Growing grapes from cuttings: tricks and nuances


Gardeners propagate grapes in several ways, excluding cultivation from the seed - in this case, the parental properties are not preserved, the taste of the fruit changes. One of the methods is the cultivation of cuttings, which can be prepared independently. Experienced growers reassure beginners - this process is not difficult.

Growing grapes from cuttings

An effective method of propagation of grapes is cuttings. This is a reliable and inexpensive way to get seedlings. Cuttings taken from favorite bushes will preserve the taste of berries and you will get what you wanted.

Harvesting cuttings

Harvested cuttings (chubuki) in the fall, before frost, during pruning. At the same time, the best bushes with ripened, giving a good harvest vine.

When harvesting, it is worth noting the most prolific vine - later cuttings will be cut from it

Cuttings are best harvested from the middle part of the shoot. In this case, one should pay attention to the absence of diseases and damage to wood. Cut the vine with a sharp disinfected knife. Chubuki must be with 6 eyes at least 50 cm long.

Long chubuki are better preserved in winter. The ideal diameter of the chubuk is 7-10 mm with a narrowing up to 6 mm.

Storage of cuttings in winter

Chubuki cleanse of leaves, mustaches, stepsons, lagging bark. In the first day they are disinfected. To do this, Chubuki is kept in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate for 12 hours or sprayed with 3-5% solution of iron sulfate, then dried on a sheet of paper.

The cut off chubuki are tied together, the lower part is wrapped with a damp cloth and placed in a plastic bag or plastic bottle. Store in a cool place: refrigerator, basement, cellar. In the suburban area, you can prikopat their earth in a lying or inclined position.

Grape cuttings stored in a cool place in winter


In February, harvested cuttings need to begin to germinate.

  1. Chubuki inspect, cut into the necessary pieces with 2-3 kidneys, throw damaged or rotten. The vine should retain its original color and "liveliness". The lower cut is done immediately under the node or through it, and the upper one is made according to the internode.
  2. Prepared Chubuki washed with running water and soaked for 2 days in settled or melt water.
  3. Then they make a furrow - they apply 3-4 shallow scratches (they will stimulate the formation of roots) from the root heel along the handle. The lower kidney is cut off.
  4. The top of the handle is treated with melted paraffin or wax.
  5. From below, the cuttings are dusted with a root growth stimulator: Kornevin, Heteroauxin.
  6. A little water is poured into the tank and chubuki are put into it for germination. There should be enough water so that it only covers the roots.
  7. Shoots usually appear earlier, but it's not scary, the roots will sprout anyway. In the case of a second shoot in the absence of roots, the first must be carefully broken off.
  8. Root sprouting usually begins 2–3 weeks after the shoots appear.

Methods for growing grape cuttings

  1. Growing in water. This is the easiest and most well-known way of rooting. Its advantages are the possibility of visual control and simplicity. The disadvantage is that the shoots begin to grow earlier than the roots, and at the same time they consume nutrients from the plant, which weakens the seedling and can lead to its death.
  2. Growing in potatoes. In this method, eyes are removed from small potatoes, and cuttings are stuck in the potatoes. Large tubers can be cut in half. Cuttings along with potatoes are dug into the ground and covered with bottles or jars. By autumn, such cuttings grow and winter well.
  3. Sowing. The essence of the method is to create warmer conditions for the lower part of the chubuk than for the upper part. This is done in order to accelerate the formation of roots. Cuttings are placed in a special device for germination - kilchevator and installed in a room with a low temperature. The upper part of the handle with a kidney, from which shoots are formed, is at a low temperature. The process of opening the kidney is weakened, and the formation of roots in the heat of the kilchevator is accelerated. The result is a seedling with excellent roots.

    In the kilschator, the roots are provided with a higher temperature than the aerial parts


When several roots appear in the Chubuk, it is placed in the ground. To do this, use any capacity: plastic bottles, pots and just durable plastic bags. Below you need to make drainage holes to drain excess water.

A layer of pebbles, expanded clay or other materials is laid at the bottom to organize normal drainage. The soil is prepared in advance. It is best to use the mixture in equal proportions:

  • turf land;
  • humus;
  • river sand.

You can use the prepared soil for seedlings from the store.

The soil is filled with a capacity of about a third, put the cuttings in the center and fill the remaining mixture very carefully so as not to damage the delicate and fragile roots.

The roots of the cuttings are very fragile, so you should gently fill them with earth

It remains to water the plant with warm settled water. Subsequently, the earth is moistened every 2 days.

Diseases of grape cuttings and treatment

Grape cuttings can affect diseases such as gray rot, black spotting, spotted necrosis and other fungal diseases. Black spotting is especially dangerous. It leads to the death of tissue, the eyes die.

In order to avoid diseases of the cuttings, it is recommended that they be treated with one of the preparations before laying for storage:

  • Fundazole;
  • Ronilan;
  • Topsin-M;
  • Rovral.

Soaking is carried out in a 0.1% solution for 24 hours.

When germinating cuttings in water, one must take into account that bacteria, fungal spores and other microorganisms enter the water. Therefore, we need a daily full replacement of water in the tank. To reduce the disease of cuttings, charcoal or ash (5 g per 1 liter) can be added to the water.

It prevents the development of diseases on a regular basis, once a week, spraying cuttings with 0.1% Fundazole solution.

Video: growing seedlings of grapes from Chubuk

You can buy grape stalk or seedling on the market, but the result will be unpredictable. It is better to take cuttings from a reliable bush, make a little effort to grow your own seedlings and get the desired result.


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