;
  • Phoenix Plus;
  • Delicatessen;
  • Yerofey;
  • Nezhinsky.

Newly bred varieties:

  • Zhukovsky;
  • Caprice;
  • Bunny.

Prevention measures and refractory varieties of cucumbers will help to avoid fungal diseases and get a good harvest.


Watch the video: Tending Cucumbers: Identifying and Treating White Powdery Mildew with Baking Soda (October 2024).