Seed gloxinia at home - how and when to sow


You can decorate the house with small flowering gloxinia bushes. A simple method of planting and breeding allows you to independently collect seeds and grow seedlings. In this case, the appearance and other characteristics will not be worse than that of the purchased instance.

Seed gloxinia at home

The culture has an attractive appearance, for which it is appreciated by flower growers. Growing gloxinia from seeds at home does not require special devices. New varieties can be developed independently by cross-pollination. You can plant the finished seedlings in a flowerpot or in a street flowerbed.

Growing gloxinia

How to get seeds

To get the "author" seeds of gloxinia, you first need to pollinate the flower at home. Then wait for the seed box to ripen and collect the finished seeds.

Reproduction organs of a flower - pestle and stamen

How to get gloxinia seeds at home by pollination:

  • First you need to study the bud of the opened flower. Inside it are a pestle and stamen. These flower organs are needed for pollination.
  • After opening the bud, the upper part of the pistil (stigma) becomes sticky, which means it is time to start pollination.
  • On the 6th day after opening the bud, the stamens also mature. In their upper part anther is revealed. Pollen starts to stand out.
  • When pollen gets on the sticky top of the pestle, fertilization occurs. An ovary is formed, which then develops, and seeds are obtained.

In gloxinia, self-pollination and cross-pollination can occur. In the first case, pollen within one flower falls on the stigma of the same bud. The result is seeds of the same variety as the plant itself.

Seed box

Additional Information. In cross-pollination, pollen from one flower is transferred to another. To do this manually, it is necessary to first pluck the anther from the bud, and transfer the pollen with tweezers to the sticky part of the female organ of the flower propagation.

The collection and timing of sowing gloxinia seeds

Lupine as a siderat - when to sow and when to bury

After carrying out any type of pollination, a seed box matures in 6-8 weeks in place of the flower. After the specified period, it begins to crack. As soon as this happens, you need to immediately cut off the container with seeds from the peduncle and put it on a paper sheet. In turn, the leaf with the crop should be placed in a dark place for full ripening.

Open box with seeds

note! A box of seeds must be cut off. Otherwise, the planting material will begin to spill out into the pot and germinate in the ground next to the parent plant.

Gloxinia seeds fully ripen 4 days after removing the capsule from the peduncle. The finished planting material is brown seeds. This is a signal that you can start sowing.

Plant seeds

Sowing seeds is best in the middle - the end of March, but you can do this at the end of January. Winter sowing is possible only if there is a phytolamp that needs to be installed above the pot with sowing.

Planting Gloxinia Seed

Gloxinia flower - propagation at home

When sowing gloxinia with seeds, the plant emerges without any problems. But for this you need to observe some conditions:

  • prepare the correct substrate;
  • prepare the seeds;
  • properly planting material;
  • create conditions for the growth and development of sprouts.

If everything is done correctly, the seedlings will be ready for planting at the right time.

How to prepare the soil for planting

You can grow quality seedlings from seeds, provided that you have the right substrate. Features of capacity preparation:

  1. Take a box with a height of 5-8 cm and a piece of glass, which will cover the entire area of ​​the container.
  2. At the bottom of the box, pour a layer of expanded clay. It is enough to fill the container with this material 1 cm.
  3. On top of expanded clay, you need to fill the peat mixture. Its layer should be about 2 cm.
  4. Then the soil is well moistened with a spray gun.

Soil preparation

Landing procedure step by step

Proper seed placement guarantees good seedlings. Stepwise sowing algorithm:

  1. Seeds need to be soaked in a special solution to accelerate growth.
  2. Transfer the material to a paper towel and wait for it to dry completely.
  3. Put the seed on a piece of paper. Bend the canvas in half along and evenly distribute the seeds on the surface of the substrate.
  4. Sprinkle with soil they do not need. It is enough to spray the surface well with water again. Each seed will fall into the ground itself to the desired depth.
  5. On top of the container you need to cover with glass and provide round-the-clock lighting. Cultivation is carried out without ventilation, so it is not worth raising the glass.

note! If the purchased seeds are sown in the shell, they can be laid out manually.

Seed Bookmark


Watering rules and humidity

After about 1 week, the first shoots of gloxinia will begin to appear. You can remove the glass and remove the lamp. Now the main task is to constantly spray the sprouts with the help of a spray gun. For normal cultivation, it is enough to do this irrigation every 3 days. In this way, moisture suitable for the plant will be maintained.

Top dressing and soil quality

Initially, you need to sow the seeds in a peat mixture, which is rich in nutrients. Then 3-4 plant picks are made (and the container changes as many times). Each time a new substrate is used, so feeding plants is not worth it. The first feeding is done 40 days after the last transplant. To do this, you can use complex fertilizers in the amount specified in the instructions.

Seedling Care

Godetia flower - growing from seeds at home

During the growth of gloxinia in the seedling stage, it is sufficient to periodically water the plant, dive it in a timely manner and, if necessary, organize illumination.

How to care for gloxinia:

  • Watering should be done only from the spray gun. It is advisable to maintain constant humidity.
  • If the leaves of seedlings begin to fade, it is worth installing a container under the phytolamp. A few days are enough for the aboveground part to return to normal.
  • Every 14-20 days a pick is made. Each time, the number of seedlings in the container decreases.

These manipulations are enough to grow full-fledged seedlings for individual seedlings.

Plant pick


Gloxinia transplant in spring

Gloxinia breeding has its own characteristics in terms of frequent picks. But at a certain point, when the plant reaches an age of 10 weeks, you can transplant a bush in an individual flowerpot. Only after that the plant will be able to fully develop and bloom.


  1. A peat substrate is placed in an individual pot, and gravel is placed on the bottom.
  2. Seedlings are removed from the old container with a spoon. An earthen lump should remain on the root system.
  3. The soil needs to be well moistened, to form a small hole.
  4. Place the root of the plant in the recess and, slightly sprinkling the tuber on top, tamp the soil.
  5. Wet the soil again with a spray gun.

Gloxinia bush after transplantation


Gloxinia are considered quite popular plants that are planted on flower beds in open ground and in indoor flowerpots. Important conditions for growing plants from seeds are proper watering and good lighting. Seedlings need to be constantly dived until the bush becomes full.


Watch the video: Planting Gloxinia Tubers (October 2024).