Interesting Articles 2024

How to water violets - rules and features of watering

In order for violets to please cyclical flowering and bright flowers, you need to know how to properly water these delicate plants. It is important to maintain a balance: do not overfill, but also do not leave the plant without enough moisture. Watering violets is a troublesome business, but if everything is done correctly, the plant will always thank with bright colors its petals.

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The 6 easiest vegetables to grow

Beginners and experienced gardeners often wonder what culture to plant on their land. At the same time, plantings should be unpretentious, get along well with their neighbors and positively affect the state of the soil. Beetroot This plant belongs to the photophilous and undemanding to the state of the earth or leaving species.

For gambling mushroom pickers: 12 types of mushrooms that can be grown at home

Many people like mushrooms, but not everyone knows how and want to collect them. Especially buy in a store where there is no guarantee of quality and freshness. You can get year-round access to these wonderful forest gifts by growing them at home. Many types of mushrooms are easy to cultivate. Oyster mushrooms To start the production of these mushrooms at home, you will need a small room (garage, cellar or greenhouse), a little equipment, mycelium and substrate.

Milky-flowered peony (Paeonia Lactiflora) - cultivation features

Peony is one of the most popular flowers that are grown in the garden. A separate interesting category is milk-flowered peony. Milky-flowered peony (Paeonia Lactiflora) - what kind of peonies this is, the history of creation Before buying seeds, you need to study all the characteristics of the plant. The maximum height of the plant is 1 meter.

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Ficus Tineke - growing and caring for a flower

Among domestic plants, ficus is especially popular. Signs indicate that the flower brings peace and prosperity to the house. Such a plant is planted mainly for decorative properties. In addition, the ficus is easy to propagate, and even a beginner can take care of it. What does the flower look like, to which family does the Ficus of this species belong to the Rubber-bearing family, it can grow quite high.

How to feed gladioli in spring and summer

Decoration of a summer cottage - gladiolus. To please the flowering, beautiful, but whimsical crops require care. How to feed gladioli for active growth and flowering? What to include in the flower menu? These questions are bothering many summer residents. Description of gladioli Legends circulate about the flower. According to legend, the flowers grew from the swords of captured Thracian warriors, whom the Romans turned into gladiators.

Royal geranium - home care for beginners

Royal geranium is the fruit of the painstaking work of many breeders. It differs from other similar varieties by its delicate delicate aroma and large size of flowers, which form a hat over green leaves. She is also known as Grandiflora. Such a plant looks simply gorgeous, each grower wants to have such a luxurious beauty.

Goryanka - an amazing flower of elves

Goryanka is a herbaceous perennial from the Barberry family. It is also known as the epimedium or elven flower. The plant lives in the foothills and forest glades of the Caucasus, Turkey, the Alps and East Asia. A groundcover with beautiful foliage is quite popular in Western Europe, but in Russian gardens it is still a rare guest.

Bessey - microcherry with macro virtues

A guest from the American prairies, a lovely Thumbelina, a prima donna of Siberia - it's all about a cherry called Bessey. A little-known, but widespread tree is a micro cherry and has many advantages. History and description of Bessey cherry The sandy (steppe) Bessey cherry belongs to the genus of microcherry.

Moniliosis (rotting apples on a tree)

The culprit of rotting apples is a fungal disease, moniliosis, affecting the fruits of fruit trees. The fight against this problem is complex and painstaking. But carrying out special preventive and therapeutic measures can help and will help to save the harvest. The nature of moniliosis The process of the spread of moniliosis occurs with fungal spores, which are quite frost-resistant and survive in the winter.

Violet garden perennial in the open ground

Perennial decorative flowering plant - violet - a favorite flower of millions of gardeners around the world. The endless variety of colors and ease of care are its most important advantages. What the violet garden looks like The genus of violets (Víola) has more than 500 species. It happens perennial and annual. Single bisexual flowers, each with 5 stamens, petals and sepals, grow on long, single shoots.

Diseases and pests of redcurrant: treatment and prevention

On the garden plot, currant bushes from the moment of bud opening to maturation of lacquer-red clusters are threatened by host of pests and pathogens. Sometimes you think about what efforts it is worth to grow a healthy crop without losses. You have to choose: either consistently and stubbornly fight insect pests and pathogens, or immediately buy seedlings of varieties resistant to diseases.

Terry begonia flower at home

Among the variety of indoor plants, terry begonia stands apart. It has attracted the attention of man for several centuries. A variety of combinations of flowers and foliage are very attractive. Terry varieties deserve special attention. Description of the flower The genus Vegonia unites almost 1600 species; 125 species and various varieties of hybrids and varieties are used in indoor and landscape floriculture.

Ohidea in nature in the natural environment: where and how to grow

Unusually beautiful and refined, graceful and even airy - all this is about orchids, which are very popular in home gardening. But not many people know how orchids grow in nature when they appeared in Europe and how they came to the territory of Russia. How an orchid grows in nature For residents of a metropolis, orchids are most often presented on store shelves, window sills, or at exhibitions.

When to transplant a primrose - in the spring, in the summer or in the fall

Primrose is a bright ornamental plant, which is distinguished by an unusual appearance and a wide variety of shades. Primrose is characterized by ease of care. Moreover, in a short period of time, it can grow quite strongly. As a result, rosettes begin to oppress each other, which negatively affects the flowering and decorative properties of the bush.

Howea: care and maintenance

Howea is a palm tree native to Australia. Belongs to the areca family. In the wild, reaches 15 meters in height, blooms in late autumn or early winter. The growth process of the plant is quite slow. In a year, no more than two new leaves appear. Development occurs by increasing the height of the trunk. For splendor and beauty, you can plant several shoots in one pot.