What to plant next to hydrangea and in front of it "at the feet"


Many have cottages, often decorative plants grow on such garden plots. Not everything is so simple with them: you need to understand not only the principles of caring for them, but also take into account that the flora needs suitable neighbors. So, not everyone knows what to plant next to hydrangea.

Hydrangea, also known as hydrangea, is a perennial plant of the Hortense family. It appeared in Europe from the end of the 16th century, and then it was considered a flower only for the rich. Initially, there were only two species: abundantly blooming in red and white. Today hydrangea is a whole genus numbering 52 species. Most often it grows with a bush or tree, there are also lianine-like hydrangeas.


Interesting. This flora has its name in Japan. There her name is Adzsay, or a purple sunny flower.

In the price lists of modern stores you can find this plant for every taste. It was known before, now it is gaining special popularity. He will not find a place, perhaps, only in the design of a classic English garden.

Hydrangea inflorescences

Hydrangea blooms very beautifully: its inflorescence resembles lush hats visible from the thick of green foliage. Gardeners love her for her attractive appearance and easy care. Not everyone knows what to plant with hydrangea in the neighborhood, so that the plants combine together. With this shrub or tree you can create a stunning landscape composition. It is only important to know how to do it right.

Astilba - what to plant next to

Hydrangea is widely used in gardens even by novice gardeners. Her splendor, beauty, simple care make it possible to apply it like this:

  • Like a separate bush;
  • Create hedges from hydrangea;
  • Plant her in the flower beds.

In general, hydrangeas get along with most of the other flora: with undersized trees and shrubs, with herbaceous plants (even low ones) and conifers.

Hydrangea is a great neighbor. It’s hard to find another flower that is just as rich in color options. This shrub blooms, depending on the variety, white, red, purple, pink, blue, cream and even light green. Leaves are also not of the same hue - they are found emerald (darker and lighter), glossy shiny and matte.

Neighborhood restrictions

If you look for the answer to the question with which plants hydrangea is combined, then you won’t have to guess for a long time, because this flora is ready for the neighborhood with any other plant, the requirements of which coincide with its conditions. It:

  • Love of water. These shrubs love water, so you should not plant flowers next to them that need rare watering.
  • Tendency to shaded areas. Hydrangea does not like the open bright sun, she prefers partial shade. However, she will be comfortable where the daylight rays simply do not fall (they are the hottest).
  • The specific acidity of the soil. This plant needs acidic or slightly acidic soil, respectively, and its neighbors should need it.

Subject to all these conditions, you can grow a lush and healthy hydrangea bush. If you combine its cultivation with another flora that requires the same care, you can get a beautiful flower garden. In this regard, picking a flowering shrub of a neighbor is not difficult. Further selection criteria sets the sense of taste of a single person.

So, with most hydrangeas ferns coexist perfectly: the bush blooms for two, but the spore plant interestingly complements the composition with its carved vayas. Not bad in a similar ensemble of plants looks and pachisander apical. For the front framing, periwinkles or ivy are often planted next to hydrangeas.

Hydrangea in the garden with fern

There are many neighbors near hydrangeas in the garden. What can be planted with hydrangea yet, experienced gardeners will tell. They recommend a perennial plant such as a soft cuff. Its main advantages are airy inflorescences and bright juicy greens. All this sometimes smooths out the excessive effect of hydrangea.

Neighbors for tree hydrangea

Treelike hydrangea is a fairly tall shrub that gives huge inflorescences (they are found more than two open palms). Its color may be different, but the flora always looks very magnificent, spectacular. That is why, in order not to overload the general appearance of the flowerbed, more modest plants should be adjacent to it. For instance:

  • Perennial host;
  • White, light pink or blue astilbe;
  • Astrantia;
  • Tall stonecrops;
  • Aconite;
  • Panicled phlox;
  • Mordovia.

Interesting. The most beautiful and popular variety of treelike hydrangea is Annabel. It features simple care requirements and interesting flowering.

How to plant panicle hydrangea

Panicled hydrangea does not bloom "cap." Her inflorescence is rather conical. It is not as bright as woody hydrangea. Therefore, you can plant next to panicled hydrangea that has a more vivid appearance:

  • Rose bushes;

Panicle hydrangea with roses

  • Lilies
  • Delphiniums
  • Polygranulars;
  • Panicled phlox;
  • Autumn anemones.

