Diseases and pests of garlic: signs, rules and methods of treatment


When planting spring garlic in the spring, in the summer you can cut off the feathers, add to the salad, and in the fall to collect the bulbs with teeth. They do not deteriorate even during prolonged storage. Varieties of winter germinate in the fall. It would seem, why does garlic grow an additional several months. There seems to be no reason for this, but harvesting in the new year will still be a little earlier. This is the advantage of winter varieties. In addition to this free time in spring, the farmer has more.

Strong immunity

Different varieties differ in taste. Some are sharper, others less. Gulliver, for example, is less burning than Ershovsky. Both belong to spring varieties. All types of garlic have a different number of cloves in the bulb. Some have an arrow forming, while others do not. All of them strengthen the human immunity due to the presence of allicin, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus, silen, potassium, calcium, chromium, iron, B vitamins and not only. Their balance is created by nature, recognized by many scientists as ideal.

Feathers, teeth, and arrows are used in cooking. They must be cut so that the garlic grows more actively. There are varieties without them, which are easier to care for in the garden, but this does not detract from their biological value. Their juice has no less vitamins and minerals than in other parts. They are used frozen, stewed, fried, pickled. They make delicious jam.

When gifting a person, garlic, unfortunately, is not invulnerable. Fungi, viruses, bacteria and insects pose a threat to him. Everyone who grows it on their own should know the signs of diseases dangerous to this culture, methods of prevention and treatment.

Fungal infections

Most of the problems are from fungal spores. These microorganisms are an integral, important part of the planet's biosphere. Perform regulatory function as part of natural selection. This is the main meaning of their existence. However, this is not beneficial for a person. Every year they remind of themselves, invade the beds. Garlic diseases, a description of the first symptoms, will help protect food supply.

Fungicides, vitriol, Bordeaux liquid are used to treat plants.

Spraying in one case will save the crop, and in the other not, but will not allow the fungi to cause damage in the new year.

The rust of garlic is treatable. And with Fusarium, the crop is burned, the soil is cultivated to restore microflora.

If neck or white rot is found, the collected garlic is sprayed with copper sulfate, fungicide. Then dried and sorted. Part of the crop can be saved, but the presentation will be ruined.

In the case of downy mildew, the main goal is to save seedlings that have not yet been infected. Infected are burned. Black mold is treated no later than 20 days before harvest.

Fusarium wilt or root rot

Warm winter does not allow Fusarium spores to remain dormant. They may not be active for several years. But, despite this peculiarity, in the southern regions where the climate is favorable, every season, farmers are waiting for their visit, they are afraid of this. In the south of the country and in the middle lane, these microorganisms most often appear. We are talking about isolated cases of plant diseases only because there are effective methods of prevention and treatment.

Disputes like rainy summer days, short-term cooling and subsequent warming. It is possible to determine that garlic has fusarium by the following characteristic signs:

  • the feathers have a lemon color;
  • in the leaf sinuses, as well as on the garlic cloves, if the husk is removed, a creamy pink coating, streaks are noticeable;
  • the teeth are soft.

Infection often manifests itself after harvest. Fungal spores secrete poisons, which makes harvested garlic not suitable for human consumption. Having eaten it, a person can be poisoned, moreover, very seriously. You need a doctor.

Downy mildew

The first symptom of peronosporosis or downy mildew is oval spots on the aerial parts of pale green, yellow, brown, gray or purple. Then twisted feathers appear.

Nearby, completely ordinary bushes grow, creating contrast, increasing suspicion.


Corrosion of the metal looks approximately the same as the deformation of a sheet of garlic infected with a hemp fungus (Puccinia) or melampsora (Melampsora). Fiery orange convex dots cover the surface.

Their area is increasing. The color of each garlic feather changes, one after another. Soon the seedling dies.

Neck rot

For a long time, neck rot remains invisible. The garlic bulb is filled with gray dust. The stem at the base breaks off along a neat white line with a green border. This is the domain of pathogenic microorganisms.

White rot

The mycelium is formed after harvest or in spring. Planting garlic no longer makes sense due to the presence of spores in the upper layers of the soil. But no one knows about this. They flew in with the wind and it is likely that not only they, but also other fungi. Cool air from + 9 ... +12 ° C and high humidity are what white rot needs to develop.

