How to transplant yucca: land selection and cropping options


Decorative tropical tree firmly based in the apartments of Russians. Novice growers consider it a variety of dracaena - their lush, sprawling tops are very similar. To grow a beautiful false palm, you need to know how to transplant a yucca and provide it with proper care. It is important to consider the features of the development of this exot.

Need for transplanting and pruning

Yucca grows slowly, it takes several years before it becomes like a small tree. This does not mean that the plant should be kept in one container for a long time.

Young yucca needs an annual transplant. This stimulates the strengthening of the root system, due to which the trunk develops more actively. Moving to a more spacious pot positively affects the foliage - each time the crown becomes more magnificent.

Yucca home

If the yucca is not transplanted in time, it will become uncomfortable for her in a cramped vessel. In the best case, the palm tree will stop growing; in the worst, it will become sick.

The procedure you just bought is especially needed. In the house, she can appear at any time of the year. Do not wait for spring to change the pot plant.

In such a situation, they are guided by the arguments:

  • shop soil is a mixture of peat and sand, more intended for transporting a plant, not for its development;
  • flowers on sale are usually placed in soft, small containers to limit plant development;
  • Having changed the situation, it is difficult for a yucca to adapt in a new climate if it remains in a cramped pot with a substrate that is unsaturated with nutrients.

Plant from the store

Sometimes an unplanned transplant is required when the plant begins to hurt. In such a situation, it is important to completely replace the earth and take a new pot.

Regulate the development of yucca and another procedure - cropping. In this case, the goal is the opposite. As soon as the yucca reaches a diameter of 6 cm, they begin to control further growth and form a crown.

Note! If you do not trim the top in time, the trunk will not withstand the load and will break.

Transplant at home

How to transplant Kalanchoe: choosing a pot and soil

In order for the yucca to take root quickly in a new place, the transplantation starts from the preparatory moment. It is important to choose a suitable container, consider what soil the plant needs. Under these conditions, adaptation will occur comfortably.

Pot and soil selection

A planned relocation of yucca is carried out in the spring, so that the grower has time to stock up with a suitable substrate and a new pot. In the preparatory moment, it is important to consider the features of the development of yucca.

Suitable container

Decorative exot does not like waterlogged soil, so the new container should have a large drain hole at the bottom.

You should pay attention to other requirements:

  • the pot should be 2-3 cm wider than the diameter of the underground part of the flower;
  • for stability, proportional ratios of parameters are taken into account: the depth of the tank is 2 times larger than the inner diameter;
  • the material of the pot should not bend under the pressure of the growing roots.

Preparing a new tank

You can choose a plastic container if it has thick, strong walls. The best option is ceramic (clay). Such a pot does not deform and perfectly absorbs excess moisture.

Substrate preparation

Yucca can be relocated to a new pot with an earthen lump if the soil is still saturated with nutrients. Experienced growers recommend completely renewing the soil by choosing a neutral peat mix.

If it is difficult for beginners to properly prepare the soil, you can buy land for yucca in a flower shop. With self-mixing, it is important to maintain a proportional ratio of components.

Yucca soil options

Universal substrate and sand7:3
Compost, leaf and turf land, sand1:2:2:2
Sand, sheet land, turf2:2:3

You can also add 3 parts of coarse sand to 3 parts of soddy soil, 1 part of peat and humus. Instead of sand, other disintegrants — vermiculite and perlite — are sometimes used in these formulations.

Transplanting to another pot

Not everyone knows how to transplant a yucca at home.

