Tacca Chantrier - home care


Indoor plants with a dark color of inflorescences are a rarity. There are not so many of them, and with the original form of flowers even less. It is such an exotic plant that the Chantriere taka, about which there are legends. Growing this flower at home requires some knowledge and effort, but a spectacular appearance and unusual flowering are worth it.

What does Tacka Chantrier look like

Due to the unusual shape of the flowers, the plant has several names. Known names are "bat" and "devil flower." Another name that Takka Chantrier has, the "black lily" is given due to some similarities of inflorescences.

Exotic Taka Chantrier

In fact, the plant can not be attributed to either lilies or orchids. It is part of the Dioscoreian family, in which a separate genus of takka is distinguished. There are 15 varieties of plants that differ in height, size and appearance.

Important! Although the flowers are called black, the bracts actually have a dark shade of brown, burgundy or green.

Tacka Chantrye (black tacca) is very large for a houseplant - its height varies between 1-1.5 m. Large-sized leaves folded at the base are located on powerful and strong cuttings.

Features of the species - abundant flowering and a bizarre shape of flowers. On long peduncles dark brown or burgundy bracts are located, in the middle of which small flowers and long filiform appendages are collected. It is for coloring that this plant is called taka black.

Fancy Black Tuck Flowers

Features of home care

Bromeliad - home care, watering and reproduction

Of course, you can only create ideal conditions for an exotic in the greenhouse. But if you make a little effort to fulfill certain requirements of this plant to the growing conditions, it is quite possible to achieve flowering and growth in the apartment.

The care and maintenance of a chantrye taka mean several important points regarding the placement of the flower and its requirements for watering, soil, top dressing and moisture level. No less demanding is the flower and compliance with the temperature regime.


The minimum allowable temperature is +18 ℃. All year round, with the exception of the winter period, indicators can fluctuate within 20-24 ℃ above zero. In winter, you can lower them to +20 ℃. Sudden changes in temperature for the flower are fatal.


It is better to choose a place in partial shade, protected from direct sunlight. The best option is the eastern or western windowsill.


In summer, it is necessary to maintain a constant soil moisture. In the fall, the frequency of watering is gradually reduced, and in the winter, the soil is moistened as it dries by 1/3 of the pot.


It is necessary to moisten the surface of the leaves at least 2 times a day, and also regularly wipe them from dust.


One of the most important and difficult conditions is a high level of humidity. To perform it, just spraying is not enough, you should additionally install an air humidifier or place a tray with wet expanded clay near the pot.


It is possible to prepare the substrate for planting from peat, sand and turf land, but even the slightest deviation in the composition is unacceptable. Priority is to use a ready-made substrate for growing orchids.

Top dressing

From March to the beginning of October, it is necessary to introduce complex mineral dressings with an interval of once every 2-3 weeks. You can use ready-made compositions for orchids or universal dressing for flowering indoor plants.

Leaves should be wiped from dust

The plant can not be called unpretentious. Before you buy a taka flower and start growing it, you should carefully weigh everything. Takka needs special care at home. Ensuring optimal conditions is far from easy.

Features of winter care

Campanula flower - home care

The takka plant has features of a development cycle. Growing in an apartment implies the fulfillment of certain conditions for the gradual transition of a plant to a dormant state in the winter.

That is why it is necessary to gradually reduce watering from the autumn and reduce the dose of fertilizers applied. The average daily temperature should also be lowered to +20 ℃. Spraying should not be neglected, but they should be carried out less often - 2 times a week.

When and how it blooms

The flowering of Taka Chantrier is quite long. The first flowers appear in June and the process lasts until December. At this time, the flower is especially sensitive:

  • you can not rearrange the pot with the plant to another place;
  • Sudden changes in humidity and temperature;
  • regular fertilizing is necessary;
  • Constant soil moisture should be ensured.
Tradescantia - home care

All requirements are aimed at minimizing the possibility of a plant getting stress.

Attention! Ventilate the room with a flowering takka very carefully, without exposing the plant to drafts and cold air.


Takka refers to herbaceous plants and does not require pruning. Only wilted flowers should be removed to maintain a decorative appearance and stimulate the further formation of buds.

How taka chantrier propagates

Taka can be propagated at home by dividing the rhizome or growing from seeds. The first method is simpler and faster, but in the absence of an adult plant, the second is the only one available.

Seed germination

To get the seeds yourself, you need to wait for the full maturation of the seed box. Further, the seed material is extracted, washed and dried.

Sowing is carried out in a soil mixture of turf soil and sand, combined in a 1: 1 ratio, or in a finished substrate for orchids. Seeds are deepened into the soil by 1 cm. Mount shelter. Before seedlings appear, it is necessary to maintain a high level of humidity in the greenhouse and a temperature level of 28-30 ℃ above zero.

Young seedlings of taka seeds

Attention! Seeds still germinate only after 4-5 months, sometimes later. It is for this reason that such a method of reproduction is time-consuming and time-consuming.

When the seedlings grow up, they are planted in separate containers. Further care consists in timely watering, as well as maintaining humidity and temperature at the required level.

Rhizome division

Growing takka from part of the root is much faster and easier than using seeds. It is best to choose the spring months and carry out this procedure during a transplant.

The rhizome is divided into parts with a sharp knife, which is pre-disinfected. Parts of the root system are left for 2-3 days to dry and begin to plant. Sections are pre-disinfected with charcoal powder.


Often changing the pot for an exotic black lily is not necessary. Transplantation is resorted to only in two cases:

  • it is planned to get a new plant instance by dividing the root;
  • the size of the tank does not correspond to an overgrown root system.

In both cases, the landing is the same. A prerequisite is the presence of a drainage layer and the use of a special breathable soil. Soil moisture should also be maintained throughout the rooting period. Temperature fluctuations and a decrease in humidity are not allowed.

If the planting was carried out correctly and during the rooting period optimal conditions were maintained for the seedlings, the transplanted plants would soon begin to grow. In some cases, plants can bloom in the first year.

Diseases and Pests

The cause of disease or pest attack is often improper care. This is what it is worth paying attention to at the first sign of deterioration of the flower.

Improper care is detrimental to the plant.


The spider mite, which is dangerous for takki, can settle on the leaves of the plant only with insufficient moisture of the leaves and low humidity. To cope with this parasite, the leaves are sprayed twice a day and regularly wiped.

Another threat is root rot. The reason for the development of the disease is waterlogged soil or stagnation of water in the pan. It is for this reason that it is better to use a special substrate during planting, as well as regularly pour excess water from the pallet.

Exotic beauty - a highlight of the interior


Tacca Chantrier is an exotic flower that can be grown in an apartment. Ideal conditions for a tropical plant can be created only in the greenhouse, but with a little effort and patience, you can grow it in the apartment.


Watch the video: Growing the Black Bat Flower Tacca chantrieri (October 2024).