DIY money tree bonsai


Bonsai money tree is ideal for indoor cultivation. You can create an excellent composition thanks to the correct cutting and shaping. Not every fat woman (Crassula) is suitable for this type of processing, so it is important to choose the right instance.

What types of fat women are suitable

To form a beautiful tree in the Japanese style, you need to choose the types of fatty tissue that are appropriate for such processing. Species of plants suitable for decoration of money tree bonsai:

  • Crassula ovata is a bush with a good branching. Sprigs are crowned with juicy small oval-shaped leaves.
  • Crassula hobbit - has oval leaves, fused from the base to the middle. At the same time, they are turned out.

Fat Bonsai

  • Crassula tricolor - different colored leaves. The plates are painted green along which white stripes are located. The leaves have a red border.
  • Silver Crassula - leaves are covered with silver dots, which create the effect of silvering.
  • Crassula minor is a small plant with leaves that have a red tint. The length of the plates is about 1.5 cm.

Suitable species

How to grow a miniature tree from Crassula with your own hands

DIY bonsai pine in the garden

Before you make bonsai from a fat girl, you need to grow it. To do this, you need to choose the right capacity and land.

Capacity selection

You can grow a fat bonsai only in a special pot. The capacity is a bowl or pot of rectangular shape. The tare height is not more than 10 cm. At the bottom there are 2 holes through which excess moisture is released. Additionally, the roots can be fixed in the holes during the rooting process.

Capacity for bonsai


To plant a fat woman yourself, it is enough to choose the right substrate. Ready soil is usually used. You can make the soil yourself. To do this, mix the turf ground with sand in a ratio of 7: 3. A layer of fine expanded clay is filled up at the bottom.

Crassula landing


  1. The soil mixture is well moistened with a spray gun.
  2. A hole is made in the center in which the root system of the plant is placed.
  3. Next, you need to sprinkle a hole and tamp the soil a little, spray again.
  4. For greater stability, stones are installed at the trunk. You can sprinkle the soil with small pebbles or expanded clay.


DIY bonsai - we grow plants at home

Сrassula requires appropriate pruning to make a beautiful crown. Additionally, you need to organize a system for the formation of the trunk itself, as well as branches. When using such a plant, it is important to do everything to make the trunk as thick as possible.

Thick trunk formation

This can be achieved only after the plant has grown thick branches that originate at the very base. When the desired shape and thickness is achieved, the branches are cut. Over time, the slice begins to tighten, forming a dense top.

Thick trunk formation

How to form a crown yourself

Rules by which you can form the crown of a tree and not harm the plant itself:

  • Pruning is carried out during the growing season.
  • Think over the future shape of the crown. Mark the branches that will form the crown.
  • Form a slice along the main stem.
  • It is advisable to leave the leaves only on the tips of the branches that remained to create the crown.

Crown pruning

Important! It is impossible to cut off all unnecessary or unnecessary lateral processes with a rhinestone. If this is done, the plant may die.

Regular cropping will improve not only the appearance of the plant, but also its condition.

How to do cropping step by step

Money Tree Diseases - Why Money Tree Leaves Fall

Special tools are initially prepared, but you can also use well-sharpened scissors. The blade must be treated with a disinfectant. Beginning "bonsaists" should follow a clear cropping scheme. Step-by-step algorithm:

  1. First determine the shape of the crown.
  2. Threads mark the branches that will remain for further growth.
  3. Cut the top to the very bottom. This will slow down the growth of the fat woman.
  4. Remove the lower branches, cutting them to the very base.

note! Sections can be treated with activated carbon powder to prevent infection.

After a few weeks, you can proceed to the further formation of the crown.

Wire wrapping

To make any shape of the trunk even with a young fat woman, many use wire. But in this case, this technique is undesirable. The trunk of the plant is quite fragile, and can break under the influence of wire. In a fat woman, it is better to prepare the desired shape of the trunk by cutting the lateral processes.


In order for the plant to take root properly, it must be constantly watered abundantly. Using a spray gun, you should moisten the soil to such a state until water appears on the pallet set under the pot. Then you need to lay the moss on top.

Rules for pinching a young Crassula

  • Nipping is done with fingers.
  • The desired process is removed by rotational movements. At the same time, no fibers from branches should remain on the trunk.
  • The pinch place does not need to be processed.

note! Pinching should be done regularly so that the young plant develops faster.


At the place of pinching over time, 2 new shoots are formed.

Further care

In order for the plant not to die and develop normally, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions for this.

Temperature, lighting, location

The pot with the plant must be placed on a well-lit window sill, but with partial shade from the curtains. Home lighting will be quite enough, but in winter, additional lighting may be needed. A flowerpot with a fancy tree can be put on a table, shelf or cabinet near a large window.

Place for a tree

How to water a money tree

Abundant watering is important for the plant. Water is necessary in order to nourish dense leaf plates. It is advisable to adhere to the irrigation regime. Soil needs to be moistened at the slightest hint of drying out.


As fertilizing, you can use complex fertilizers. During dormancy, it is important to exclude nitrogen-containing products.

On a note! It is necessary to use the minimum dose of fertilizer to prevent the tree from growing uncontrollably.

Fat Bonsai Transplant

A fat woman is transplanted once every 3 years. When pruning the roots, only 1/3 of the total mass can be removed.


  1. Prepare a bonsai pot with drainage layer. As a soil, you need to use a soil mixture with peat.
  2. Well moisten the soil.
  3. To land.

Powerful tree after planting


Possible difficulties and common mistakes

The fat bonsai belongs to unpretentious types of indoor plants, but some fatal errors in the process of leaving can lead to the death of a tree. Helpful hints:

  • In the process of watering, it is impossible for water to fall on the leaves.
  • A transplant should be done once every 3-5 years.
  • During the transplant, you need to process the root system, removing rotten areas.
  • In the process of removing the processes, do not use putties, an ideal option is activated carbon powder.

If you adhere to these recommendations, then there will be no problems with the growth and development of the bonsai money tree.

Pests and Diseases

Crassula bonsai is unpretentious, but it can have problems due to diseases and pests:

  • Rotting of roots or leaves. This is due to non-compliance with irrigation rules. It is necessary to establish a regime and remove rotted parts of the plant.
  • Powdery mildew. The disease occurs in all areas of the plant due to the accumulation of debris at the base of the trunk. It’s enough to do the cleaning.
  • Aphids and other insects can be removed with cotton wool soaked in alcohol, and then treat the plant with a special tool.

Bonsai tree


Crassula bonsai is an easy way to get a beautiful Japanese-style plant. Caring for the money tree and its formation does not complicate the growing process. Only trimming the crown requires some practice.


Watch the video: Money Tree Bonsai, Pachira aquatica, June 2016 (October 2024).