Curly Indoor Plants and Hanging Vines


Curly houseplants are widely used to create floral arrangements to decorate a room. In addition, with their help, the space is divided into zones, they are able to purify the air. Description of plants will help determine the choice of indoor flower.

There is a wide variety of loaches, differing from each other in appearance, foliage, stems, which can be curly and straight. There are so many that you can call a loach for each letter of the alphabet.

Folk omens of curly flowers

The flowers of the loach home appear in signs. Therefore, people think whether or not to start a certain flower. For example, it is believed that wax ivy survives men from home, requiring attention only to themselves. Therefore, they are not recommended for young women.

Examples of climbing plants

It is believed that ivy attracts love and luck, especially believers carried leaves in their pockets, closer to their chest.

It was believed that curly house flowers possess magical properties, protect the home from evil spirits. But you need to keep the loach on the balcony. Otherwise, unclean power will be constantly present among the domestic inhabitants, poisoning their lives.

Note! Recommended to start a climbing plant for families prone to conflict. The flower absorbs negative emotions, contributing to reconciliation. It is believed that if a flower appears on the plant, love and trust reign in the family.

It is up to the grower to decide whether this is true or not. You can not blame all the failures only on the indoor inhabitants, as well as relying on them during times of trouble.

Flower loach indoor

Decorative foliage indoor plants

Loach is a houseplant with many species. Refers to ampel colors, requiring location at a height. In this regard, often there are problems associated with the care of indoor loach.


Curly indoor flowers are distinguished by their appearance and care. If the plant does not bloom, the focus is on foliage, of various shapes, colors. The stems of ampelous plants hang from pots raised above the floor, they are suitable for zoning space.

Plants on the balcony

Where to place

Household loach flowers need to be raised above the floor to allow leaves to grow down freely. There are pots and flowerpots that provide for hanging plants to the ceiling, wall. If you believe the signs, it is better to keep the loach at the entrance to the apartment, as a defender against ill-wishers. Almost all flowers are indifferent to sunlight.

There are two simple rules:

  1. If the leaves of the room representative of the flora have a pattern of light lines, sticks, you need to put it closer to the window;
  2. When green shades are present, it feels good in partial shade.

Indoor creepers

Indoor vines are relatives of tropical plants. In their natural habitat, they grow upward, seeking sunlight. Plants independently find support, clinging to adjacent branches with long, thin stems. At home, they create designs for them that flowers braid around, moving up.

Blooming creepers indoor

What house plants can not be kept at home

Liana plants are divided into capable of blooming and characterized by unique foliage.

Note! They can be grown not only over a large area, limited space will also allow you to start a decorative plant, the main thing is to create a support for it.

Blooming representatives of the species are popular, they are more moody, look spectacular with proper care.

Ampel begonia

Begonia is distinguished by asymmetric foliage and bright colors of various shades. Proper care will decorate not only the apartment, but also the gazebo, porch. Ampelic begonia belongs to the Vyunkov family, blooms luxuriantly, loves warmth. Winters at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees.

Rules will help create comfort for the bindweed:

  1. The flower is protected from direct sunlight;
  2. Create high humidity, avoid excessive watering;
  3. Leaves of a plant do not spray.

Ampel begonia

Diplomacy (Mandeville)

Despite the capriciousness of diplomacy, it is popular among gardeners. The plant has dense glossy leaves, flowers that resemble a funnel. They differ in color: they can be white, pink or raspberry.

In order for the plant to please with abundant flowering, it is necessary to create conditions as close to natural as possible:

  1. Provide access to sunlight;
  2. The temperature in the summer should be from 22 to 26 degrees, in winter not lower than 12;
  3. The room is often aired;
  4. Water 2-3 times a week, waiting for the top layer of the earth to dry. During the heat, moisten the soil daily;
  5. Maintain high humidity indoors.

Ipomoea room

Ipomoea has funnel-shaped flowers, the color of which is pink or purple. He loves bright, indirect light, lives in partial shade. The most comfortable temperature is 20 degrees Celsius. At values ​​below 15, it begins to fade. At the end of spring - in the summer they are watered more often, it is not necessary to wait for the complete drying of the soil.

Campanula (indoor bell)

Indoor bell has many species, differing in the shape of leaves and color of flowers. They are small and have various shades. There are white, blue, pink, purple, blue flowers.

Campanula (indoor bell)

When growing plants, direct bright light should be avoided, but the sun should always be available. In summer it lives at a temperature of 20 degrees. In winter, they provide him with coolness of about 10 degrees.

It is necessary to constantly moisten the air in the room and the soil, make sure that the water in the pot does not stagnate.

