Grape processing in the fall from pests and diseases


Grapes are a rather capricious culture. Varietal features and the quality of planting material are of great importance. Hybrids that are already adapted to the climate should be planted. This will reduce the risk of contracting infectious diseases and prevent insect attacks. Also, in order to get a plentiful harvest, you need to follow the cultivation technology and carry out preventive treatments. To achieve maximum effect, the grapes must be sprayed after collecting the ripened clusters and before shelter. Autumn processing will eliminate the larvae of harmful insects and spores of the fungus. Failure to follow this procedure will lead to a decrease in yield and a deterioration in the appearance of vines and berries. The root system, shoots, inflorescences, leaf blades may also be affected. The bush will grow slower than its neighbors.

Why do you need to process grapes in autumn

Contrary to popular belief, many pests remain active in the cold. The damage to the culture during this period may seem insignificant. The consequences will fully manifest themselves only during the growing season.

Overwintered fungi and parasites often cause plant death.

Through autumn spraying, you can get rid of:

  • downy mildew. The disease affects the foliage and berries. They form a light coating. The causative agents of the disease are disputes, which for a long period remain survivable, being in the ground and kidneys;
  • black rot. Cream spots appear on leaf blades. If untreated, the vineyard will be completely destroyed;
  • anthracnose. The negative effect of the fungus will affect the internal structure and external surface of the plant. As a result, putrefactive processes are activated;
  • Botrythiosis (gray rot). Signs of defeat occur in grapes. The root system will remain intact. Spores enter plants through wind currents;
  • oidium. So called real powdery mildew. The clinical picture of this disease is similar to the symptoms of a false variety of the disease.

Thanks to the timely use of insecticides, you can get rid of woodworm larvae, spider mites and aphids.

Berries during the autumn processing will not be affected, since during this period the harvest is already harvested. Consequently, the risk of fetal poisoning is completely absent.

Dates of autumn grape processing

Harvesting time and time of spraying depends on climatic conditions.

  • In the southern regions, the procedure falls on September 7-17.
  • Gardeners living in the middle lane are cultivated from September 20 to 30.
  • For planting in the northern regions, adapted early grapes are used. Harvested in the 7-15th of the first autumn month. The bushes are processed immediately after removing the ripe grapes from the vines.

Preparing the grapes for spraying, the gardener must trim the tops of the vines and cuttings, remove dry foliage.

If you plan to use iron and copper sulfate for processing, you should wait for the natural fall of the leaves and the closure of the buds.

Hurrying up with the treatment, the summer resident will only burn the plants. In this case, the grapes are sprayed in the second half of October.

Instructions for processing grapes in autumn

The procedure is not difficult. The solution prepared according to the instructions that accompany the drug used is poured into a garden sprayer. The consumption rate for each grape bush is 1-2 liters.

Not only the plant is treated, but also the soil around it. In this way, the larvae and spores remaining in the soil are destroyed.

Before spraying, the gardener must wear safety glasses, a respirator, and rubber gloves. Processing should be carried out in dry, calm weather.

For a positive result, 4-5 hours without precipitation will be enough. During this time, the drug will have time to absorb.

Preparations and means for autumn processing

Drug / remedyCookingDiseases / PestsApplication
inkstone10 l of liquid
500 g of the component.
Spotted necrosis
Bacterial cancer
Spraying is carried out immediately after preparation of the composition. Processing is subjected not only to plants, but also to the ground. The solution is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
MikalIn the finished solution, the concentration
main ingredient should
be 0.25%.
Powdery mildewDuring the week after treatment, it is strictly forbidden to touch the grape bush.
FolpanOn 1 ha, only 1.5-2 kg of the drug is consumed.Downy mildew
Blue vitriol50 g of the component are diluted in 5 l of liquid. The medicine is made in a plastic or glass dish.Spray, following the standard algorithm.
UreaThe solution is prepared from 10 l of water and 300 g of the ingredient. If the medicine is used for prophylaxis, the amount of the main component is reduced by 3 times.Spider mite, aphid, woodworm.The composition is used together with iron sulfate. The complex effect will give the maximum effect. The solution is used for watering the soil and processing vines. Thus, the larvae are burned out.
Soda solution10 g of water take 10 g of baking soda.MoldSpraying the bush
Quicklime mortar1 kg of ingredient per bucket of water.White vine
FundazoleThe consumption rate per 10 l of liquid is 10 g.False and powdery mildew.Processing is carried out 2 times. The second procedure is carried out 3 weeks after the first.
Iodine½ teaspoon of iodine is added to a bucket of water.Gray rotThe solution is used to spray vines.
A mixture of laundry soap and wood ash.In 10 l of liquid put half a soap bar and 500 g of ash. The resulting composition is insisted for 3 hours.Downy mildewGrapevine Processing

Treated vines may darken. The winegrower should not be scared.

Subsequently, the color will acquire the usual shade.

When using Fundazole, it should be borne in mind that this powder is poorly soluble in water and does not differ in volatility. The drug has a second hazard class.

Iron sulfate is often used for autumn processing, but it is not recommended to use it in spring. This substance has a constricting effect on grapes. Many summer residents ignore this recommendation in order to reduce the risk of kidney damage from return frosts.

Folk remedies are much safer than chemicals. They do not harm plants and people who process. Spraying is often combined with watering.

Preventive treatment of grapes in the fall from pests and diseases is included in the list of mandatory procedures. During preparation for winter, the gardener should not forget about top dressing, proper watering and harvesting of cuttings. The last step is to shelter the vineyards. Having protected the culture from infectious diseases and pests in the fall, the gardener during the fruiting period will be able to get a plentiful crop of high quality.

The winegrower should not neglect the necessary agricultural techniques, folk, biological and chemical means of struggle. Applying them systemically, he will prevent the emergence of serious problems. Timely prevention is the key to the health of the entire vineyard. From 1-2 affected plants, even strong shrubs can suffer.


Watch the video: अगर क बमरय और कट क नयतरण - Pest and Disease Control in Grape (October 2024).