DIY drainage for indoor plants


For a healthy appearance and elegant flowering, you need to take care of the plants. When planting flowers in pots, it is important to take care of the drainage layer so that the plants grow actively and are not susceptible to disease.

Why do we need drainage for indoor plants

Due to the presence of a drainage layer, indoor plants can develop much more actively. There are two types of drainage:

  • moderate;
  • fast.

Drainage system

When growing orchids and succulents, small pots with 5-6 holes can be preferred. A substrate mixed with river sand and crushed brick is poured into the container. Plants requiring wet soil should be planted in containers with 1-2 holes. In this case, a peat substrate is poured into the tank.

Decorative cultures, the root system of which is well developed, fill almost the entire volume of the container. In this case, you need a pot with a minimum number of holes. As a drainage system, pebbles sprinkled in the pallets of containers are perfect.

The presence of a drainage layer in pots allows you to:

  • refuse daily watering of plantings;
  • facilitate the transplant process;
  • prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil, acidification of the soil and rotting of the root system.

Other elements of the drainage system

In addition to bulk materials, the drainage system includes:

  • the presence of drainage holes on the pot;
  • additives-baking powder to the soil mixture, giving lightness and friability to the soil.

Using hydroponics involves replacing drainage with a substrate. At the same time, all pots should have drainage holes. It is desirable to select the dimensional characteristics and the number of holes individually for each decorative culture.

The presence of a plastic and polymer container makes it possible to independently adjust the number of drainage holes. When buying a ceramic or terracotta pot, it is important to initially evaluate the drainage ability, because adding holes will no longer work.

Reference! The minimum size for the drainage hole should exceed 0.5 cm. Too large holes should be covered with a small section of the net.

Which drainage is better for indoor flowers

Do-it-yourself automatic watering for indoor plants

The most popular drainage system materials are described below.

Crushed stone, pebbles and gravel

Using a small fraction of pebbles, gravel or gravel allows you to get an excellent drainage system for decorative crops. These materials are ideal for small pots in which plants are grown that do not feel the need for frequent transplants. The disadvantages of these materials include their large mass.

Drainage for ornamental crops

Vermiculite and Perlite

Perlite, along with vermiculite, has a number of positive properties, namely:

  • sterility;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to infection.

Due to the listed positive characteristics, vermiculite and perlite flower growers are often used to create a drainage layer. Due to the presence of materials in the soil, one can note the absence of signs of soil acidification and the growth of mold with fungus.

Note! The disadvantages of materials include their high cost. Perlite and vermiculite can be purchased in any department of a large flower shop.

Drainage materials

What other materials can be used in the process of creating a drainage system? How can I replace the drainage for flowers at home? This question often worries gardeners. The information below will help you choose the most suitable material to create a drainage layer.

Expanded clay

DIY drip irrigation for indoor plants

Lightweight porous building products are among the most popular drainage materials available at any supermarket. To create a drainage layer, it is recommended to use the middle fraction of the particles of foamed and calcined clay. The size of the middle fraction is in the range of 5-20 mm.

The main advantage of expanded clay is the ability to accumulate moisture and the possibility of its return as necessary. The presence of expanded clay in the soil allows you not to worry about maintaining an optimal water balance. In addition, experienced flower growers distinguish such advantages of material for drainage as:

  • low cost;
  • light weight;
  • long service life.

Note! Expanded clay is endowed with the ability to change the acid-base balance of the soil. A similar feature can adversely affect flower health.

Agronomists advise filling the soil surface with a small layer of expanded clay in order to eliminate the overheating of the earth and prevent excessive evaporation. It is important not to cover the surface of the earth with a large layer of expanded clay, so as not to disrupt air exchange and not cause mold.

Broken brick

The composition of red brick includes clay. That is why such a material will be an excellent analogue of expanded clay. Most often, finding a red brick in a private courtyard is not difficult. Florists often use it to create a drainage system for indoor plants.


Ceramic shards

Ceramic shards along with fragments of dishes are the most affordable material for creating a drainage system. The main advantages of broken dishes are:

  • small mass;
  • lack of ability to absorb and retain moisture.

Note! The disadvantage of this material is the presence of sharp corners. You can be injured while working with shards. It is best to complete the process by wearing tight gloves.

How to make drainage for indoor plants

Favorable days for transplanting houseplants

Once the grower has decided which drainage is best for indoor flowers, you can begin to prepare planting containers and laying the drainage layer.

Step-by-step styling process

Before starting work, all the tools that will be used in the process of laying the drainage for indoor plants with their own hands must be disinfected.

Then they act in the following sequence:

  1. The containers for planting flowers are wiped with a dry towel.
  2. In the case of using crushed stone or expanded clay, it is worth washing the material under running water, disinfecting and, laying a small layer on paper, dry it on the street.
  3. The dried material is distributed in a small layer into containers for planting. When choosing the thickness of the drainage layer, it is worth considering the type of plants that are planned to grow. With a large number of drainage holes at the bottom of the tank, you can limit 1-1.5 cm of the drainage layer. If only 1 hole is made on the pots, it is recommended to increase the thickness of the bedding to 3 cm.
  4. The draining material is evenly distributed in the container.
  5. When using fine drainage, 15 mm of soil is poured over the material. Drainage for indoor plants of a large fraction, involves adding a small amount of coarse sand.

At the end, soil is poured into the pots and seeds / seedlings are sown.

What can not be used as drainage?

Not every material can be used to create a drainage layer. It is unacceptable to use as drainage:

  • nutshell;
  • tree bark;
  • eggshell.

Organic materials contribute to the formation of mold in the pot. The material has a negative effect on the acid composition of the soil, which can provoke the development of various diseases.

Note! As a drainage system, it is not recommended to use sand, which provokes clogging of holes on the surface of the bottom of the pot and causes the root system to rot. In the case of using pebbles, it is recommended to wash off the grains of sand from it.

No less dangerous for plants is marble chips, which in the process of interaction with water contributes to a change in the acid composition and an increase in alkalinity in the soil.

Nut crumbs - not used in drainage system


Mistakes in the manufacture of drainage

Deprived of experience, flower growers often make mistakes when creating a drainage layer. The main errors that should be avoided during the installation of the drainage are described below:

  1. Ignoring the advice not to use river sand leads to clogging of the holes for the drain of liquid with grains of sand.
  2. The use of too large fractions of improvised material does not contribute to moisture retention. Fluid drains into pallets.
  3. The use of natural materials as drainage leads to rotting of the root system of plants.
  4. The well-being of green spaces may deteriorate if foam is used, which functions as a drain.

Stones for drainage of indoor plants

Instead of crushed stone and gravel, you can use it when laying the drainage layer with small sea and aquarium stones. Materials are able to fulfill the function of drainage and effectively decorate the surface of the soil in containers. The disadvantage of such materials will be high cost.

Proper care of indoor flowers will help to grow healthy plants, which every year will please lush flowering. Such flowers will decorate any interior and create comfort in the apartment.


Watch the video: Planting in Pots Without Drainage . West Coast Gardens (October 2024).