White peonies - description and characteristics of the best varieties with a colored center


One of the oldest plants is peony. Especially popular are pink and white peonies. They are often presented as a bouquet for the holidays. In the lives of people, they are of great importance.

White peonies: a brief description, description

White peonies (white) are perennials. The height of the flower can be from 30 cm to one and a half meters. They are very popular due to their attractive appearance. Peonies are ideal for decorating a personal plot.

Peonies often decorate the garden

Varieties of white peonies belong to the Peony family. They can be grassy and shrubby. The roots of these plants go deep into the ground. The bushes are large in size, and their foliage is decorative. The color of the leaves can be from green to purple. There are species with different inclusions. Peonies have single flowers. Their diameter is 15-25 cm.

Use in landscape design

Some peonies look good in landscape compositions not only when they bloom, but also during fruiting. They add a special touch to the composition. At this time, the leaflets are bright red. Black color is inherent in seeds. From a distance, they are like flowers and during the cold season are an ornament.

In landscape design, a peony with a yellow center is often used. Also in flower arrangements there is a peony apple blossom, red peony grassy, ​​peony grassy white.

Important! The best background for a peony is a lawn that has an emerald hue. The most common landing pattern used is perimeter planting. A good combination of 3-5 varieties that have a contrasting color.

Classification of tree peonies and varieties most in demand by gardeners

Serrated hydrangea - a description of the best varieties, planting and care

Often gardens are decorated with tree-like views. There are various varieties of this species.


At the beginning of this century, about five thousand varieties of grassy peonies were registered. They are centenarians. They can grow in one place up to 50 years. At first they are small in size, but then their stems become strong and strong.

White Swan

The variety is derived from dairy. His uniform is terry and pink. In diameter, the flower grows to 18 cm. A soft pink color is characteristic.

White iceberg

The flower has a large size. The stem is tall. Color white with a cream shade. The leaves are large, dark green. The variety is developing rapidly.

Peonies White Iceberg


It is a hybrid of Caucasian flora. The flower has a terry shape. It grows in diameter up to 16 cm. The color is greenish-yellow-white. The stem reaches a height of 90 cm.


The flower has a terry spherical shape. Diameter 17 cm. The color of the flower is creamy white. When the flower blooms, it has a light yellow backlight. Green leaves are narrow in shape.

Big Boy

The flower is characterized by a simple narrow shape. In diameter it grows up to 15 cm. The flowers are creamy white, which then turn white. The variety has early flowering.

Charles White

Terry flowers are spherical. Twisting petals, white with a yellowish tinge. It grows to a height of 90 cm in height.

White cap

The variety belongs to Japanese. Diameter up to 15 cm of dark pink color.

Crinkled Uyat

The flower is large, pure white. Petals have a wavy shape. The middle of the flower is yellow stamens. The stems are thin and straight, but stable.

Bowl of cream

The color of the plant is creamy white. The leaves are long and dark green. The flower has backlighting from hidden rings.

Gladys Hodson

The diameter of the flower is up to 50 cm. The flower is a dense white-cream color. In height, the bush grows to 1 m. The stems are thin and bend. The variety blooms late.


Carrara has a flower that grows up to 16 cm in diameter. The petals are white. Bush height up to 80 cm.


Terry flower, pinkish. It has a pale pink color. In the center are golden stamens. Diameter is about 16 cm.

Alsace Lorraine

Terry flower with a diameter of 17 cm. Pure white petals with a cream and fawn shade. Petals have a rounded and cupped shape.


The height of the flower reaches no more than a meter. In diameter, the flower reaches 15-16 cm. Petals have a soft pink color.

Peonies Lallaby

Mathers choyce

The flowers are the size of a dinner plate. The plant is dense with pure white petals. Height reaches 70 cm. Leaves are small in size.

Fastima Maxima

The plant is distinguished by lush flowering. The diameter of the flower is about 20 cm. Pure white, semi-double hue.

Gold Mine

The petals are yellow and the leaves are yellow-green. The flower is large.


Tree-like peonies are lavishly characterized by numerous flowers. There are various varieties. They differ in shape and color.

Snow tower

Terry flower. The petals are first pink and white, and then white with a pinkish tinge. In height, the plant grows to 150 cm.

Peonies Lallaby

White phoenix

Shrub grows up to 2 m in height. The leaves are large bright green. Petals are white. When it blooms it has a pinkish tint.

White jade

The variety is rare and old. Petals are pure white. The bush grows to 70 cm.


Terry flower with white petals. Height is up to 70 cm.

Silk veil

The grade is frost-resistant. Flowers are snow-white with a dark purple base.


Hybrid varieties of peonies are perennials that have signs of grassy and tree-like groups.

White Empire

A hybrid with large white flowers. At the base is a cream-colored stamen ring.

