Rosa Poetry (Poesie) - features bush culture


Roses are an adornment of city parks and individual garden plots. Culture is always in demand by flower growers who are looking for more and more new varieties that can decorate the adjoining territory. Very popular among gardeners is the rose Poetry, which can bloom for a long time without losing its decorative appearance. Further on the cultivation of crops in the garden.

Rose Poetry - what kind of variety

Rose Poetry was bred in 1988 by American experts A. Jackson and L. Perkins, who first used the term floribunda. In addition to her, breeders bred many other varieties. Poetry is also known as Poesie, Poetry, Tournament of Roses, Berkeley, JACient.


The bushes reach a height of 1.2 m, a width of 60 cm. The diameter of pink terry flowers in dissolution is up to 8 cm. The bud has many petals with slightly wavy edges. Each flower is revealed slowly, for a long time delighting others with its beautiful view.

Rose Poetry

For your information! Oil made from rose flowers costs more than gold and platinum.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Poetry belongs to the groups of grandiflora and floribunda and has the following positive qualities:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • long flowering
  • good immunity;
  • universal application.

The disadvantages include the need to shelter bushes for the winter in cold regions.

Use in landscape design

Rose Poetry can be grown in open and closed soil types. It is planted singly, in groups with other varieties, used as a hedge. Poetry is also planted in flowerpots, which are installed on the terrace, porch. In addition, a rose is grown for cutting.

Lush bush in landscaping

Flower growing

Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, roses will not be difficult. The main thing is to find the right place for planting and choose a seedling that is not affected by diseases and pests.

Rosa Geisha (Geisha) - features of cultivation

Choose one or two-year-old seedlings for planting. They are grown independently or purchased on the flower market.

Important! It is necessary to inspect the bushes, otherwise when planting a diseased plant there is a risk of infection of the entire rosary.

You can plant a rose in spring and autumn. Spring planting is good because the plants have time to take root before the onset of cold weather. When buying and planting bushes in the autumn, you can see firsthand the flowers of a rose of the Poetry variety.

Seat selection

For culture, a well-lit, but shaded at noon place is selected. It should not be blown by cold winds. The appropriate location of groundwater at the landing site is not higher than a meter.

How to prepare the soil and flower

If the soil is heavy, clay, add garden soil, compost, sand to it. Flower stems and roots are pruned. If the root system has lost turgor, it can be placed in water for 10-12 hours.

Landing procedure step by step

Planting roses Poetry is as follows:

Planting seedlings

  1. Dig a hole 60 × 60 cm in size.
  2. At the bottom lay a drainage layer of sand, expanded clay.
  3. The next layer is light, fertile land.
  4. In the middle of the pit, a seedling is installed, covered with soil, slightly deepening the root neck.
  5. The area of ​​the basal circle is abundantly watered.

Note! To preserve moisture in the ground, the trunk circle is covered with compost or peat.

Plant care

The appearance of the bushes depends on the care. The more clearly the cultivation requirements are met, the brighter and longer it blooms.

Watering rules and humidity

Rosa Talea (Talea) - features and characteristics of the flower

Water the rose. Poetry is rare, but plentiful. At least 10 liters of water are poured under each young bush, 15-20 liters of water under adult plants. The surface of the soil between the irrigation should dry out, otherwise the plantings can hit the rot.

Important! Do not water the rose by sprinkling, especially cold water.

Top dressing and soil quality

Fertilize rose bushes in spring, summer and autumn. For the first time in a season, they are fed with nitrogen only after the air temperature reaches 10 ° C. Then, before budding and after flowering, a complex mineral composition is used. In the fall, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are added. Only in fertile soil will roses develop and bloom beautifully.

Pruning and transplanting

Pruning is done at least twice a year. The procedure is necessary for the formation of a bush, the duration of flowering, the formation of new inflorescences. If the stems break due to strong gusts of wind, they are immediately cut off.

Note! To prevent infection of the rosary, the instrument is sanitized before trimming.

Transplanted rose Poetry in the spring or autumn. Bushes aged 1-2 years will be painlessly transplanted.

Features of wintering a flower

In the fall, the rose is pruned to 40 cm, watered abundantly, leaves and dried buds are removed. When freezing occurs, trunks are spudded with compost or garden soil up to 30 cm. For reliability, they can be covered with fir spruce branches.


Rosa Lavaglut - cultural characteristics

Each bud of Poetry consists of 25-30 terry petals, painted in pink. Heat-resistant variety with short breaks blooms all season. Rosa Poesie is an adornment of both city parks and gardeners' adjoining territories.

Each Poetry bud consists of 25-30 petals

Period of activity and rest

Flowering begins in the spring. Each bud blossoms slowly, remains blooming for a long time. When the flowers begin to dry, they need to be cut, and then after a short time new flowering shoots will grow from the sinuses. Buds are formed until the frost.

Care during and after flowering

Bushes during flowering watered, loosen and mulch the earth. Around the roses, weed grass grows, which must be removed: it can be a carrier of diseases and pests. After flowering, the plants are fed a complex mineral dressing, which includes potassium and phosphorus.

What to do if it does not bloom

Blooming roses may not occur for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect landing place. Roses love warmth and a lot of light, so they select the most open area for planting;
  • fertilizing too often. A overfed plant will only increase green mass. Fertilize bushes no more than five times per season;
  • young age. In the year of planting, the rose usually does not bloom. She first needs to be well rooted and grow stems with foliage. Even if she releases several buds, it is better to remove them, otherwise the plant will weaken;
  • improper soil composition. Being in heavy clay soil, it is difficult for a rose to start flowering. A light, fertile substrate should be added to the soil;
  • Incorrect watering of roses. Culture likes watering rare but plentiful. To maintain moisture, the bushes after watering are mulched.

Bush propagation

Rose Poetry propagates in several ways: layering, cuttings, dividing the bush, grafting.

Important! She is not bred with seeds, because her parental qualities may not be transmitted.

You can propagate a rose from spring to autumn. The sooner the procedure is started, the better it will take root before the onset of frost.

The most common way of propagating roses Poetry on the site - cuttings. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Cutting cuttings 10-15 cm long.
  2. The upper leaves are cut in half, the lower ones are completely cut.
  3. The lower sections are sprinkled with growth enhancer powder.
  4. Cuttings are placed in boxes with a loose substrate at an angle of 45 °.
  5. Water, mulch, cover the containers with film.

When the cuttings of roses take root, they are transplanted into separate pots, and the next year they are planted on the site.

Propagation by cuttings


Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Rose floribunda Poetry can be affected by powdery mildew, black leaf spot, root rot. To prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to remove foliage from the root circle, to prevent thickening of plantings, to water the bushes with warm, defended water abundantly, but rarely.

Of the pests, the rose can be affected by aphids, spider mites. To combat rose diseases, fungicides are used, with pests - insecticides.

Poetry is a very beautiful variety of roses. Her buds with pink terry petals are able to decorate any house adjoining territory. With proper care, the bushes bloom from spring to late autumn.


Watch the video: Bobbitt Prize Reading: Jorie Graham (October 2024).