How to propagate an orchid at home: a peduncle and other options


The Internet is often asked whether orchid propagation is possible at home. The answer is simple - yes, maybe. The article contains everything about the propagation of orchids - life hacks of practitioners and expert advice, orchid alphabet for beginners.

How does an orchid breed?

A baby appeared on the orchid, I need another copy of my favorite orchid, I want to please my friend with a chic indoor flower - all these cases come down to one thing - there is a desire to find out if it is possible to get a new plant at home.

There are two ways to propagate orchids:

  • generative (by seed);
  • vegetative (green parts of the plant).

Temperamental beauties whose sophisticated sophistication is breathtaking

In the first case, the result may differ from the parent instance. In the second, during vegetative dilution, an exact copy of the plant is obtained.

Few people dare to start planting a plant without first collecting enough information about how an orchid propagates. After all, it is better to immediately use the appropriate methods than to test the next knowledge and conduct a test on your own colors.

When and how to propagate orchids

The main condition is the condition of the orchid. She must be old enough and guaranteed to be healthy. How to choose the time most suitable for the propagation of orchids at home, because winter is the period of relative dormancy of the plant, summer is the time of increased growth of vegetative organs? Remains the most acceptable time - spring.

The optimal period is considered after flowering, but not immediately, it is necessary to give the plant to gather strength. The compliance of plants directly depends on compliance with these conditions.

Note! The best period is considered when the moon is in the growth phase. This is a strong advice from experienced orchids.

Options for propagating an orchid at home

Today, a lot of people are not just keen on orchids, but real fans of these unique plants. The ranks of fans are constantly replenished, and information about the propagation of orchids at home is very popular and relevant. The basics of this interesting lesson are of course the same, but any nuances, personal observations and tips will certainly not be superfluous.

How to multiply an orchid by dividing

How to propagate aloe vera: examples by cuttings and in other ways

Adult phalaenopsis, having 6-8 full leaves, can be divided into two parts and get two plants. This is done with a sharp disinfected secateurs. The top of the plant with several leaves and aerial roots is neatly cut, the place of the cut is disinfected.

For your information! Hydrogen peroxide is excellent for disinfecting slices. It is enough to drip on the cut.

Delenka is planted in a new pot. On the bottom, the remaining part should be at least 2-3 leaves. A fresh slice is also dusted with charcoal.

A way to propagate orchids - division of an adult plant

After several months, new babies are obtained from the lateral kidneys. They are planted in soil, which includes:

  • small (not more than 1 cm) fractions of pine bark;
  • pieces of sphagnum moss (fresh or dried);
  • perlite or pieces of charcoal.

Cattleya and oncidium at home is easiest to propagate by dividing the bush into parts. Be sure to have 2-3 pseudobulbs on each of them. This operation is good for transplantation. If the delenki is weakened, one should more strictly monitor the humidity and temperature.


Cuttings are even for beginner archbishops.

The finished flowering peduncle at the base is separated from the mother plant. It is divided into parts 3-4 cm long. Cuttings are cut so that in the middle of each there is a sleeping kidney. Both sections on the handle are treated with charcoal (wood or activated) or hydrogen peroxide.

Note! Tools used for breeding work must be sterilized. This can be done with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

Prepared cuttings are placed in moist sphagnum, covered with a film or glass, forming a kind of mini-greenhouse. At a humidity of 60% and a temperature of 25-28 ° C, cuttings successfully germinate.

This is what a stalk looks like with a baby growing on it

If you place a peduncle with kidney treated with hormonal paste in a bottle and add a little water, put in heat, it is possible to get a whole greenhouse.

Small plants are planted in small pots.


It is not difficult to grow them at all, but patience is not only necessary: ​​you can just wait for the children to appear on the adult phalaenopsis, or you can stimulate their appearance.

That's what the kids look like

This operation is not complicated, and they do it with the help of cytokinin paste. She is lubricated by sleeping buds on a peduncle. A thin, but tight-fitting flake from the kidney should be carefully removed (using tweezers) and apply the paste. Then the treated area is covered with sphagnum with wet moss.

Right on the peduncle of a plastic bag make shelter for the baby - a mini-greenhouse. A bag is tied on both sides and put the plant in a warm place until the bud sprouts.

If the baby formed on its own on an uncircumized peduncle, they grow it until a pair of leaves and roots appear. Then, gently using a sharp secateurs cut. The place of separation is treated with charcoal or cinnamon and left to dry.

All four stages of kidney stimulation are clearly shown.

However, this method does not always help to get a new plant; often another flower stalk appears from an awakened bud. Interestingly, this seemingly bad luck never stops orchid lovers. With enviable persistence, they continue to work in this direction further and achieve the desired results.

Some species of dendrobiums breed by layering. An escape without leaves, but with a kidney, is packed in a cocoon - a greenhouse. Compliance with the temperature regime and the necessary humidity, plus patience in the end give a positive result - an awakened bud gives a new plant.

Baby Care Orchids

Care for young plants must be very meticulous. A rooted baby needs to be rooted. It is placed in a small greenhouse, where the necessary temperature and humidity are maintained.

Appearing roots, grown to a length of 5 cm - a signal that the baby can be planted in a pot as an independent plant. Soil is used in this case, ordinary, universal. But at first it is recommended to use growth stimulants or fertilizers. Then the plant will be strong and healthy.

Important! There is no way to organize the ventilation of a mini greenhouse? Then it’s easier to abandon it. High humidity without ventilation is a good environment for bacterial and fungal infections.

