Interesting Articles 2024

Care for cabbage in summer and autumn

In ancient times, cabbage was called the “queen of the garden”. I suspect that due to the constant care of this crop. As the saying goes: "do not drown, do not rush." It is not easy to achieve a noble harvest. Hopefully a few practical tips will help novice gardeners. Watering Somewhere I read that cabbage leaves evaporate up to 7 liters of water per day, more than 300 per season.

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How to transplant azalea - options at home

Azalea belongs to the Vereskov family, is a prominent representative of the genus Rhododendrons. The room representative is endowed with a huge number of bright inflorescences. The view is undemanding to the conditions of maintenance and care. Their apparent non-compliance can lead not only to falling leaves and inflorescences, but also to the death of the plant.

We plant a children's treat in the country - sugar peas

Vegetable peas belong to the category of plants that do not require much labor when grown in a summer cottage. In order for it to grow on time and give a full-fledged harvest of a delicious treat, which children especially love, you must not only choose the right variety, but also plant the seeds in the garden as early as possible, as soon as the spring garden work begins.

Rosa Frederic Mistral - flower characteristics

Variety Frederick Mistral bred in the 90s. last century in England. Breeders sought to combine the beauty of the bud with a delicate color and disease resistance, which they managed to implement. Main characteristics The plant of this variety is tall, the average height is from 90 to 150 cm. The upright thick branches decay as they grow older, creating a voluminous shrub.

Myrtle tree at home

Myrtle tree - belongs to the Myrtle family of plants. Originally from the Mediterranean, but found in some northern African countries with a subtropical climate. There are about 10 different species, as well as several varieties created artificially. Description In a natural environment, myrtle can grow up to three meters, but an indoor plant will be no more than 60 cm.

Fig - care and cultivation in the open field, pruning

In addition to ordinary fruit trees, many gardeners turn their attention to exotic species and varieties. For example, today many are trying to grow figs in their garden. This process is quite complicated, it is important to choose the right varieties and get acquainted with all the features of care. So, the topic of today's article is figs, care and cultivation in the open field, pruning, planting technology and a few small tricks from those who already successfully grow this wine berry.

Orchid - home care after flowering

The royal flower orchid will decorate any interior with its presence. The refined beauty of these flowers gives others only positive emotions. The duration of flowering in different varieties of orchids has its own timing. With proper care after a short pause, the indoor beauty will delight the owners with elegant and bright flowering for more than a year.

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Dicenter: photos, varieties and types, planting and care

Dicenter is a herbaceous plant belonging to the poppy family. Habitat - eastern regions of Asia, northern regions of America. Features dicentres A shrub plant that has a fleshy root system. The stem height is from 30 cm to 1 m. Purple shoots are present on the ground. Foliage of feathery-dissected shape, light green with a bluish tint.

5 useful tips to help beautifully arrange a small cottage

In the country, a person leaves the city bustle to enjoy the silence in nature. And, of course, I want the site to be well-groomed and cozy, because after work on the beds it is so nice to rest and enjoy the beauty around. Making a small territory so that it becomes a real paradise for the whole family is not so difficult.

Garden Red Blood Geranium

This flower is widely known since the beginning of the 16th century. Since that time, blood-red geranium has become a popular garden and indoor plant. Today this flower is cultivated as a mandatory attribute of homestead decoration - it is easy to care for and unpretentious to the living conditions of most climatic zones.

When to prune apple trees: the right dates for different seasons

To obtain high yields of apples for the tree, proper care is necessary. One of the main agricultural techniques, which allows you to change the appearance of the apple tree and the quality of the fruit, is pruning. To complete the procedure, it is important to know in what time frame to carry it out. When to prune an apple tree Actions aimed at pruning an apple tree must be performed while the tree is in a sleeping state, i.e.

Phlox: planting and care in the open ground

There are many legends about phloxes. In them, flowers awaken passions, make you love and hate, feel keenly and richly. They say that they will certainly bring happiness if grown with their own hands. And traditional healers advise drinking a decoction from the petals of white phloxes, so as to always be collected and calm.

How to glaze a terrace: features of installation work

If we proceed from the very concept of "terrace", which means an outdoor recreation area, standing on the foundation or on the roof of the lower floor in multi-tiered cottages, then such a building does not have walls at all. It was originally conceived as a paved area where you can place sun loungers, light furniture and relax in the sun.

Lavson's cypress - home care, photo and description

Lavson's cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) is a coniferous plant from the Cypress family. In the natural environment, an evergreen tree is found in East Asia. The homeland of the cypress is North America, where a perennial tree reaches 75 m. The plant has short scaly leaves (needles). The trunk covers the bark of the color of hard-brewed tea.

Eustoma - the gentle daughter of the prairies in your garden or on the window

Species: gentian Flowering period: July, August, September Height: 0.15-1 m Color: white, purple, pink, yellow, green, Biennial Eustoma (lisianthus) again aggressively attracts a lot of fans. Combining the tenderness of rose flowers, the power of lush leaves and a slightly capricious character, it is used to decorate events and make elegant bouquets.

Pelargonium Denise - A Popular Variety

The beauty of this flower is simply mesmerizing. Looking at him, it seems that Denise Pelargonium is getting ready for the wedding ceremony. This impression is created due to the bizarre shape of flowers, similar to a neat bouquet of roses of the bride. Naturally, with such data, this flower occupies a special place in the collection of indoor plants.

Meadowsweet - useful and beautiful grass

Meadowsweet is a perennial ornamental grass or shrub from the Pink family. It lives on the forest edges and glades of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Often the meadowsweet is called "meadowsweet" or "spirea". The plant is used as decoration in the garden. From the beginning of summer until autumn, it will delight you with hats of lush lace inflorescences.

Daffodil flower: yellow, white, pink, tubular species

Spring is a great time of the year. For many, it begins with fragrant daffodils. Characteristics of the plant Narcissus is a perennial plant, bulbous. Has basal leaves of a linear form. The flowers are quite large, white or yellow, mostly solitary, but are found in the hands.

Blackberry Brzezina - a new promising variety from Polish agromasters

In total, there are more than 400 blackberry cultivars in the world, but not every one of them produces large, juicy and sweet berries. To choose a suitable variety, gardeners have to carefully study thematic publications and catalogs. In recent years, many new Polish breeding products have appeared on the agricultural market.