Orchid - home care after flowering


The royal flower orchid will decorate any interior with its presence. The refined beauty of these flowers gives others only positive emotions. The duration of flowering in different varieties of orchids has its own timing. With proper care after a short pause, the indoor beauty will delight the owners with elegant and bright flowering for more than a year. After flowering, orchid care consists of watering, timely transplanting and pruning.

Orchid bloom

The flowering time of a culture depends on its type, growth conditions and care. Some varieties can bloom from 3 to 8 months. There are species blooming all year round. For example, continuous flowering is characteristic of the Phalaenopsis variety. At home, an orchid can bloom from 3 to 10 years with regular interruptions. If it is incorrect to care for a plant in a pot, then the period is reduced.

Potted orchid

One flower blooms for 3-4 weeks. If you do not cut the peduncle after flowering, after some time it can bloom again. For this, the plant begins to intensely feed and water.

Note! Water the flower only with water at room temperature. With excess moisture, the plant not only discards its petals, but can also die.

Features of care at rest

How to prune an orchid after flowering: options at home

The resting phase can last up to 3 months, and at this time it is important to know how to care for the orchid after flowering.

According to gardeners, for the proper development of a flower, orchid care at home after flowering plays a decisive role. Of great importance are pruning, watering and transplanting.

Is it necessary to prune after flowering

When all the petals fall off, you need to look at the peduncle. If it darkens, becomes a waxy shade, this means that it is time to remove it. If the buds remain on the shoot, and the tip is still green, then there is no need to hurry with pruning - buds may start.

Dry peduncle is cut off completely, and only a small stump of about 2 cm is left. The places of the cuts must be treated with brilliant green. If buds are present on the stem, pruning should be done higher, at a distance of 1.5 cm from them.

Cutting a flower stalk is an easy way to propagate orchids. The scrap should be placed in a vessel with water, and roots will appear soon.


A place for a plant after flowering

A delicate plant does not like a change of place of residence. Any movement of the pot can cause injury to the flower. The main factors for determining the location are the optimum temperature and proper lighting. In winter, there should be no heating appliances nearby, and in summer - bright scorching sunlight.

Important! With hot air, the flower begins to actively release moisture through the leaves. During dormancy, it is often impossible to water the plant, this can lead to tissue destruction.

Watering mode

In a resting state, the plant requires half as much water. Excess fluid should be removed through drainage. Regular stagnation of water in a container with a plant can lead to hypothermia of the root system and the development of diseases. Spraying should also be minimized or completely discarded. It is better to place a vessel with water near the flower to moisten the air.

Nutrition and nutrition

The rules for caring for a flowering orchid are somewhat different from activities for a plant at rest. This is especially true of nutrition and supplements that stimulate the growth and development of the plant. During the rest, it is necessary to nourish the orchid with nutritious mixtures, which have the following features:

  • The composition of the supplement should be succinic acid, amino acids and vitamins.
  • Orchid, like all indoor flowers, needs phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.
  • The mixture should contain minerals that will prevent the accumulation of salts in the soil.

When buying food, it is important to carefully read the label, it should indicate the purpose of the fertilizer - for orchids.

Orchid dressing

Rules for the introduction of organic and mineral substances:

  • To maintain the root system of the plant, top dressing is carried out after watering.
  • After transplanting into a new soil, the introduction of additives should be carried out no earlier than a month later.
  • Additional food is introduced at the time the flower fades. Fertilizer can shorten flowering time.

Note! You cannot simultaneously enter two different types of fertilizers.

When and how to transplant

Orchid vanda: the main varieties and options for home care

When the flowering period ends, you need to check the roots of the orchid. If they stick out from the bottom of the tank, and the water dries very quickly after irrigation, then it's time to start transplanting. The flower is transplanted as the substrate is destroyed - every 2-3 years after flowering.


  1. Choose a suitable pot and soil. The capacity should not be too voluminous, otherwise only leaves will grow, and you can not wait for the next flowering.
  2. Before planting, the soil should be abundantly poured with warm water, then carefully removed.
  3. The roots must be thoroughly cleaned of damaged areas and the remnants of old soil.
  4. Then the plant is placed in new soil.

The main dormancy care errors

To understand how to care for an orchid after flowering, you need to know that most varieties of plants like moisture. This does not mean that the flower needs to be abundantly and often watered. Moisture should not be in the pot, but in the air.

Cattleya Orchid: home care options and breeding methods

Proper lighting is an important factor for the onset of flowering. If, after a period of rest, the orchid released a flower stalk, it is necessary to provide it with additional lighting. Otherwise, there may be no flowers.

Additional Information! If the flower prematurely blooms in spring or autumn, it is imperative to check the root system. If the root is rotten, covered with mold or fungus, then the damaged areas must be cut off and the plant transplanted into a new fertilized soil.

Blooming orchid


Any orchid variety can please for several years with its magnificent and beautiful flowering. Truncate peduncles only when they are completely dry. Timely and proper care of the orchid after abundant flowering at home will help her recover quickly and bloom again.


Watch the video: Orchid Care for Beginners - What to do after Phalaenopsis blooms fall? Cutting spike & aftercare (October 2024).