You can put the pots with the children in a high tray and install additional lighting. The temperature should be maintained at 24 ° C.

Watering such small orchids should be more often, this is due to the small size of the pot


To get an answer to the question whether it is possible to propagate orchid seeds, you need to familiarize yourself with the morphological characteristics of the plant. Orchid can bloom for several months. The fruit (dry box) in orchids consists of several cusps that open when dried.

And now about the main thing: orchid seeds are very small, they are more like dust. A seed box alone can contain more than 4 million seeds. In this regard, orchids are considered to be leaders among flowering plants in productivity. But, without infecting the seeds with mycorrhizal fungus, they do not germinate.

For your information! Orchids from seeds are grown in the industrial sector in specialized biological laboratories.

Under sterile conditions, the seeds are placed in test tubes with a nutrient medium. Germination occurs subject to the necessary humidity and temperature conditions. The process is time consuming and not fast. For an adult orchid, it sometimes takes up to 4 years. At home, the method is practically not feasible.

Aerial roots

Propagation by aerial roots is possible provided that they are present in addition to the roots and the stump. It happens, for some reason, the orchid drops its leaves, and there remains an unsightly stump that many throw away. Do not rush. You can try to use the rest as a planting material, to revive the orchid from the remaining roots. To do this, a stump with roots is planted in a pot with soil.

Note! The trunk should not be dry. If it is dry, then even green healthy roots will not be able to help in getting the baby.

The pot should match the size of the remaining roots. Do not forget about drainage, it can be created from expanded clay or large pieces of bark. The soil is filled up fresh, nothing needs to be invented, the usual universal one is suitable (for orchids).

Orchid: care and reproduction at home

How to water an orchid: in a pot and at home

The most common types of orchids are:

  • phalaenopsis;
  • dendrobiums;
  • Ocidiums
  • Cattleya.

The most unpretentious and most popular are the first. Maybe that's why novice orchidists pay more attention to them.

Translation of the name from Latin - "butterfly-like

Almost all orchids love the sunlight diffused, not bright. But some species, on the contrary, do not really need it and feel great even away from the window.

For your information! Orchids grow on every continent except Antarctica.

It should not be forgotten that with the need for fresh air, orchids still do not like drafts.

Watering and feeding

One sentence cannot tell you how to water orchids. In the beginning, you should know that a different type has its own characteristics in relation to moisture.

Important! Incorrect watering is one of the main mistakes that lead to the death of an orchid.

Phalaenopsis, for example, loves always a wet substrate. Some species of terrestrial orchids prefer to dry for several months.

The need for watering is determined by the following criteria:

  • the inner walls of the pot are dry;
  • the color of the roots visible through the walls of the pot brightens (it should be juicy green);
  • the weight of the pot becomes much lighter;
  • leaves lose turgor.

The main types of orchids in the summer are enough 2-3 waterings per week. In winter, watered no more than 2 times a month. Drinking orchids is recommended in the morning.

Watering is carried out around the perimeter of the pot, trying not to get on the base of the leaves. If it got there, you should either dry it carefully or make sure that the moisture evaporates. Stagnation of even a small amount of water in a leaf outlet leads to very rapid decay of the soft tissues of the orchid.

Important! Ideal water for irrigation - rain or melt. Do not collect water from roofs, in industrial areas or in cities.

The main rule when watering is not to overdo it: it is better not to top up than to overfill. The temperature of the water used must not be lower than 25 ° C and not higher than 35 ° C.

There is also watering by immersion in a container with prepared water. In it, the plant can withstand up to 30 minutes. Then remove and allow excess water to drain.

Does orchid need nutrition? Yes, it needs, like all plants that have been in the same substrate for a long time.

At this stage, initiative is not welcome. Orchids do not tolerate an excess of fertilizers. They should be bought in specialized stores, bred strictly in accordance with the instructions. Top dressing is carried out during watering. Concentration is better to reduce than specified by the manufacturer.

Important! Do not use fertilizers intended for other plants.

It’s important not to harm. Excess fertilizer lowers the immunity of orchids. In the summer, two top dressings are enough.

Humidity and temperature

Orchid - a tropical flower that requires high humidity. This is achieved by increasing the humidity in the room up to 60-70% with the help of household humidifiers.

At home, you can simply arrange small containers of water. Group planting works well, orchids are placed among other plants, the microclimate inside a kind of oasis has a beneficial effect on orchids.

Although, in fact, to raise the humidity of the air, there are many ways, it is important to find the most acceptable in any particular case.

Room temperature should not be lower than 22 ° C, not higher than 32 ° C.

Many orchids can be encouraged to bloom by adjusting humidity and temperature. In winter, it is lowered to 16 ° C. The higher the temperature, the higher the humidity should be.


The main factor for orchid bloom is lighting. The amount of daylight directly affects flowering. Its duration should be at least 12 hours. The necessary illumination is carried out by special lamps, which can be bought at a flower shop. They are economical and not expensive.



As mentioned above, an orchid loves diffused light. Direct sunlight, especially in the summer, causes burns on the leaves. With an excess of lighting, the leaves become stained and yellow. With a lack, on the contrary, they become dark. The eastern or western side is most suitable.

Providing appropriate care for the flowers, they receive healthy planting material, ready for transplants and further breeding. Propagation of orchids is a very exciting activity and a real opportunity, using the above tips in practice, to feel like the creator of a beautiful orchid garden. This small practical guide will help get rid of possible failures, and most importantly, avoid mistakes.