Yucca transplant

In order not to harm the plant, you need to clearly perform step-by-step actions:

  1. The yucca is carefully removed from the pot and placed in a container of water. It is important that the fluid completely covers the roots.
  2. The false palm is left for an hour, so that the water washed away the whole earth.
  3. The bottom sheets are cut with a sharp blade. This will provide the plant with a comfortable adaptation.
  4. The tree is removed from the container and placed in another with clean water. The procedure is repeated several times to completely get rid of the old earth. They wash the roots gently, without effort, trying not to break them.
  5. A layer of drainage is poured into the prepared pot (expanded clay, gravel, river pebbles, brick crushed into crumbs, small pieces of polystyrene foam) 3 cm thick.
  6. Drainage is sprinkled with an earthen substrate so that the pot is filled by 2/3.
  7. A palm is placed in the middle of the container, evenly distributing the roots on the ground.
  8. They fill up the rest of the substrate, shaking the container from time to time - there should not be air voids in the soil.
  9. The transplanted tree is abundantly watered.

Important! Yucca trunk should be buried in the ground no more than 2 cm. Otherwise, the plant will rot.

With the annual relocation of a young yucca, the first 2 stages are skipped. The substrate has not yet had time to deplete in useful substances, so the plant can be transshipped with an earthen lump. Before removing the yucca from the old container, not only the lower plates, but also all the flaccid, yellow, damaged sheets are removed.

When an unplanned situation arises - rotting of the roots, a small adjustment is made to the method of how to transplant a yucca:

  • the rotten parts of the root system are completely cut off;
  • sections are powdered with powdered activated carbon or wood ash;
  • watering is carried out on the 4th day so that the sections have time to dry, otherwise infection with fungal spores is possible.

The need for an urgent transplant can be judged by the state of yucca. Her trunk will soften, or the leaves will begin to fall off en masse.

Pruning and transplantation of the appendix

When it is not possible to save the roots, the aerial part of the plant is used for relocation. You need to know how to properly cut and transplant the sprout of the yucca palm to give the flower a second life.

We apply this method to a plant that has managed to give lateral layers. The baby is cut so that under the foliage there is a stalk 10 cm long.

Then they act according to this recipe:

  • 2 hours the shoot is kept on the table to dry the cut;
  • the damaged area is treated with charcoal;
  • then layering is immersed in wet sand, vermiculite (perlite).

The fastest way to root is in a vessel of water. Since Yucca children are not willing to transplant, they should be stimulated with Zircon or Kornevin.

Plant pruning

A small palm tree with a single outlet looks beautiful. But as soon as the tree stretches out, and all presentability is lost somewhere. In this case, you should not think about whether it is possible to crop the yucca - the procedure is necessary to form a beautiful crown.

How to transplant a dollar tree: the choice of soil and pot

The second reason that this measure is being taken is to slow down the growth of the flower. Under natural conditions, a false palm can reach 4 m. In apartments, the limit is 2.5 m. The tree resting on the ceiling not only looks ugly, but can get sick and even break.

Trimming the trunk will suspend growth and stimulate the formation of new (side) outlets. The cut off part is an excellent material for the propagation of yucca.

How to crop

In the technique of pruning, there are tricks. If they are not taken into account, the plant may die.

Additional Information. In the spring, when the movement of juices begins, they interfere with the healing of the slices.

Therefore, in the process adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the procedure is carried out at the end of winter, when the yucca has not yet had time to leave the state of rest;
  • you can not resort to such manipulations if the tree has not rested, as it should, and has not gained strength; therefore, from November to the end of February, the yucca is kept away from sunlight at a temperature of + 10 ° C;
  • after the procedure, the yucca is not watered for 2-3 weeks, so that the healing of the slices is easier; but the plant needs a supply of moisture for this period, so abundant watering is carried out 2 days before pruning;
  • since the remaining stump will no longer grow, but will become a support for new shoots, it should be strong enough; therefore, you should wait until the trunk diameter reaches 5 cm;
  • after pruning, a stump of 20-50 cm high is left in the flower pot;
  • on the cut off top under the foliage there should be a lignified segment of at least 10 cm long;
  • shortening the yucca, it is impossible to break it off, they use a sharp knife, clippers or secateurs in their work, holding the crown with the second hand;
  • after 2 hours, all sections are treated with activated carbon, garden putty, cinnamon or paraffin.

