Menu for dill: how to properly feed fragrant greens


Dill in the menu of a Russian person is one of the most familiar and popular spicy cultures. And our garden without dill is also simply impossible to imagine. How without it you can pickle cucumbers, pickle mushrooms, and any summer salad without a sprig of dill is simply unthinkable. But this spicy greens grows on our sites in different ways: someone just self-seeding, someone specially sows whole packets of seeds every year, and the result is deplorable. Let's try to figure out how you can help here.

To dill ugly

To have a lot of dill, you have to work hard

Many of those who try to get a good dill crop fail. There may be several reasons for this:

  • For good dill growth, the condition of the soil on which it will grow is very important. It is best if it is sandy loam or light loam. To achieve this composition of the soil can be the introduction of coarse sand or lowland peat.
  • The plant has a long root, so the nutrient layer of the soil should be at least 30 cm.
  • Dill does not like acidic soils. The optimum pH should be between 6 and 7.5. Acidic soil can be neutralized with finely chopped eggshells, because the presence of ash is also not to the fennel.
  • He does not like dill and thickened. If the crops are too frequent, you need to thin them up to 2 cm between the plants.
  • It is better to plant dill in a sunny place.
  • Watering should be done only with warm water.

Yeast is used to loosen the soil and increase fertility.

  • 100 g of raw baker's yeast is diluted in 1 liter of warm water.
  • Insist 2 hours.
  • Diluted in 10 liters of water and watered dill once every 2 weeks.

Video: what dill like

What trace elements are required dill

Sometimes the reason for the poor growth of dill is the lack of 2 important trace elements in the soil - nitrogen and phosphorus. To avoid such a problem, add to the soil before planting:

  • superphosphate - 30 g / m2 ,
  • potassium salt - 20 g / m2

Superphosphate nutrition will appeal to growing dill

The property of dill is known to accumulate nitrates in itself, therefore, when producing mineral fertilizing, it is necessary to observe the indicated dosage very precisely. It is not recommended to use ammonium and sodium nitrate as a top dressing.

And if you put chopped dill greens for two hours in water, the nitrate content will decrease by 20%.

How to feed dill after germination

Two weeks after germination, to stimulate growth and tillering, you can still feed the plantings with a small amount of ammonium nitrate - no more than 8 g / m2 .

The emerged shoots of young dill require top dressing, especially if the bed was not prepared in the fall

Topping dill in open ground

In order for dill greens to grow enough, it is useful to fertilize with organic fertilizers.

Top dressingNorms
Humushalf a bucket per square meter
Infusion of fresh mulleinratio with water 1:10

Biud is a liquid fertilizer obtained by anaerobic fermentation of horse manure under thermophilic conditions in bioreactors

For prevention against diseases, EM-drugs are used:

  • "Baikal EM - 1",
  • "Emmochki",
  • "Radiance".

Fertilizers for dill at home

Gribovsky dill is especially suitable for growing a house

If dill is grown at home, for example, on a windowsill, then every two weeks it needs to be fed with a complex mineral fertilizer. It can be Rainbow or Ideal liquid fertilizer in a very low concentration. To water the plants under the root, you must dilute 10 ml in 1 liter of water. For ease of measurement, you can use the cap from the bottle with fertilizer, in it about 5 ml. Before applying fertilizer, plants must be watered with clean water.

You can feed dill on the windowsill with liquid fertilizer. Ideal

Folk methods of fertilizing dill

Experienced gardeners successfully use homemade products to fertilize dill. Good results are given by the "green infusion" made from mowed grass or ground weeds. Nettle is best. The recipe is:

Nettle Fertilizer Recipe

To feed dill with folk remedies, you can prepare an infusion of nettles. To do this, you need to collect young shoots, on which there are still no seeds, place them in a large container, filling approximately half. Fill up to the very top with water, cover tightly and leave to insist for one to two weeks.

Green infusion is easy to prepare yourself

The resulting dark-colored liquid, in which there are no longer fermentation bubbles, is used for irrigation, while diluting in a ratio of 1: 10, half a bucket per 1 m2, 2 times a month.

Nettle infusion is best for feeding dill

Video: how to feed dill

And some more useful tips.

Harvest of dill will please if:

  • To stretch the harvest of dill in time, you need to plant several varieties at once with different ripening periods;
  • Seeds can be sown in early spring and even late fall, before winter;
  • Before sowing dill, do not need to bring ash into the soil. The taste of dill will suffer.

Alligator dill is especially popular among summer residents

Personally, I have no problems with dill: it grows self-sowing throughout the garden. And the variety is already impossible to determine. And in order to get young greens longer, you have to sow in the middle of June. I tried different varieties, but settled on the Alligator favorite by many varieties.


Dill does not tolerate lime and in its presence turns red and categorically does not want to grow, but dill will not grow even in acidic soil. So there is only one way out - to plant in neutral soil (produced under the previous culture)



We can’t do without dill in our gardens! Therefore, he will have to create comfortable growing conditions. We will please him - and he will thank the hosts with fragrant, odorous herbs!


Watch the video: How to Grow Dill Indoors from Seed (September 2024).