Note! Panicled hydrangea can not only look good in tandem with another flora, but also help it grow. So, clematis coexists well with her, using the bush as a hedge.

Hydrangea and thuja nearby

The neighborhood of thuja and hydrangea is by no means uncommon. They look good together. When organizing such a neighborhood, it is necessary to take into account the rule - they can’t be planted nearby. The distance between two seedlings should be at least one and a half meters (in case of planting a thuja next to panicled hydrangea, it is better to lay all two). This is due to the fact that this shrub grows widely and can "crush" neighbors.

Hydrangea with thuja

Thuja grow tall, so it is optimal to use them to design the back row. Then they will rise above hydrangeas, and two plants will effectively complement each other.

Does hydrangea grow with conifers

Like roses or rhododendrons, hydrangeas are easy to combine with conifers. It is not only a matter of beauty. These two representatives of the flora are ideally suited to each other according to the conditions of care. So, conifers make the earth acidic, this is exactly what hydrangea loves. Some conifers love more light, but at the same time grow above a flowering shrub neighbor and give it the necessary partial shade.

Note! Resin of conifers attracts some insects. For example, ladybugs, who are the saviors of the garden from the invasion of aphids.

Hydrangea and Juniper

Junipers and hydrangeas nearby also grow quite often. Moreover, you can combine these representatives of the flora in different ways, thanks to the juniper varieties:

  • For example, a high rocky juniper is an excellent solution for creating a green "wall" behind a flowering bush.

Juniper Hydrangea

  • Cossack juniper - a sprawling plant, but low. He is planted in front of hydrangea, this couple looks amazing together.
Chestnut - a tree with flowers, a description of how to plant and grow

The sprawling hydrangea bushes, whose branches hang to the ground, will be an excellent refuge for moisture - and shade-loving low herbaceous plants. They will become the front, bottom row, the frame of the flowerbed. Periwinkles or various ivies are perfect for this role. They will create a green carpet that will feel great "at the feet" of the bush.

When hydrangea grows higher, the lower parts of its branches can be seen, on which there are no leaves or flowers.

Then at the roots of the bush you can plant mint or lemon balm. They will form the bottom green layer, feeling great in the shade.

Hydrangea neighbors in the flowerbed

At the foot of hydrangea, that flora that needs shade and moisture feels good. For example, you can plant hosts in front of the bush. Low flake juniper will also look great. Another interesting ensemble will be obtained with a combination of hydrangea, lavender and yarrow.

Multilevel flower garden with hydrangea

Interesting. The flower garden will look more interesting if it uses plants of different flowering periods. It so happens that the flowerbed will bloom from the first spring heat to strong autumn frosts.

Hydrangea and Chrysanthemum

Hydrangeas bloom for a very long time. In the end, they fade. So that after the end of the flowering period of these shrubs did not have to look at the "naked" flower garden, you can add chrysanthemums of late varieties to it. It turns out that these fluffy flowers will replace hydrangea.

Keep in mind! Hydrangeas have predominantly delicate pastel colors. Therefore, yellow, saturated orange and bright red chrysanthemums will not be quite in place. Hydrangea in the garden is combined with what will turn out to shade its flowering.

Hydrangea and Bergenia

An unexpected but successful companion of hydrangea is a canoe. It, unlike chrysanthemums, blooms early - in April-May. In addition to flowering, the incense has interesting foliage, so in the summer it will complement hydrangea well.

Flowerbed with hydrangea - a scheme of planting bushes

It is not necessary to combine hydrangea with other flowers on the flowerbed. Among this biological genus there are many species, each of them has different varieties. From all this diversity, you can choose those bushes that will look great together. The main thing is to remember the following:

  • Always leave room for growth. In order for the shrubs to feel good, they should have enough space for growth. This flora will require at least one and a half meters between the bushes (this indicator will vary depending on the size of a particular variety).

An example of a path using only hydrangeas

  • Different types of hydrangeas have their own requirements. So, paniculate and tree-like can easily winter, withstanding temperatures of -18 ° C without special preparation. Large-leaved hydrangea must be wrapped up.

Growing flowers in the garden is always a good idea. Choosing hydrangea for these purposes, you won’t have to rack your brains, deciding what it successfully combines with.


Watch the video: How To Grow Hydrangeas (October 2024).