How to transplant begonia to a new place


In gardens and parks of Russia begonia is quite common. This beautiful flower does not require special care, grows well both outdoors and at home. The beauty and variety of colors during flowering are the reasons for the growing popularity of begonias among gardeners. They know that it is important not only to choose the right variety, but also to properly care for it. First of all, you need to learn how to transplant begonia so that it is not only accepted, but also subsequently pleased with its flowering.

When do I need a transplant?

Despite the low requirements of the plant, it is still necessary to care for the flower. If you do not provide proper and proper care, the bush will simply cease to bloom.

Lush flowering begonia

One of the main conditions of the process is a timely transplant. Immediately after the purchase, begonia should not be transplanted. It is better to do this in a few weeks, so that the plant has time to adapt to new conditions.

Important! If the acquired bush is in the flowering stage, then it is better to wait until it is over.

What factors indicate that a flower needs a transplant:

  • The capacity is insufficient and the roots are visible from the drainage window.
  • The pot is damaged or completely broken.
  • Pests appeared on the plant, which can be eliminated only by transplantation.
  • There are too many leaves, and this interferes with the full development of the flower.
  • The plant has recently been purchased.

Spring is an ideal time to transfer begonias to another container. Active growth has not yet begun at this time, and the plant will tolerate such stress much easier. But if necessary, begonia transplantation is also possible at other times of the year.

On a note! Is it possible to transplant blooming begonia? Yes, but only in the most emergency cases when the plant is in danger of death.

How often to transplant begonia

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The root system of the plant is not too large, so often it should not be transplanted. Planting begonias to a new place does not require much time and effort. It is important to do everything carefully so as not to damage the delicate roots. Otherwise, the plant will not take root in a new place.

Special primer

The transplant itself is carried out in the following cases:

  • After buying the plants.
  • If necessary, replace the soil with a more nutritious one. This is an annual event that should not be ignored in order to maintain plant health.

If begonia, the transplant of which is necessary after purchase, is placed in comfortable conditions, it will quickly develop into a healthy plant and will delight others with its flowering.

How to choose a pot and soil

Before work, you need to prepare everything you need for a proper transplant. First of all, it is:

  • Spacious enough capacity. The pot is better to choose a few centimeters more in volume than the previous one.
  • Nutritious soil consisting of peat, turf and soil and humus. They are taken in equal proportions.
  • Drainage. It provides oxygen access to the roots and allows you to remove excess moisture. As it can be used expanded clay, pebbles, pieces of tiles and so on.
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These components must always be on hand before replanting begonia.

Additional Information. Another important preparation step is soil disinfection. Soil treatment allows you to destroy existing pathogenic bacteria, fungal spores, larvae of nematodes and other pests.

Preparing a plant for transplant

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Begonia varieties have different types of root system. In most plants of the species, small, thin roots can be seen. Such flowers are most often planted outdoors. Tuberous varieties, instead of the usual processes, have a slight thickening of a flattened shape. Thin roots resembling hairs depart from it.

Begonia tuber

Before planting begonia, it is necessary to carefully clean the root system from the ground. Then the roots are inspected for signs of viability and damage. If necessary, carry out a disinfectant treatment.

Important! Do not pre-soak tubers in growth stimulants. This causes them to rot.

Young and strong tubers are selected for planting, which will give a powerful stem and will please with beautiful flowering.

Transplant Methods

If everything is ready for transplanting begonias at home, you need to decide how best to do it. There are two ways to perform the process: transfer the entire plant to a new pot or plant only tuber in the ground.

How to transplant begonia at home entirely step by step:

  1. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pot, then charcoal. The rest of the tank is filled with soil.
  2. After cleaning, the pre-treated and examined flower is placed in a new pot and sprinkled with a small layer of soil mixture on top. The earth should not reach the edge of the pot by one centimeter.
  3. The planted flower is well watered. If necessary, after a couple of weeks, you can add a little soil.

Important! Excessive deepening of the root neck can inhibit plant growth.

If a flower is planted with a tuber, it is not too deeply placed and only slightly sprinkled with earth.

Care after replanting a plant

Watering is carried out immediately after the plant is placed in a new pot. Then a break of about four days is taken. When the surface of the soil begins to dry, watering resumes. Their intensity depends on many factors. For example, autumn is a time of growth retardation, and at this time begonias do not need a lot of water.

Note! In the first month after transplantation, additional fertilizing and chemical treatments are not carried out. This will allow the plant to adapt and begin to develop.

Transfer pot transfer after purchase

After the begonia is brought into the house, it should be allowed to rest and only then transplanted into a new, slightly larger pot. After inspection, the plant is treated with disinfectants and dried. During the flowering period, it is better not to transplant the flower.

Flower transplant after purchase


Common transplant errors

Violation of the requirements for a plant transplant can cause the death of flowers, so you need to know what you can not do with this event. The most important errors are:

  • Incorrectly selected tank size. In a too large pot, the plant grows very slowly and may not bloom.
  • Too dense soil. So the plant does not receive nutrients due to the fact that the access of oxygen is blocked. Water will not be completely eliminated, and the acidity of the soil will increase, which will negatively affect the plant.
  • Large deepening of the root neck. With such an error, begonia can die.

In order to enjoy the beautiful flowering of begonia, it is necessary to properly care for and plant the plant. The main thing is to observe the technology of the work and not touch flowering plants. If the soil is loose and nutritious, and watering and top dressing are carried out in a timely manner, begonia will thank lush and long flowering.
