Baikonur grapes - a successful novelty, which appeared several years ago


Baikonur grapes appeared recently, but quickly gained popularity among winegrowers. This variety is characterized by early maturity, very high productivity, beauty and amazing taste of large berries. Growing Baikonur is possible in most regions of our country both in summer cottages and in industrial vineyards.

The history of the cultivation of the Baikonur grape variety

Baikonur is one of the newest grape varieties among those found in our orchards, including among summer cottage enthusiasts. It was bred recently, but has already gained popularity and is recognized as one of the most promising varieties for wide distribution. More precisely, one should probably say not hybrids, but hybrids, but winegrowers usually do not use this term, since most modern grape varieties (and there are a huge number of them) are, in fact, hybrids, having two or more ancestors in their pedigree.

Grapes as an agricultural crop have been known for a very long time, many scientists have worked and are working on the cultivation of promising varieties, they are creating new varieties and amateur breeders. Of course, most of the results of such work do not go “in series,” but some become so successful that they are immediately predicted a happy future. Baikonur refers specifically to the second case.

The variety was bred only a few years ago: "in people" it was released by amateur breeder Pavlovsky E.G. in 2012. A hybrid was born from crossing well-known Talisman and Pretty Woman grape varieties.

Baikonur is not at all like one of the parents - the Talisman - in the shape and color of berries, but took from it the properties of a strong plant

As often happens, he adopted from parents all the best properties. So, the Talisman is zoned in many regions of our country, because it ripens even in the conditions of a short summer and is resistant to the vagaries of the weather. It gained popularity for its pleasant taste and very large berries. The beauty has a wonderful presentation, her clusters are highly transportable.

The second of the parents - Beauty - not in vain bears such a name

Baikonur seedlings are in great demand, because the variety produces high yields, berries are attractive and very tasty. Unfortunately, at present all the properties of the variety have not been sufficiently studied, and it will not be possible to give a complete and objective description of it, but among the reviews of wine growers who tested it in their gardens, there are mostly enthusiastic words.

Baikonur adopted from its ancestors resistance to changing weather conditions, the ability to quickly adapt to an unusual place.

Significant shortcomings of Baikonur have not yet been described, but we must clearly realize that, for example, the resistance of grapes to diseases and pests can be judged only after statistics are gathered on its cultivation in various places for at least a decade.

Description of Baikonur grape variety

Baikonur grows in the form of a very tall bush. Powerful shoots guarantee high yields. Propagated by cuttings, that is, it is possible to grow a root plant, and by grafting onto other grape bushes. The formation of the plant, as well as the quantity and quality of the crop, are practically independent of the roots on which the vine grows. Already a three-year bush gives shoots so strong that they are able to grow to four meters in length. The bushiness of the bush is high, the color of the leaves is deep green. Sometimes the number of berries that are set is so large that the crop must be artificially normalized, because if you leave all the clusters, the bush may not be able to cope with their mass, and also not have time to prepare for winter. With proper care, grapes normally tolerate frosts to -23 aboutFROM.

The flowers at Baikonur are bisexual, an additional pollinator is not required. The first berries ripen already 3.5 months after the spring buds open, that is, at the very beginning of August, and sometimes in the last days of July.

Berry ripening is extended and lasts until the fall. The first ripening clusters weighing about 500 g, and later grow to a kilogram. Since there are usually a lot of clusters, their total mass is high, Baikonur requires particularly stable trellises.

The berries are cylindrical or elongated, very large: individual specimens grow up to 4 cm in length. The weight of each berry varies from 15-16 g. Color is variable: from dark purple to almost black, but most ripe berries have a dark purple hue. The berries are covered with a thin layer of dark wax. The clusters are beautiful, lush, but they cannot be called very dense, it will be more correct to characterize the clusters of Baikonur as medium loose. The mass of the bunch is a kilogram or more.

The bunches of Baikonur grapes are not very dense, but heavy, because the berries are large

The berries are dense, as if crackling when cracked. The skin is dense, but thin and edible. It is steady against cracking, including in the conditions of the increased humidity. The berries are juicy, sweet: their sugar content is about 20%. Experts who have tried them describe the taste as unique, finding it difficult to pinpoint the analogue. They talk about the fruity aroma and the complete absence of a nutmeg flavor. The acidity is low, but sufficient to consider Baikonur a universal variety: in addition to fresh consumption, it is ideal for winemaking due to its high sugar content and the presence of a certain amount of acid.

Ripened berries stay on the bush for a long time, without requiring urgent harvesting, without losing their taste and appearance. The presentation of this variety makes it interesting not only to gardeners, but also to those who grow grapes for commercial purposes. This is facilitated by the good shelf life of the berries during storage, as well as their transportability. It can be transported over long distances.