The bulbs become watery, begin to rot. A white fungal mycelium appears on the roots. The aboveground part suddenly dies. During storage, they penetrate into the head. Mycelium is completely covered by its bottom and the teeth will begin to dry out.

Green or blue rot

Penicillosis or green rot, appearing on the site, does not cause much harm in comparison with other parasitic microorganisms. Her spores soon die in the soil, the next season do not remain in it. But the infected crop has already been harvested and sent for storage. Even uninfected garlic will soon be covered with mycelium. Depressed dots with a green bloom will appear on the teeth.

Black mold or aspergillosis

On the teeth in this case, a black coating appears. Initially accumulated at the feather neck. Gradually spreads inside the bulb in the direction down and to the sides. It can be seen through the scales or remain invisible.

The mycelium grows, causing rotting of all the cloves in the garlic bulb, destroying the crop.

Garlic Viral Diseases

To date, there are no drugs that could stop viral infections of plants. But garlic does not suffer from many viral infections, which are dangerous for other garden crops. Can get mosaic, yellow dwarfism. The fight against them comes down to the proper disposal of sprouts and the prevention of infection.

Viral Mosaic

Allium virus (Allium virus I) is active in the summer, in the heat, with high humidity. You can notice the following symptoms of the disease:

  • spots, stripes on the aerial part - white, yellow or brown;
  • leaves are limp, drooping;
  • many feathers fade.

Its carriers are ticks. The virus may exist for some time in soil and compost. Sick seedlings are burned, and the soil and compost are treated with an insecticidal or acaricidal agent, copper sulfate. These measures are enough to prevent further spread and reinfection in the next season.

Yellow dwarfism

Onion yellow dwarf virus (Onion yellow dwarf virus) is transmitted by ticks, aphids, weed dodder. Feathers are covered with lemon-colored dashes, become lethargic, dry out. Bush growth stops.

Bacterial Garlic Disease

Not only viral, but also bacterial infections in general are not afraid of garlic. The exception is bacterial rot. A description of its symptoms will help protect the beds from the epidemic. It should be remembered that the cause of infection with the virus or bacteria of garlic sometimes becomes the use of infected tools - garden gloves, a shovel, a rake, a sickle, scissors. Such treatment as calcination, disinfection with soapy water and water helps protect plants.

Bacteriosis or ball rot

Insect pests can deliver bacteria to the area. It enters the soil, infects seedlings. It does not manifest itself throughout the entire ripening period of the plant. Harvested crops soon begin to deteriorate. Source: www.5-nt.ru

The teeth are covered with brown ulceration, rot. Garlic tick, onion fly and nematodes are carriers of this bacterium. It is necessary to fight them, and also use fungicides with antibacterial properties.

Dangerous Garlic Pests

Infusion of garlic is a popular folk method of repelling insect pests. Essential oils and sulfur compounds for them are poison.

Nevertheless, some species like its juice. They are not averse to settling on garlic.


Small black beetles appear on plants in April-June. They drink the juice of young leaves, hiding on their back side. Garlic feathers are deformed from this, curl, fade. For the fight, it is recommended to purchase an insecticidal drug.

Onion moth

The insect awakens in the spring. It settles on the leaves of garlic, forming noticeable dark stripes. If they were discovered in a timely manner, the treatment will not take much time. Insecticides, a solution of red hot pepper, tobacco are popular methods of control and prevention that have proven themselves well.

Garlic nematode

Gall, stem, root garlic, less often onion, potato nematode remains invisible, withered plants. The heads of garlic decay at the base. To see it, you need a microscope. Laboratory studies will determine the species accurately.
They can exist in open ground outside the carrier. But the stem, for example, cannot travel long distances. If a distance of 20 cm is maintained between the seedlings of garlic, only one bush will be infected.

Spraying with nematicidal drugs is the main treatment method. The cultivation of marigolds near the garlic plantation, the cultivation of the soil with copper sulfate and a solution of manganese are the main methods of preventing the disease.

Onion thrips

Tobacco (onion) and thrips eat juice from foliage, do not allow them to grow. If the feathers of garlic are deformed, they have white-yellow flies or larvae, so it's time to arm yourself with an insecticide.

Root tick

Insects with an oval-shaped transparent body with four pairs of paws move very quickly from the soil into the garlic bulb if it is damaged. They do not like garlic, but onions, but they are not averse to feasting. Their population can fall into the storage of crops, there begin to grow. Acaricidal solutions inhibit their growth, provide plant protection.


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