Ontsidium - a flock of moths over bright leaves


Oncidium is a delicate and very beautiful plant of the Orchidaceae family. Epiphytic, lithophytic and terrestrial representatives are found in the genus. The flower is very popular among gardeners due to long and plentiful flowering. For several months, several dozen small flowers bloom on the peduncle, which, like a flock of moths, hover above the foliage. Some botanists do not compare flowers with butterflies, but with amazing dolls that dance, mounted on invisible threads. Therefore, the oncidium is also called "dancing dolls." However, it is not so easy to achieve flowering; the rules of care should be strictly observed.

Botanical Description

Orchid oncidium is a herbaceous perennial that lives in bright tropical forests at an altitude of up to 4 km. Individual varieties can vary greatly. The plant has a short or elongated rhizome, which is adapted for fixation on a rocky or woody basis. Pseudobulbs of an oblong form, covered with thin bright green skin, rise above the roots of the flower.

The height of the ground part is 10-40 cm. From each pseudobulb, 1 to 3 sessile dark green leaves bloom. The dense oncidium leaf plates have a belt-like shape with smooth sides and a rounded end. Depending on the height of habitat (on the hills), orchids are divided into heat-loving and cold-loving. If the former leaves have a more rigid and dense structure, then the latter are distinguished by thin and delicate leaves.

Oncidium flowering can occur at any time of the year, and sometimes happens twice a year. The inflorescence consists of hard brownish lashes that branch strongly. The length of one peduncle can be 0.1-5 m. Small bright flowers are densely planted on the branches. Their main color is yellow, brown and red. A comb outgrowth with short pubescence is located on the guitar-shaped lip. The diameter of the opened flower can be 1-12 cm. A bouquet of oncidium will stand in a vase for up to 3 weeks.

Types of Oncidium

The genus of oncidium is very numerous, there are more than 700 pure species registered in it. Also, breeders have bred several decorative hybrids.

Oncidium Suite Sugar. The plant differs in compact forms. Even during flowering, its height does not exceed 35 cm. Small bulbs are firmly pressed against each other and release a pair of bright green leaves. The diameter of the flower is 3 cm, its petals are painted yellow.

Oncidium Suite Sugar

Oncidium is beautiful. The plant has hard erect leaves. Curved by a boat, they are painted in green and purple colors. On a straight, with rare branches of the peduncle are located 15-20 bright yellow flowers. The diameter of the bud is 5-8 cm.

Oncidium is beautiful

Oncidium is yellow. An unpretentious and very popular variety of orchids during flowering is covered with many flowers of a lemon shade.

Oncidium yellow

Oncidium Lanza. Fleshy leaves have a lighter upper side and a darker lower one. Closer to the edges, small brown spots are visible. On a long peduncle there are many fragrant yellowish-green flowers. The broad lip is white-pink in color.

Oncidium Lanza

Oncidium Twinkle. This small orchid during flowering is covered with many miniature flowers with a diameter of 1.5 cm. Their petals are painted in white, light yellow or pink. The plant is resistant to low temperatures.

Oncidium Twinkle

Breeding methods

At home, the reproduction of oncidium is carried out by the method of dividing the bush. The best time for the procedure is February-March. Only an overgrown orchid should be divided so that at least three pseudobulbs remain in each dividend. First, completely dry the substrate and free the roots from it. Using a sharp sterile blade, you need to cut a short stalk connecting the bulbs. The place of the cut is sprinkled with crushed charcoal and immediately planted bushes in a new substrate.

After propagation, the oncidium should not be watered for 7-12 days, so that root rot does not develop at the cut sites. Irrigation is done by spraying the surface of the plant.

Transplant Rules

An oncidium transplant is performed as needed, since each such procedure is painfully tolerated by an orchid. If the soil begins to rot or the roots come out into the drainage holes, the orchid is removed from the pot and completely freed from the old soil mixture. You can even soak a rhizome for a short while to remove adhering parts of the earth. The pot is taken wide and shallow. Choosing a transparent container is not necessary. Be sure to make drainage holes in the bottom and pour a thick layer of pebbles or broken red bricks. The soil for the orchid is made up of such components:

  • chopped pine bark;
  • pieces of charcoal;
  • river sand;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • a piece of chalk.

During transplantation, the upper third of the pseudobulb is left above the soil surface.

Oncidium Care

Caring for orchid oncidium at home requires strict adherence to watering and temperature. In order for the plant to please with abundant flowering, it is very important to ensure the correct dormant period. In the fall, when the oncidium has faded, it is necessary to gradually reduce watering as much as possible and lower the air temperature by 3-5 ° C. After 2-3 months of this content, the orchid is gradually returned to its usual conditions and soon the long-awaited peduncle appears.

Lighting. Oncidium prefers bright lighting and long daylight hours throughout the year. In winter, a fluorescent lamp may be needed. In the hot summer, it is better to slightly shade the leaves from the direct midday sun.

Temperature. The optimum air temperature for thermophilic varieties is + 20 ... + 25 ° C. Cold-loving varieties need to provide + 7 ... + 15 ° C. In summer, you should often ventilate the room, but carefully protect the oncidium from drafts and significant night cooling.

Humidity. The inhabitant of the rainforest needs high air humidity, and the new hybrid varieties are well adapted to the conditions of urban houses. It is recommended to periodically spray the crown with purified warm water. During the rest period, this procedure can replace watering. When cooling to + 18 ° C, spraying is stopped.

Watering. During the period of active growth and flowering, the orchid needs abundant watering. Upward irrigation is preferred when the water is poured into a pan or the pots are briefly immersed in a basin of water. During dormancy, one watering every 20-25 days is enough.

Fertilizer. In spring and summer, oncidium is fed with liquid mineral compositions for orchids with a frequency of once every 15-20 days. The solution is applied to the soil. You should choose complexes with a minimum content of nitrogen salts.

Diseases and pests. Most often, the oncidium suffers from root rot or fungal diseases on the stem and leaves. The reason lies in improper watering or fluid accumulation in the sinuses. In the summer, orchids are often bothered by scale insects, spider mites and aphids. From pests, it is better to carry out preventive treatment in late spring.

How it blooms and how many times a year. Answers to questions from subscribers.