Cora Louise

A shrub with an interesting name grows under a meter. The stems are blue. White petals with a burgundy center.

Going Bananas

Diameter of a flower is 20-22 cm. Petals of a yellow shade. The height of the bush is 60-70 cm.

Singing in the rain

The bush is lush and green. Terry flowers are creamy yellow. Diameter is about 20 cm.

Canary Diamonds

Half-double flower. First, the petals are white and pink, and then pink and yellow.

Border Charm

Medium sized plant. Yellow and pale around the edges. Flowers reach 20 cm in diameter.

Peonies Border Charm

Yellow crown

Petals are yellow. Half-double flower with a diameter of 13 cm.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

When planting a peony, it is important to follow the rules that will allow you to grow a beautiful flower.

Planting with root cuttings

White, yellow chrysanthemums - description of species and varieties

A root stalk is a small part of a rhizome that has a growth bud and root. Florists often resort to this particular method of planting a peony in the open ground.

What time is the landing

The pieces are prepared after the ripening of the kidneys, but even before the formation of small white roots. Cuttings are made in July-August.

Location selection

The landing site should be sunny, protected from drafts. However, there should be a normal flow of air.

Important! If you choose the wrong landing site, then peonies can die.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The soil should have neutral or slightly alkaline acidity. Also, it should be light and fertile. Before planting, the rhizome is soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours.

Peony cares right

Landing procedure

Phased landing process:

  1. Dig up the rhizome and peel it.
  2. Separate the cuttings so that each of them has a root and a growth bud.
  3. Cuttings are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. Then they are rolled in charcoal and left overnight.
  4. Plant pieces of rhizome at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Correct planting of peonies will provide abundant and beautiful flowering.

Seed planting

Collected seeds must be immediately planted in the garden. The seeds are deepened by 5 cm. In order for the seeds to sprout faster, exposure to variable temperatures is necessary throughout the day. Day 25-30 ℃ above zero. At night +15 ℃.

Care for white varieties

Peonies require careful care. Only in this way can a beautiful flowering bush be achieved.

Watering and feeding

Fuchsia ampelous - a description of the varieties, cultivation and care at home

Peonies need to be watered regularly, especially before flowering, in the first half of June. Watering is also required during kidney formation and root growth. This time applies to July and September.

Important! Feeding is carried out for 3-4 years after direct planting.

From the third year after planting, it is required to feed the plant. In early spring, urea is fed under a bush. The second top dressing is carried out during the formation of buds, and then at the beginning of flowering. Fertilize with nitrophos - 1 tsp. to the bush. The fourth time they feed 2 weeks after flowering. Superphosphate and ash are used for 1 tbsp. spoon.

Regular watering is important

Mulching and cultivation

Peonies prefer loose soil. However, loosen carefully. Loosening can be deep at a distance of 10 cm from the bush. In the spring it is worth doing mulching with a small amount of rotted manure.

Preventative treatment

Processing is carried out two or three times. The interval between treatments should be 10-12 days. The procedure is based on spraying with a solution of fungicides.

Flowering white peonies

Peonies have different flowering periods depending on the variety.

Period of activity and rest

The earliest varieties bloom until June 5th. Early from June 5 to 10. Medium - June 15-20. Late from June 25 to 30.

Care during and after flowering

During flowering, abundant watering is required. Thoroughly soak the roots once a week. 3-4 buckets are required per bush. After flowering, it is important to fertilize the plant. You can use an aqueous solution of mullein.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

Peonies may not bloom for the following reasons: the wrong place to plant, errors in planting, improper care, illness and pests.

If the care of peonies is wrong, then they may not bloom

Peonies after flowering

After flowering for peonies, proper care is very important.


A transplant is performed every five years. A transplant is best done in September. Before transplanting, the stems are pruned. When digging a bush, they retreat 25 cm from it. After digging, the rhizome is washed with water and kept in the shade for 2-3 hours.


Trimming is carried out twice. After flowering and autumn.

Winter preparations

Preparing for winter is pruning and fertilizing. Peonies also cover with spruce branches or a layer of mulch.

Diseases and pests of peonies

Among the common diseases of peonies, it is worth highlighting: rust, gray rot, powdery mildew and mosaic of leaves, leaf spotting. They fight rust with Bordeaux fluid. Powdery mildew is removed with soda ash. Mosaic cannot be treated.

Important! Better to take preventative measures to control pests than then try to get rid of them.

Pests of pions are: ants, aphids, nematodes, bronze. Ants are taken out by repellents. Aphids can be bred with Actellic. Nematodes are not output. The bronze is collected manually.

Peonies are susceptible to various diseases


Peonies are beautiful flowers that are essential for every grower. Proper care is important so that the plant pleases with lush flowering.


Watch the video: Tree Peony Varieties & How to Grow Them - Ron Boekel (October 2024).