Stefanotis - home care


Stefanotis is a decorative indoor flower with amazing snow-white flowers that resemble jasmine inflorescences. This flower can decorate any home, as well as fill the room with an amazing aroma.

Having decided to grow stefanotis at home, you should be patient and adhere to the rules for flower care.


Stefanotis loves the sun and a lot of light, but it is not worth placing a flower in direct sunlight, as they can cause burns on its leaves. In the summer, it is preferable to put it on the windowsill of the western or eastern window. If this is not possible, then the plant should be shaded from the active sun.

Stefanotis blooms with lush white inflorescences.


Stefanotis prefers the off-season temperature regime. The most suitable for the plant is the following air temperature:

  • April-September - 20-25 ° C;
  • September-November - up to 22 ° C;
  • November-April - no more than 14-16 ° ะก.

Important! Stefanotis should be protected from drafts and prevent air temperature drops.

Flowering creeper stefanotis

Watering and humidity

A diverse irrigation regimen, which corresponds to each season of the year, is important for the plant. How to care for the perennial Stefanotis flower in the offseason:

  • in the summer the plant is watered every day, but with a small amount of water;
  • in autumn and winter, the flower is watered once every 7 days;
  • in spring, perennials are watered every two days.

Note! For watering, it is worth using only soft, settled and warm water.

For rapid growth and proper development, it is important for stefanotis to provide high humidity all year round. In summer, flower leaves are sprayed twice a day (preferably in the morning and evening). In the dormant period (mid-November to late February), spraying is carried out once a day. Make it cooled to 50-60 ° C with boiled water.

Stefanotis flower with water droplets on the leaves

Trimming and shaping a bush

Stefanotis has the peculiarity of forming inflorescences on young stems, therefore pruning, which stimulates the growth of greenery, is very important for the plant. In addition, using this procedure, you can preserve the beautiful appearance of the plant and form the original forms of the perennial.

Perennial pruning is carried out every year in early spring. To begin with, all weak, bare and damaged shoots are removed from the plant, and the remaining stems are cut to 1/2 length. If desired, it is with the help of cut stems that you can further propagate the flower. The central stem is cut to 1/3.

Buds bloom on stefanotis creeper

Rest period

From the second decade of November to the end of February, stefanotis needs to provide a period of rest. To do this, it is important to follow these rules:

  • lower the room temperature to 14-16 ° C. Such indicators of the thermometer favorably affect the laying of future buds;
  • watering a flower during dormancy is rare, not more than once every 7 days;
  • Do not feed with fertilizers.

Top dressing

During the warm season, stefanotis is fertilized with complex preparations for flowering indoor plants. The frequency of feeding is once every 14 days. When buds begin to form on the flower (April-May), the soil is additionally enriched with fertilizers with a high phosphate content.

Plant transplant

Young plants are transplanted once a year.

Note! This must be done before the first ovaries of inflorescences appear (late February-early March). An adult flower should be transplanted every 2-3 years.

Transplant process step by step:

  1. A suitable pot is selected, a drainage layer is laid at the bottom and filled with nutritious soil (turf -1 part, deciduous humus - 2 parts and river sand - 3 parts).
  2. Transplantation of a flower is carried out by the method of transshipment with an old lump of earth. This is necessary so that young roots are not damaged.
  3. They add earth and water it with a stimulator of root formation.

Transplanting a young plant into a new pot

Important! It is impossible to transplant stefanotis during the period when it begins to bloom. This can lead to the fall of not only all colors, but also buds.

Propagation at home

Codium: home care and methods of reproduction

How to propagate stefanotis at home:

  • using seeds;
  • method of rooting shoots.

Propagation using cuttings

Wanting to grow a new stephanotis flower, reproduction is preferable to be carried out by rooting the shoots, as sowing seeds is considered an inefficient way. The rooting process takes a very long time, therefore, for the better formation of young roots, it is worth using phytohormones. Propagation of the stefanotis flower at home is possible with the help of young shoots, which are easy to obtain during pruning.

How to root cuttings

How to root stefanotis, step by step:

  1. Treat young cuttings with a root growth stimulator and place (at an angle) in a sand pot to a depth of not more than 1.5-2 cm.
  2. Cover plantings with glass and leave in a well-lit place.
  3. Carry out regular watering and maintain an air temperature of 25 ° C.
  4. After 15-20 days, the cuttings will take root, and young shoots will appear in the axils of the leaves.
  5. Young shoots must be transplanted into new pots, and the temperature lowered to 18 ° C.

By means of cuttings, the plant will easily reproduce and take root in a short time.

Thin roots sprouted young shoots of stefanotis

Stefanotis: leaves turn yellow, what to do

Indoor begonia - home care

Causes of yellowing leaves:

  • The plant lacks lighting. It is worth placing a flower pot on a well-lit windowsill, but without direct sunlight.
  • Watering hard, containing a large amount of lime, water. For irrigation of stefanotis, it is worth using only purified water.
  • High air temperature and low humidity in the room. In summer, during periods of extreme heat, it is very important to increase the humidity around the plant. This can be done using a sprayer or humidifier.
  • The flower is infected with the disease or pests have appeared. If the plant has been attacked by aphids or scale insects, it must be treated with acarin. From tick use tick-borne. When the leaves are affected by a powdery worm, it is worthwhile to treat with an organophosphorus insecticide. From mildew fungicides will help.

On the stephanotis flower, the leaves began to turn yellow.

Stefanotis flower: how to find new arrows

This plant is characterized in that its umbrella-shaped inflorescences grow directly from the axils of the leaves without an arrow. And such inflorescences, as a rule, grow in the amount of 8-11 pcs.

Lack of flowering

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The main value of stefanotis, as an ornamental plant, are snow-white flowers that adorn the vine. But it happens that there is no flowering, and this distresses the grower. The main reasons why stefanotis does not bloom:

  • depleted soil in the pot, due to non-compliance with the rules for fertilizing;
  • excess nitrogen in fertilizers;
  • during the wintering period of the plant, the indoor temperature was below 16 ° C;
  • the plant is deficient in lighting.

How to make stefanotis blossom

At home, flowering occurs in early summer and lasts about four months. Flowers appear only on adult plants that are 3-4 years old. Compliance with the basic rules of care contributes to annual and abundant flowering:

  • timely plant transplantation;
  • sequence of feeding;
  • preservation of the flower from temperature fluctuations and drafts;
  • ensuring proper wintering while maintaining the air temperature of no more than 16 ° C;
  • providing sufficient lighting. If it is not enough, use additional light sources.

Stefanotis is easy to grow at home.

Note! This flower will delight you with beautiful green leaves and snow-white flowers with a wonderful aroma, you just need to surround it with attention and care, as well as ensure proper care.
