Indoor Bamboo - Home Care


Another name for this plant is Dracaena Sander. It can easily be grown at home or in offices. The popularity of the plant is due to its unpretentiousness.

In addition, it belongs to the category of evergreens and is a good decoration of the room.

About the history of appearance

Bamboo is widely distributed in the southern latitudes. It can be found in the tropical rainforests of Asia, Australia, Africa and South America. In the historical homeland, shrubs are used as medicine or building material. In some areas it is actively eaten.

Homemade bamboo

In Europe and Russia, the plant began to spread, thanks to the practice of Feng Shui. It symbolizes all the elements at once:

  • Tree (the plant itself);
  • Water (used for watering);
  • Earth (pebble, in which it is recommended to grow it);
  • Metal (a flower pot is installed on it);
  • Fire (it is symbolized by a red ribbon that is tied to a stem).

Later, the plant began to be used in the design of rooms, since various elements of the decor can be formed from its stems, it can be used as a natural room divider.

Common varieties

Balmamin indoor - home care

Lovers of indoor plants use the following classification of varieties (depending on growth):

  • Low, with a barrel length of not more than 1 meter. The most common are the varieties "Tsuboy" and "Golden Goddess".
  • Average. In such varieties, the stem length reaches 3-3.5 meters. The most popular varieties are Shiroshima and Mexican Weeping Bamboo.
  • High varieties are very rare in the premises, since their length can reach 6 meters, which means that they need special rooms with high ceilings. These varieties include Monastic Bamboo and Tropical Black Bamboo.

Bamboo Lucky

The stem of this variety has a spiral shape. The plant requires maintaining a special microclimate in terms of temperature and humidity in the room. It is not recommended to water it often. As a rule, bamboo Lucky is used to decorate the interior.

Bamboo Golden Lily

This variety got its name for the yellow-lemon or golden color of the stem. This feature makes it popular as an interior decoration. The variety is unpretentious in care, frosty, and wind-resistant, has an attractive appearance.

Bamboo Tsuboy

Features of this variety are:

  • Fast growth;
  • High survival after transplantation;
  • Easily tolerates a haircut;
  • The leaves are green with bright white veins, which gives it an unusual appearance.

Bamboo Shiroshima

The country of origin of this variety is Japan. Its stems reach a three-meter height. Large leaves of bright green color with white splashes give the plant its beauty. A feature of the variety is the need for bright lighting.

Varieties of bamboo

Mexican weeping bamboo

This variety is classified as medium. In height, it grows by 3.5 meters. The thickness of the stem is from 2.5 to 4 centimeters. The color of the leaves is light green; they are long and narrow in shape. The country of origin is Mexico. Due to this, the plant easily withstands the sun's rays.

Use for interior decoration

Jasmine indoor - home care

Home bamboo is widely used in room decoration. Its presence in the interior allows you to create an atmosphere of the tropics. Using devices for changing the shape of the stems allows you to create various natural patterns.

Additional Information. To create a romantic atmosphere, designers recommend placing candles next to the bamboo stems. It is safe and very unusual.

The magical properties of indoor bamboo

How to grow indoor fern - home care

In the East, it is believed that this plant brings good luck. Thanks to this belief, it spread to Russia. In addition, many believe that indoor bamboo helps restore energy balance, harmony in the home. The presence of this plant attracts money, happiness to the house and provides peace and mutual understanding in the family.

Bamboo at home

An important place is taken by the bamboo houseplant in Feng Shui practices. Placing it in the southeastern part of the office or home will ensure business success. The effect of the flower can increase if you place a three-toed toad next to it - a magical symbol of wealth in Feng Shui.

Home Bamboo Care

Growing bamboo at home is easy. Technologies differ depending on whether it grows in water or soil. Some varieties are grown in both ways.


The flower grows best at a temperature of 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. It easily tolerates plants and hot weather. Most varieties have good frost resistance, but it is not recommended to supercool a plant.


Optimal for the plant is diffused light. It is usually created using curtains or curtains. The lack of light will cause the flower to turn yellow, leaves will fall off, this will negatively affect its appearance and decorative properties.

Bamboo care


It is recommended to water the plant only with settled rain water. In spring and summer, a lot of moisture is required. A plant with wide leaves should be watered 2 times a week, with narrow leaves - at least once every two days. In winter and autumn, the frequency of watering should be significantly reduced (up to once a week).

