Pelargonium Tuscany and its varieties Edwards, Bernd and others


Pelargonium was born in South Africa, and in Russia in the eighteenth century it won the hearts of aristocrats and became an ornament to wealthy mansions. In the process of breeding, the plant adapted to the climate, and therefore is highly popular.

Appearance and features of pelargonium

There are about 250 varieties of pelargonium Toscana. The most favorite floriculture plants are Bernd Pelargonium, Regina, Tammo and others.

The stem of a flower can be straight or curly, and the leaves can be carved and double. But the defining characteristic feature is the inflorescences themselves - bright or soft pink flowers of 4 petals that come together in a bouquet.

Royal pelargonium is valued for the unusual color of semi-double petals

It is interesting! Sometimes in the descriptions the flower is called "Tuscany geranium", but this is wrong, pelargonium only refers to the genus of geraniums.

Description of popular varieties of pelargonium series Tuscany (Toscana)

Pelargonium PAC Viva Madeleine, Carolina and other varieties

Pelargonium Tuscany is particularly popular. This is due to the fact that it can bloom all year round and is unpretentious in home and garden conditions. The lush bush not only decorates with delicate terry inflorescences, umbrellas, but also exudes a pleasant spicy aroma. The most popular varieties:

  • Pelargonium Toscana Bernd. It differs in large semi-double flowers up to 3.5 cm each and a rich cherry color. It looks like a Tammo variety. Pelargonium Tuscany Bernd can be planted indoors, on the balcony or in the garden.
  • Pelargonium Edwards Tuscany. It also has tight inflorescences and magnificent shape. Pelargonium flowers of the Edwards Toscana variety have similarities to rosebuds.
  • Variety Tuscany Renske. Has compact bushes with terry burgundy flowers. The flowering period is from early spring to late autumn.
  • Toscana Castello. Named after a beautiful castle, it impresses with its grandeur. Widely branched, colors range from white and pale pink to purple.
  • Toscana Hero. Gardeners call this variety standard. The small size of the Hiro stem is combined with rich flowering.

Delicate bouquet of inflorescences of pelargonium Edwards

Planting and further care of the Tuscany ivy pelargonium

Caring for pelargonium in the Tuscany cone is uncomplicated. Planting technology may vary depending on the breeding place, as the culture grows well in the room, on the balcony and in the garden.

Planting a plant

Pelargonium South Shukar, Aksinya, Ireland and other varieties

The flower prefers relatively hard soil, which combines turf and leafy soil, peat and sand. It is important to take care of the looseness and filling the soil with oxygen.

Watering, spraying and top dressing

Before planting and after it, the plant is watered abundantly for two weeks. Then in hot weather it can be watered every other day, and in cold weather - 2 times a week. It is better to install a drainage under the pot to absorb excess moisture. Spraying the flower is necessary only on very hot days.

Note! For flowering for long months, you should fertilize the flower with universal compounds at least once every two weeks.


The procedure is required to achieve maximum flowering time. There are three types of cropping:

  • The main thing is that it is made in early spring, you can safely cut long stems and give shape, as new ones grow very quickly.
  • Autumn - removal of dry leaves and diseased stems.
  • Pinching throughout the year.

How to prune a flower


Reproduction is carried out in three ways: by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush.

Diseases and pests, ways to combat them

Diseases of zonal pelargonium are manifested in yellowing, rotting and dry leaves. The most common causes are a lack of light, too much watering, poor ventilation, and an insufficiently clean substrate.

Important! Treatment is carried out by quickly removing the diseased part of the flower and eliminating the cause of the disease.

Frequent plant pests are aphids and whiteflies. When they are detected, insects are first harvested by hand, then the flower is treated with an insecticide solution.

Pelargonium Toskana, which is so often called geranium, is a real decoration of a home or garden. Lush bushes with dense umbrellas of flowers look luxurious and spectacular.


Watch the video: Pelargonium Toscana Biedermeier. Florensis NL (October 2024).