Rosa Handel (Handel) - especially planting and care


Rosa Handel is a climbing culture that is often used in landscape design. It has a white color with a pink border. The culture is characterized by slow growth, but constantly releases new shoots. The indisputable advantage of the plant is its resistance to frost.

Rosa Handel (Handel) - what kind of variety, the history of creation

This variety was bred in Ireland in the early sixties of the last century. The rose got its name in honor of the famous composer G.F. Handel.

According to the description for the climbing rose, Hendel is characterized by an original color. It has white or cream petals with a pink or raspberry border. The plant develops rather slowly, but periodically releases new shoots. Terry flowers reach a diameter of 8-10 cm. They have virtually no aroma.

The plant is characterized by an unusual color of the petals

Flowering is observed 2 times a year. In this case, the second wave is less abundant. The bushes are covered with inflorescences from July to October. The first wave lasts 1.5 months, followed by a break.

The bushes reach an impressive size of 3.5-4 m. Their width is 2 m. Rigid shoots and saturated green leaves are characteristic of the plant.

Each branch is decorated with 3-9 buds. When they open, the bright border seems quite thin. However, over time, it expands.

For reference! Not all flower lovers pronounce the name of the variety correctly: some get the Handel rose, the second call the Handel rose plant.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rosa Handel has a number of advantages:

  • color change of buds at different stages of flowering;
  • long flowering period;
  • thick and dense leaves;
  • ease of reproduction.

At the same time, culture differs in certain disadvantages:

  • risk of sunburn;
  • low resistance to fungal infections;
  • need for support;
  • intolerance to prolonged precipitation.

In general, gardeners note that the positive characteristics of the variety somewhat prevail over the negative points.

Use in landscape design

Rosa Handel should not grow near fruit trees, as this increases the risk of infection with pathologies and parasites. A sophisticated combination of white color and raspberry border requires a careful selection of additions.

Culture is often used in landscape design.

Do not plant near plants with bright flowers. A great option will be white, pink or blue perennials. Low coniferous crops look attractive.

Important!Climbing bushes are suitable for decorating fences, walls, pyramids, arches. In this case, it is worth choosing stable supports.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

In order for the Handel rose to grow and develop normally, she needs to provide full and high-quality care. Of great importance is the correct performance of planting work.

Rosa Poetry (Poesie) - features bush culture

A rose can be propagated with finished seedlings. They should be purchased in the nursery. It is also permissible to independently prepare and root cuttings. However, this option is considered more time-consuming.

Planting a rose is recommended in early May. If the plant is bought in a greenhouse, it is worth moving the planting until the leaves appear on the trees. It is important that the soil warms up to +10 degrees. Otherwise, there is a threat of plant death.

It is not recommended to plant the plant in a draft or in a too sunny place. Rose needs the morning sun and a little breeze. In the afternoon, it should be in the shade.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

To prepare the crop for planting, it is necessary to provide it with high-quality drainage and light fertile soil. It is recommended to introduce mineral fertilizers and organic matter into the planting recess.

Important!Before planting, it is advisable to soak the seedling in water. It is also permissible to use a growth stimulant (Kornevin).

Landing procedure step by step

When planting crops, you must do the following:

  1. Make a recess 60 cm in size.
  2. Put mineral top dressing at the bottom.
  3. Place the seedling in a hole so that the roots lie freely.
  4. Gaps to fill up with the earth.
  5. Tamp the ground. For this, summer residents often stomp on it with their feet.
  6. Pour with warm water - you need about 5 liters.
  7. In cold weather, the rose should be covered with a film.

When planting roses, it is worth observing a number of requirements

Plant care

In order for the plant to develop normally and flourish abundantly, it requires quality care.

  • Watering rules and humidity
Rosa Schneewalzer (Schneewalzer) - characteristics and conditions of care

Bushes need to be moistened 2-3 times a week. The specific amount of irrigation depends on the amount of precipitation and air temperature.

  • Top dressing and soil quality

In August, it is recommended to add potassium salt and wood ash. It is also permissible to use potassium sulfate.

  • Pruning and transplanting

With the onset of spring, it is recommended to prune the rose. To do this, remove the damaged branches and shorten the shoot to 4 buds. In autumn, it is worth removing dried and diseased branches.

Attention! Sanitary pruning plays an important role in the cultivation of climbing pink bushes.

  • Features of wintering a flower

Climbing roses need to be quality covered for the winter. It is recommended to remove the adult plant from its support, wrap it with twine and place it on the ground.

Cover branches with spruce branches or leaves from above. You can also apply covering material.

Flowering roses

Rosa Talea (Talea) - features and characteristics of the flower

A rose is characterized by abundant flowering. Thanks to this, the culture is actively used to design the site.

The flowering of roses lasts from July to October. Buds on the same plant are at different stages of opening, which increases the decorativeness of the culture. In cold weather, the flowers lose their saturated color. Under the influence of high temperatures, the rose acquires a raspberry shade.

During flowering, the plant does not need fertilizers. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the number of irrigations. Equally important is the timely fight against parasites.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

There are no blooms, it is worth paying attention to the implementation of agricultural recommendations. Problems can be associated with such factors:

  • lack of sun;
  • bush aging;
  • disturbances in care;
  • root growth.

With adequate care, the rose is characterized by good flowering

Flower propagation

It is recommended that the rose be propagated by cuttings. In this case, certain features must be taken into account.

Harvesting cuttings is best done in early July.

To propagate the culture, cuttings from the middle of the stem must be cut. They should have at least 5 kidneys. The slice must be done at an angle of 45 degrees. Treated cuttings should be planted and using a jar to create a greenhouse - this will help maintain the necessary humidity.

Important!Watering and feeding the plant is recommended several times a month. When the culture takes root, it is planted in a permanent place.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Bushes often suffer from black spotting. In this case, it is worth treating the plant with copper sulfate.

Insecticides will protect against pests. During flowering, the bush should be systematically inspected, and when the first signs of problems appear, immediately take effective measures to eliminate pests or treat the bush.

The rose of this variety has excellent decorative qualities. Therefore, it is often used to design the site. To succeed in growing a crop, she needs to provide complete and high-quality care.


Watch the video: How to Care for Rose Plant especially in Summers (September 2024).