Characteristics of the Baikonur grape variety

Having examined the main properties of Baikonur grapes, you can try to give it a generalizing characteristic. Its main advantages are:

  • early ripening in conjunction with extended fruiting;
  • the ability of ripened berries to remain on the bush for a long time without loss of properties;
  • harmonious taste;
  • the size of the clusters and each berry;
  • general high yield;
  • excellent presentation;
  • resistance to cracking;
  • transportability and long-term storage;
  • lack of small berries in clusters;
  • the presence on the bush of both male and female flowers;
  • high frost resistance;
  • adaptability to changing weather conditions;
  • resistance to fungal diseases, as well as damage by wasps.

Variety Baikonur can be called one of the best among similar varieties. There are very few drawbacks, in particular:

  • the presence in each berry 1-3 is not always easily separated seeds;
  • poor, at the moment, knowledge of the variety from the point of view of incidence: perhaps, in this regard, Baikonur in some years can bring unpleasant surprises.

Features of planting and growing Baikonur grape varieties

Planting and care of Baikonur grapes differ little from planting and care in the case of similar varieties, and the features are probably associated with the fact that it grows in the form of a very powerful bush.

As with any varietal grape, it needs a sunny area, protected from the northern winds. The optimal south-western side of the garden, located behind the wall of the house, a barn or behind powerful trees. Soils of any kind, except for very marshy, but better breathable and fertile. Unacceptably close occurrence of groundwater: they should be no closer than 2 m from the surface of the earth. Clay soils should be ennobled by the addition of peat and sand, a large amount of rotted manure should be added to any soil. Planting time - adopted in a particular region for any grape variety (spring or autumn).

A drainage layer up to 20 cm thick (pebbles, gravel, broken brick) must be added to the landing pit. The depth of the pit is from 60 cm in the south to 80 cm in the more northern regions of the country. Dig holes even deeper in arid areas. Compared to most varieties, the amount of fertilizer applied to the bottom of the pit can be slightly increased, especially for wood ash. However, the roots of the seedling during planting should be located in the soil without fertilizers. The planting technique is usual, 2-3 kidneys should be left above the ground. Watering both during planting and after it requires plentiful. It is highly desirable to install an irrigation pipe so that the first 2-3 years it is possible to deliver water directly to the root zone.

Since the bushes near the Baikonur grapes are huge, the distance to the neighboring bush should be at least 3 meters.

Baikonur perfectly propagated by cuttings, and in the south and even in the middle lane it is possible not only to grow seedlings from cuttings at home, but also directly plant cuttings in open ground in early spring.

Baikonur requires high doses of watering, especially in dry years and during the period of berry filling. Watering should be stopped 3 weeks before the first harvest, but if the summer is very hot, small watering is possible further: berries of this variety do not undergo cracking. Annual top dressing is obligatory: spring application of humus and superphosphate in the holes dug near the bush, summer application of ash in the area around the bush and foliar fertilizing with solutions of complex fertilizers before and after flowering.

High yields require annual top dressing and ongoing care.

Mandatory annual skilled pruning of bushes aimed at their correct formation and rationing of the amount of yield. In addition to the completely southern regions, sheltering the vineyard for the winter is required, but it can be easy: the vine should be buried in the ground only in the northern regions, for example, the Leningrad region and at latitudes close to it.

Video: grade description


The berry is very large, easily reaches 4.5 cm, has a nipple-shaped berry, a very beautiful dark color. The cluster is half-loose, it looks elegant ... The pulp is dense, juicy, harmonious taste, but not quite simple.

Fursa Irina Ivanovna//

The hybrid form B-9-1, the current name of Baikonur, is observed for the second year. Last year, the crop was on a seedling. This year I compared the results of fruiting on a seedling and on a grafted bush, the results are close, on a more powerful grafted bush, the berries are larger. It is very well preserved on the bushes, it matured at the end of July, and I removed the bunch on August 17, and the next day after a heavy rain - no changes. Baikonur's berry is purple-red with a dark blue, almost black tint. One of the best new products in recent years that I have seen.

Sergey Criulya//

Baikonur looks very worthy. I envy the owner of this beauty in a good way. Alas, this year I did not succeed with this form - not one of the three vaccinations has taken root .... But in the fall I got cuttings and in the spring I still preview. I think everything will work out. I think - this form will be a good decoration for any vineyard.

Igor F.//

Video: bush with a crop of berries of the variety Baikonur

Growing Baikonur grapes is no more difficult than growing any varietal grapes and is available to most summer residents who have basic gardening skills. The high commercial qualities of Baikonur give the right to consider it a variety that is suitable not only for private households, but also promising for cultivation on an industrial scale.


Watch the video: Todd Lecture Series: Michael E. Fossum, Report from the International Space Station" (October 2024).