Hanging Indoor Liana Plants

Indoor vines are able to grow not only up, but also down, then they are called hanging or creeping.

Scindapsus (epipremnum)

Scindapsus is popular among gardeners, due to its unpretentious nature. It can live in partial shade, it comfortably exists without the sun. Feels good at any temperature, the main thing is to be above 15 degrees. It requires moderate watering in summer and rare in winter. He does not like drafts and temperature changes.


Syngonium is classified as a fast-growing plant, the leaf is compared in shape to the arrowhead. This perennial plant is unpretentious to light conditions and temperature conditions. A flower loves water and is afraid of drafts.


The main thing is that the liquid at the roots does not stagnate. In winter, it is not often watered; you can spray the leaves.


Tradescantia is a herbaceous plant whose small leaves can be green or have a motley color. Flowers consist of three petals, formed at the ends of branches, usually pink or white.

Care Rules:

  • Create partial shade or diffused light;
  • Water often, after drying the soil of the upper part of the pot;
  • Keep at a temperature of 25 degrees, make sure that it does not fall below 12 in winter;
  • Feed in the spring and summer every 2 weeks.

Hedera (ivy)

Common ivy is used for zoning rooms, creating hedges. Green leaves of various shades with light veins. The flowers do not attract attention and are small in size.


Hedera is a shade-tolerant plant that prefers cool. In winter, it withstands temperatures up to 6 degrees Celsius, its drafts do not scare. He loves moisture; in the cold season, watering is not needed when kept on the street or balcony.

Hoya (wax ivy)

Hoya leaves are dense and waxed. They have a different shape, depending on the type of plant. May be oval, heart-shaped or egg-shaped. Coloring is green with small bright spots. Has flowers with five petals, they grow like umbrellas.


Aeschinanthus is characterized by inverted bright red flowers. He loves light, with the exception of direct rays of the sun. It does not tolerate temperature extremes. In summer it lives at 23-25 ​​degrees, in the cold season - at 16-18.

Important! Wintering in cool is the main condition for flowering plants.

Weaving indoor liana plants

Weaving plants can join adjacent objects and other representatives of the flora, occupying the space around.

Ficus creeping (dwarf, ampelous)

Creeping ficus has long roots, which help it to weave cobwebs and spread among neighboring flowers. This is a home plant with small leaves, such as ivy, in the shape of a heart, on which a grid pattern is applied.

Ficus creeping

The plant prefers high humidity and is able to survive in slight frost.


Jasmine has thin stems that need backwater to grow further. White, yellow or pink flowers appear one at a time or gather in umbrellas. He likes high humidity and average room temperature of at least 12 degrees.

Important! In the cold season is at rest.

Climbing Philodendron

Philodendron has roots located in the air, which allows it to spread throughout the room. The stem gradually hardens, the leaves in the shape of a heart are velvety to the touch. He loves moist soil in a pot, diffused sunlight. Prefers spraying, winters in cool rooms.


Monstera is a plant with large, rugged leaves. It can grow to the ceiling, requiring a lot of space to accommodate. Aerial roots able to attach to a rough wall. The plant loves warmth and is undemanding to lighting. Monstera prefers plentiful watering with warm soft water. It is necessary to carefully care for the leaves, wiping them with a damp cloth.

Unpretentious climbing plants

Unpretentious indoor plants blooming all year round

Loach flower home is considered an unpretentious plant. Some of the representatives are indifferent to light, others to temperature.



Even novice growers can easily cope with some of them.

Cissus (indoor birch)

Cissus is a liana that has a different name, birch. Leaves can be intact or dissected. Grows up, clinging to the support with antennae. At home, blooms rarely and inconspicuously. Feels good at a temperature of 18 to 26 degrees, does not like drafts. The plant prefers diffused light and plentiful watering.

Hoya (wax ivy)

Hoya is unpretentious, prefers warmth. In summer it is comfortable at temperatures up to 30 degrees. In winter, it is important that the thermometer does not fall below 15. It does not like direct sunlight and requires moderate watering. In winter, moisten after the topsoil is completely dry.

Curly houseplants are popular among gardeners. Even novice housewives will cope with their cultivation, some plants do not require careful care and live comfortably at moderate temperatures. Flowering and deciduous ornamental plants adorn the room and are an important element of decor. Many of them are able to create fences, divide the room into parts. Which flower to choose depends on the conditions in the apartment and the experience in caring for indoor flora representatives.


Watch the video: Hanging Indoor Plants! 43 of the Best Plants to Hang in Your Home (October 2024).