Processing grapes before and after budding


Many lovers are happy to grow grapes in their personal plots. However, the crop does not always live up to expectations. The reason may lie in the wrong processing time. A competent combination of the processing method and the preparation with the stages of grape development will allow to achieve optimal yield.

Is it necessary to take into account the stages of budding in the processing of grapes in spring

Spring is considered the best time to process grapes against pests and diseases. It is spring treatment that can prevent or reduce the risk of developing diseases.

Not everyone understands how important it is to take into account the stages of kidney dissolution when choosing the timing and method of treatment. There are actually several reasons why this should be done:

Some diseases, as well as some pests, need to start to be eradicated before they manifest. If you wait for the kidneys to open when the signs of the disease become apparent, it may be too late.

At different stages of opening, the buds and young leaves react differently to the treatments. Some chemicals that are not harmful to closed kidneys can damage open leaflets.

Depending on the stages of bud blooming, grape processing can be divided into the following stages:

  • The first stage is preventive treatments in the early spring, when kidney swelling begins.
  • The second stage is the treatment of blooming kidneys, directed against pests starting their activity.
  • The third stage - top dressing and processing after leafing.

How to spray grapes in the spring before buds open

Work in the vineyard begins in early spring, as soon as the threat of frost passes and winter insulation is removed. During this period, it is time to conduct an eradicating spray, which eliminates the causative agents of almost all diseases. Processing can be carried out at an air temperature of more than 5 aboutC. Before processing, the vines should be cleaned of residual soil and debris with a brush. For spraying, Nitrafen (2%) and DNOC (1%) can be used.

Preparations for the early processing of grapes in the photo

During this period, it is useful to treat grapes with a solution of iron sulfate - it also helps to destroy pests and pathogens, and in addition, saturates the soil with iron. Low concentration of iron sulfate (500 g per 10 liters of water) prevents damage to mildew, spotted necrosis, anthracnose and gray rot.

Iron sulphate treatment has another feature - it allows you to delay the budding of buds and protect the grapes from possible spring frosts.

For the same purpose, during the period of kidney swelling, grapes are processed with copper sulfate (3%).

Processing grapes after opening the vines - video

You can process grapes with a Bordeaux mixture (2-3%). Just do not forget that this drug can be dangerous and slows down the growth of bushes in high concentrations.

Blossoming kidney grapes

In late April - early May, leaves begin to bloom on the grapes and at this time it is necessary to treat with fungicides. This will help prevent oidium, anthracnose, black spotting. It should be noted that this treatment is not unconditionally mandatory: it is carried out only if in the previous season there were signs of these diseases.

For processing, you can use Arceride, Bordeaux liquid, Tsineb, Strobi, sulfur and other fungicides.

Fungicides for grapes - video

Arceride is an analogue of the drug Ridomil with the addition of polycarbacide. Its properties are systemic and contact action. The solution is prepared in a proportion of 40 g per bucket of water and the vines are treated against mildew. The waiting period is 3 weeks.

Bordeaux fluid should be used in a lower concentration than in the early spring (0.5-1%)

The author many times successfully used ordinary garden sulfur for processing the vineyard, applying it dry with a special spray. To fix the sulfur on the surface of the shoots, it was necessary to spray the vines with a soap solution and spray sulfur on a wet surface. Such treatments, if performed on time, successfully prevent oidium disease.

Mite mites damage leaves, and the first signs of their appearance usually appear during the opening of the buds

Often, it is during the period of opening of the kidneys that signs of the appearance of a grape tick are detected. In this case, treatment with acaricides or insectoacaricides such as Actellic or Vertimec will be required. At the same time, it can be treated against mowing and moths.

Processing grapes by blooming buds - video

How to process grapes in the spring after opening the buds

By the end of May, all leaves on the grapes are fully developed. By the beginning of June, when the bushes are approaching the flowering phase, another grape processing is necessary. The fact is that during flowering, grapes are especially vulnerable to diseases and pests, and processing directly during flowering is impossible. So, in the first decade of June treatment with fungicides is required (Strobi, Thanos, Delan, Kuproksat). Pesticiadmi during this period is better not to handle. Spraying with fungicides is repeated when the ovaries become the size of a pea.

Further processing of grapes must continue. For example, in July, another preventive (or curative) spraying is carried out against fungal diseases. Processing should be carried out in dry weather, not earlier than 20-21 days after the previous one. Against oidium during this period, it is recommended to use Flint or Quadrice preparations.

Processing grapes after leafing - video

Fight against fungal diseases does not stop almost until the end of the season. In August, especially in rainy weather, signs of mildew, oidium, and gray rot may appear. Against the first two diseases, Topaz, Flint, Strobi, colloidal sulfur solution are used. Gray rot can be controlled with a potassium permanganate solution (6-7 g per 10 l of water). For early varieties, this treatment is the last of the season.

Later varieties may require another treatment, in addition, an oidium may appear on bushes from which the crop has already been harvested. In this case, the last treatment is carried out in September, with the same preparations as in August.

Grape processing is not only important in itself, but to achieve the real effect must be consistent with the stages of development of the grape bush.


Watch the video: The Budding, flowering and fruit set process of Grape Vines (October 2024).