Important! Water from the water supply is not suitable for irrigation. It contains a large number of various harmful impurities. They have a negative effect on the processes of photosynthesis. The plant begins to turn yellow, lose leaves, becomes susceptible to various diseases and insect attacks.


Professional growers recommend spraying the plant 2 times a week. This allows you to maintain a natural level of humidity. In addition, it is an element of hygiene. Rubbing and spraying the leaves protects the grass from pests.


Most varieties are unpretentious to the level of humidity in the room. They grow equally well in both normal and low humidity conditions. Some varieties require the creation of a special microclimate in the room.

Growing bamboo in the ground

The plant can be well grown in the soil. A mixture for growing bamboo is suitable for any, the plant does not have special requirements for the soil. He needs timely and good watering, as well as periodic top dressing. A regular change of soil can be omitted.

Growing bamboo in the water

A feature of the plant is the ability to plant it in water. This technology is simple, but requires compliance with some rules:

  • Water should be soft. Usually use either rainwater or melt.

Note! You can cook melt water yourself. To do this, put in a tank of tap water, freeze to ice, then defrost. All harmful impurities and bacteria will die after such treatment.

Bamboo in the water

  • Change the water in the tank at least once a week.
  • It is required to regularly apply top dressing in water.
  • The capacity where to plant a flower can be any: a flower pot, a vase or a simple jar.
  • Place the vessel in a well-lit place.

Top dressing

The frequency of fertilizer application depends on the method of cultivation. When cultivating a plant in water, it should be fed once a week at the time of changing the water (you can use a hydrogel, which will simplify care). If the soil method of cultivation is chosen, fertilizers are recommended to be applied once every 2-3 months. Use special mineral mixtures for dracaena.

Pruning bamboo

This procedure is very important for the formation of a decorative form. Another reason bamboo should be cut is blooming. Immediately after it finishes blooming, the plant withers. Cut the flower in a certain sequence:

  • Removing dry branches;
  • Trimming excess shoots;
  • Removing ugly stems and growing above the desired height.

The place of pruning should be treated with a special varnish, otherwise ugly growths or pests can form there.


To ensure a comfortable microclimate and growth for young bamboo, it is recommended to plant it. This should be done annually. To transplant the bush, you need to prepare the soil. It is enough to mix ½ part of the turf land with equal shares of leaf land and peat.

How is bamboo propagated?

In floriculture, the following methods of reproduction are used:

  • Cuttings;
  • Separation of the baby from the mother's stem;
  • The use of apical shoots;
  • Germination from seeds.

The most popular ways to propagate a flower are cuttings and a seed growing method.

Bamboo propagation


Seed germination

This method is very laborious, but allows you to get a large number of plants in a short time. Usually it is used for commercial purposes. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • Poor seed germination;
  • The need to maintain a constant microclimate (temperature, light and humidity) for 6 months.

Rooting cuttings

Cuttings are a simpler and faster way of propagation. Step-by-step sequence of actions:

  • Circumcision of the stem with growth points from the mother bush;
  • Dividing the stem into parts;
  • Blockage of wax trim sites to prevent stony growths and the appearance of diseases;
  • Putting cuttings in water;
  • Landing after the appearance of the root system.

Possible problems in growing bamboo

The plant is subject to the following influences:

  • The appearance of fungal rot;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Lack of substances required for growth;
  • Spider mite and aphid attack.

Bamboo diseases


Why bamboo indoor in the ground turns yellow

The reasons for this situation may be:

  • Excessive plant nutrition with fertilizers;
  • Lack of moisture;
  • Being in a dimly lit place;
  • Insufficient layer of drainage material;
  • The presence of drafts;
  • Watering with tap water.

Thus, studying the question of how to care for bamboo at home, we can conclude that this is not difficult. The plant is unpretentious and does not require special care. The only important element when growing is water. There is a direct connection between its quality and plant health. A feature of growing a flower is the ability to plant it in soil and water. Bamboo allows you to create unusual decorative elements, which explains its popularity.


Watch the video: My Secret to Grow Healthy Lucky Bamboo Indoors & Propagate Easily (October 2024).