Important! Lubrication of wounds is necessary - sealing will protect the palm from infection by bacteria and fungal spores. Processing the slices will help the plant maintain the moisture necessary for adaptation.

Yucca after trimming

The yucca remaining in the pot is kept in a warm room away from direct sunlight. For 3-4 weeks it is not watered, the soil is not fertilized. A state of rest will help yucca to get out of stress faster.

The cut trunk is cut and rooted. The top is also used to plant in a new pot.

Branch pruning

A novice will also be able to form a beautiful palm, knowing how to crop a yucca correctly. This business is troublesome and requires special attention to implementation. A single cut will not provide a beautiful lush crown. Over time, the elongated trunk will remain bare.

To make the yucca branch well, to begin with, the upper section of the trunk is sprayed with “Epin” or the side flakes are lubricated with a cytokinin paste (to stimulate sleeping buds to grow).

Formed crown

When shoots appear and begin to develop, part is removed, leaving 2 to 5 outlets on the trunk (on a thin one - no more than 3 pieces). Giving new branches to grow and wood, they are also trimmed, as well as the main trunk. So over time, the yucca will turn into a low tree with a beautiful dense branching crown.

Important! You can not cut off all the shoots at the same time - this will introduce the plant into severe stress, which Yucca may not be able to handle. It is recommended to trim one side trunk each year.

Trimming and grafting

If the cut off stalk is long enough, it is divided into parts for reproduction. Slices that are dried and treated with a disinfectant are rooted in one of the ways.

Cutting yucca

HorizontalThe cut is immersed halfway into the moist sand so that several sleeping buds remain on the surface. When the shoots appear on the handle, it is cut according to the number of shoots and planted in separate pots in the standard way
VerticalA section of the trunk is placed with a lower cut into a vessel of water. You can also drip the stalk in wet sand or vermiculite. After waiting for the thread roots to sprout at the bottom of the segment and reach 1 cm, and a green shoot will appear on the top (and it will be the only one), the seedling is transferred to a permanent pot

Horizontal rooting


Cuttings are a lengthy process and require patience. The formation of roots will take at least a month.

Further care

Orchid bloomed what to do with the arrow: options for care and pruning

Planting roomy yucca and subsequent care are interrelated activities. Even the slightest disturbance in agricultural technology will damage the plant. The palm tree is unpretentious to the climate, so it is not necessary to specifically monitor air humidity. The main modes of agricultural technology are standard for succulents.

Soil and watering

The soil in the pot is kept moist to avoid rotting of the roots. You can periodically pour water into the pan, the plant will take as much as it needs. The liquid should not stagnate there.

To adjust the irrigation regime, many factors are considered:

  • plant age and size;
  • season and weather outside;
  • even the material the pot is made of.

In summer, the yucca is watered as soon as the soil dries to a depth of 5 cm. When the air temperature drops to + 20 ° C, water procedures are carried out once every 7-10 days. If the yucca is sent to a cool room to rest, the soil is slightly moistened once a month.

The volume of full watering is commensurate with the amount of soil in the pot. For a 5-liter capacity, take 1 liter of purified (settled) water.

As for the material, the yucca in plastic needs to be watered less often. The porous structure of the clay pot provides additional drainage, so the earth dries out faster.

Top dressing

The older a yucca becomes, the more food she needs. They feed the plant once every 2-3 weeks, using universal preparations for palm trees, but they do this at certain times.

Do not fertilize:

  • if the plant has recently been cut;
  • some time after transplantation;
  • when the palm tree is at rest (autumn, winter).

Fertilizing the tree is necessary only in the phase of active growth. If the yucca is sick at this time, do not overload it with mineral-organic substances.

In order for the Yucca flower to develop normally, care at home is transplanted according to all the rules. You should not expect flowering from a houseplant, but a beautifully formed crown will also become an adornment of the interior.



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